Chapter 22

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The following day brought in more thoughts, about both Taehyun and V, and Beomgyu was so conflicted, a raging battle continuously taking place in his mind. He knew one thing for sure, he didn't want to hurt them, he couldn't lose them both and he sighed as he realised that might be selfish of him. Beomgyu ran into V the next day at work during lunch and apologised to him quietly. V seemed to be deep in thoughts at first, but then he smiled back at him.

"I shouldn't have left you out there alone. I am sorry." V sighed, looking apologetic.

Beomgyu laughed softly, "I am sorry for getting mad at you hyung..."

"If you want, I can drop you home tonight?" V asked gingerly.

Beomgyu nodded, liking the idea of that.

They were now parked outside his apartment, and before Beomgyu could stop himself, he looked into the man's eyes and asked him if he wanted to come up for some tea.

They didn't have tea, as V pulled Beomgyu close to him as soon as they were inside and had removed their shoes, kissing him hard, nibbling on his lips until he was granted permission to taste him. V was way too tall, and Beomgyu had to step up on his toes to kiss him back, his hands around the taller man's neck, holding him close to him. It was hot and different compared to when the man had kissed him softly outside the café. Beomgyu couldn't help but note that it was different from Taehyun's kisses too, and he waited for the butterflies to make an appearance in his stomach. The butterflies that somehow were always present whenever Taehyun was close by. V broke away from the kiss, looking into his soul with lust filled eyes and Beomgyu walked backwards, guiding them to his bedroom. As V continued kissing him, pressing him onto the bed, his hand slipping under Beomgyu's shirt, grazing over his smooth tummy, Beomgyu slowly realised that even though he genuinely liked V, he never felt the same intense emotions he had felt with Taehyun. Being happy with someone was different and being in love with someone was different.

It was difficult to figure out why Beomgyu just couldn't love V, who was a great man, dependable and sweet and a person who might do anything for him. His relationship with Taehyun on the other hand, was a roller coaster ride, but he enjoyed it. Every touch, every word, and every breath sparked something in him, bringing out his deepest emotions. Yes, they had fought multiple times, Taehyun had hurt him deeply but now he knew the younger man's story, he knew that Taehyun wasn't faking his emotions for him and that made everything more complicated than it already was.

With V, it was always more friendly, more subtle, and he really liked the man whilst with Taehyun, Beomgyu caught intense feelings quickly within weeks. Maybe he was attracted to Taehyun because he wanted to figure the man out, wanted to fix him. He loved Taehyun with a passion that was fire burning red, a fire he thought had died down, but he was wrong. With this knowledge, he knew he wasn't being fair to V, this man here, deserved someone better, someone who hadn't foolishly given their heart to someone else.

Beomgyu gasped out loud as he pulled away from V, bringing his knees close to his chest and rocking on the bed, trying to not burst down into tears as he suddenly felt overwhelmed.

"It is not fair." Beomgyu mumbled to himself, rocking back and forth.

"Beomgyu...are you okay?" V asked gently, moving closer to the man to comfort him. "Am I going too fast? It is okay, I could leave now."

Beomgyu felt the tears betray him at that. It really was not fair that V was this understanding, this sweet, and yet he could only think about Taehyun.

"No...I am sorry Taehyung hyung, but I am not being fair to you." Beomgyu finally said, his breath coming out in a sob. "I really like you, I do, but I can't do this. It is not fair for you."

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