Chapter 1 - Kids !

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Once upon a time in the city of Dwarka was born the child of the savysachi , gadhivdari , his jyesht matas kajal , his mamashrees shishya , subhadras nandan !!! Our very own ABHIMAYU ! Everyone's happiness knew no bounds . But Subhadra was having 2 emotions she was happy to be a mother but sad that her husband wasn't  there to see his son . 

After a an  year in Matsya Desh a beautiful daughter was born to Queen Sudeshna and Maharaj Virat . Her name was Uttara her brother Uttar was jumping up and down like a monkey and started making faces to make her laugh . There was happiness everywhere .  

Abhimayu was 1 now and had just started to speak his first word was MAMASHREE  joy was on his Mamashree krishnas face while Subhadra was jealous of her own brother but her bhrata Balram was laghing at her then abhi said MATA ! Subhadra was so happy she took him in her arms and gve him a kiss . 

Thats All for now 

Thanks for reading this is my first book . Hope you liked it ! Dont forget to vote . I will try and give updates everyday . 

Yours Sakhi . 

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