Chapter 1⚠

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It all started when his friends dragged him out to a club on a Friday night.

“C’mon Beomgyu hyung…” Hueningkai had whined, clutching onto his arm. “You are always working so hard.” He complained.

That was true, Beomgyu never had time for himself, always engrossing himself in his work. Beomgyu worked as a secretary for a boss who was always demanding way too much from him. He had to deal with a numerous phone calls, plan the everyday schedule for his boss and even make sure the other workers are doing their job. This was not a job Beomgyu wanted, however he decided to stick with it for the salary, which was not great, but it was not bad either. Beomgyu’s passion lied in music, he was always writing down lyrics, or composing songs when he had some free time. However, he never had the courage to release his work, his music just lying in his laptop. Needless to say, Beomgyu did not have time to have night outs.

“Yeah Beom,” Yeonjun agreed, nodding his head vigorously. “You need to get some fresh air.”

“Besides, how long had it been since you got laid?” Soobin added to the conversation. “Be careful, you might get your virginity back.” He chuckled annoyingly.

Hueningkai, Soobin and Yeonjun had been his friends since they were children, playing in the same playground together. They all had different personalities but somehow, they managed to become the best of friends through the years, and even ended up going to the same schools and universities.

They were all crowded on his bed in his small flat and have been trying to force him to have a fun night out.

Beomgyu preferred to stay within the confines of his room, however looking at the eager eyes of his friends, he could not find it in himself to say no.

“Argh…Fine.” Beomgyu agreed, not completely liking the idea.

However, the look of excitement on his friends’ faces were enough to set a smile on his own.

Yeonjun started fussing over him, putting some makeup and eyeliner on him (“We have to enhance your beautiful features, Beomgyu.”)

Hueningkai rummaged through his wardrobe, looking for something that looked club worthy to wear, looking up at Beomgyu dissatisfied, after a while.

“Beomgyu hyung, do you own only pastel colored clothes?”

Soobin just sat on the bed, throwing a pillow at them, creating chaos and snickering at them all.

After almost an hour, Yeonjun and Hueningkai were done, trying to make Beomgyu presentable and Beomgyu thought they did a good job on him as he looked at himself in the mirror.

He was a wearing the only black shirt he owned, coupled with tight leather pants that flaunted his thighs and ass. His dark hair was styled and the makeup did highlight his features.

“Damn you look delicious.” Soobin approved as he looked him up and down, with a smirk.

Beomgyu was never good with the compliments, his ears turning pink as he told Soobin to shut up before grabbing his leather jacket and keys.

Once they entered the club, Beomgyu was already regretting allowing his friends to drag him here. The loud music was already making his head throb and he wanted to leave. The club is dark, with coloured lights illuminating the dance floor that was already crowded with people dancing. They headed towards the bar that was on the other end of the dance floor.

They were down three drinks when Yeonjun, already feeling the alcohol hit his system, wanted to dance. Dragging Soobin along with him, he soon left to go to the dance floor. After reassuring Hueningkai that he would be okay by the bar alone, Hueningkai took his leave, melting into the crowd and dancing with the people around him.

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