Chapter 10⚠

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After the day in the rain, Beomgyu's mind was filled with nothing but thoughts, about his feelings for the other man. He knew he would be stupid to ignore his heart right now, but he also knew he was going to end up spoiling everything. Even though Taehyun was definitely more comfortable with him now, he knew he would scare him away just with the mere mention of relationships.

As Taehyun dropped him home, he went up, taking a hot shower and changing into warm clothes before taking out his laptop, typing down the words, getting a sudden spur of inspiration for a song.

Before he knew it, he stayed up the whole night, composing. Beomgyu was not someone who was often proud of his work, but when he listened to the end result, he felt a burst of pride surge through him. This could be his best work yet.

The two of them started meeting up with each other more often, sometimes alone and sometimes with the group. The outings were starting to be more casual and about spending time with each other rather than just having sex and it was a change that Beomgyu welcomed. He found himself staying up nights just to text Taehyun, about the most random things from musicals to TV shows and books.

One night, they were lying on the bed, they had tried to watch a movie on the laptop, which ended up with Beomgyu sucking Taehyun off and completely ignoring the movie. Beomgyu could sense Taehyun was going to leave soon, so he decided to start a conversation, to elongate the time he could spend with the younger man.

"So, tell me something about yourself." Beomgyu asked, as he traced circles on Taehyun's lean abdomen.

Taehyun seemed startled by the initiation of conversation and looked at the older man, raising his eyebrow. "What do you want to know?"

"Let's ask each other questions, any random questions." Beomgyu said, raising an eyebrow up, "I will start."

"What is your favourite colour?"

"Red..." Taehyun said, "What about yours?"

"Pastel colors." Beomgyu answered immediately without any hesitation.

"Figured..." Taehyun chuckled, "What is something you would really like to get as a gift?" He then asked.

"Hmmm..." Beomgyu hummed trailing off, "That is kind of difficult, I prefer gifts that have a meaning, a story behind them. Something that would mean a lot." He said honestly.

"Do you have any ideal gifts in mind?"

"Well... I prefer gifts that are homemade, mainly because I can buy anything I want with money, but when a gift is self-made, I appreciate the efforts behind it." Taehyun answered.

"That is so...cute." Beomgyu chuckled, "What is your ideal date place?" He asked.

"I don't really have one, but I love long drives, you just drive and talk and maybe stop somewhere nice to eat..." Taehyun answered, "What about you?"

"I really wanted to go to the beach, you know those that have rocks with waves crashing against it. Those kinds of places would always be my favourite, just sitting there, talking through the day, watching the sunset...maybe staying till the night to look at the stars." Beomgyu sighed dreamily, trailing off.

" are a poet." Taehyun said in awe as Beomgyu snickered.

"So...would you ever tell your father that you feel invalidated by him?" Beomgyu asked seriously.

"Well... Would you ever release the songs lying on your laptop and let go of your fear of failure?" Taehyun questioned him back.

"I don't have a fear of failure." Beomgyu grumbled slowly, turning away from the younger man because it was actually true. One of the reasons why Beomgyu let his passion lie in the dust was because he would never be good enough. Why try if you only end up failing?

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