Chapter 25⚠

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When Beomgyu first moved in with the younger man, the first few days were all fun and games, with Taehyun not being able to keep his hands away from the older man, and Beomgyu enjoying this new change of waking up every day in Taehyun's arms. After a few weeks passed by, they started having some difficulties and ended up fighting multiple times due to their different mindsets and perspectives.

"Why are you bringing all your clothes? You could just wear mine."

"Taehyun, because every time I end up wearing your clothes you become horny and make me late for work!"

They were always at loggerheads when it came to arranging certain things around the house. Most of the days were spent with Beomgyu sulking in a corner because Taehyun would tell him that that he wouldn't want to change a certain part of the house but it always ended with the younger man caving in and allowing Beomgyu to do whatever he wanted. Taehyun knew he was truly whipped for the older man and there was nothing he could do about it.

This fact had even been confirmed by his friends at several occasions.

"You are so fucking whipped." Sunoo muttered once when they were all out at the park, having just bought smoothies from a nearby shop. Beomgyu had been so excited to drink his strawberry smoothie, his eyes sparkling up with happiness and Taehyun did not realise that he had been watching him with the biggest smile on his face. Well, until Sunoo so rudely pointed it out.

"Shut up Sunoo." Taehyun grumbled as he turned his gaze elsewhere, knowing that Sunoo was not lying, not even a little bit. Taehyun was head over heels and truly whipped for the older man.

Nonetheless, they were slowly able to overcome the indifferences between them and settle down together. Taehyun felt reassured with the fact that whenever he went home late, Beomgyu would always be there, waiting for him. He enjoyed how Beomgyu would pull him by the tie as soon as he set foot in the house, kissing him hard and impatient, indirectly saying that he missed him.

Taehyun loved dropping Beomgyu at his workplace and enjoyed the way the older man would cutely turn back once in a while to smile and wave at him as he paced away up the stairs.

But what Taehyun loved the most was sleeping with Beomgyu wrapped tightly in his embrace. Taehyun loved brushing aside his boyfriend's hair every night, loved basking in his feather like exhales and sighing in happiness. Loved how Beomgyu's bright eyes reminded him of the way the ocean shimmered under the moonlight, loved how Beomgyu always smelled like home, how Beomgyu showed him what home actually meant.

Taehyun still feared that one day he might end up breaking the other man again, that maybe he was not worthy to hold his hand but Beomgyu always made him feel like he was more than worthy. Taehyun was used to waking up to coldness and untouched linens but now, he found himself opening his eyes to see a peaceful face, sunlight shining on his features, making him look more ethereal than he already was. Taehyun would find himself staring at the man, memorising every detail and hoping that it was not a dream. He would watch dreamily as Beomgyu would flutter open his eyes, his lashes long and curled prettily, melting into a beautiful smile once his eyes landed on him, and Taehyun would find his heart racing rapidly, leaving him breathless.

This was what he wanted, he needed and Taehyun would indeed agree once again that he was the luckiest man in the world.

Beomgyu got to meet Taehyun's father eventually, and the father did not look like he completely approved of Taehyun's choices, but he was trying to and that still meant a lot. It was awkward at first, when they had met for dinner and Taehyun had introduced them to each other. It was silent for the first half, Beomgyu not knowing how to talk to the parent of someone who had been fucking him for a long time before they became boyfriends. He never dated anyone let alone move in with them or meet their parents. However, Taehyun's father started talking and initiating conversations after a while, and Beomgyu felt himself loosen up, even cracking a few jokes here and there and resulting in making the older man laugh.

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