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You sat under a bridge having escaped from the orphanage just for a few hours. Your stomach growled in hunger you hadn't eaten today as punishment from when you last left without permission or an older escort.

Your 5-year-old mind didn't understand what was so dangerous about the world, ever since you began leaving you loved the sights, you enjoyed seeing the city lights and tall buildings.

You sat under the bridge around the time the sun began to go down, watching the stars appear, they twinkled in the moonlight the feeling of being alone made you feel at peace. 

You heard sniffling, you didn't know, who it was, but being unaware of the dangers of the night you followed the sniffles, getting closer to the dark figure hidden under the shadows of night.

His blue hair was dusty, clothes covered in dirt and grime, he was shivering, face buried in his hands, the soil was noticeable under his toes and his hands were almost dry.

You thought nothing of it, approaching him with a kind smile on your face, you couldn't leave him on his own, you knew that would be mean.

"Why are you crying?" Your high pitched voice rang through the empty arch, he lifted his head, scurrying back from you in an attempt not to injure you.

You just kept up with his scurrying, following him until he was just going in circles, you began laughing when you noticed this, picking up the pace and running in a circle.

He got scared, standing up to begin running away from you, beginning to cry even more, he thought maybe you were going to hurt him. 

"Why are you chasing me?" He cried.

"Aren't we playing a game?" You stopped running, plopping on the floor and groaning from the impact on your bum.

"No. You were trying to hurt me!" He exclaimed getting closer to you.

You shook your head and argued your side talking about how you were just trying to play, and he argued back his side, this went on for 5 minutes till neither of you were talking to each other.

Both of you had backs facing each other refusing to look or talk to each other, Shigarki began to claw at his eyes. At first, when you heard the noise you ignore it, but when you kept hearing the scratching you stood up and turned to him.

"Can you be quiet I'm trying to be angry!" You yelled but went quiet when you saw hard he was clawing his eyes out, it scared you, yes you had seen the scars beforehand but seeing blood come down his face from how hard he was scratching scared you.

"Hey don't do that, your gonna hurt yourself." You slapped his arm, breaking him out of some sort of trance, he looked at you and began crying.

You reached over to hug him, "Don't touch me, my quirk will hurt you." He defended another imaginary wall appearing before you as he shielded himself from you.

"Nonsense no one can die until they're old everyone knows that."

(My brother who's 4- thinks that he is the only person in the world who can't die it's funny but can be scary with the shit he tries to do.)

"No, people can die anytime." This resulted in another argument between the two of you, although this one was quickly resolved due to you being tired of talking.

"My name is Y/n L/n it was rude of me not to say it before." You said pulling your hand out to shake his hand, laughing after remembering his quirk.

"Umm T-tenko." Could he trust you, you were a child after all, "Shimura."

"Tenko that's a weird name I haven't heard it before." You thought, never in all your years of living have you heard the name Tenko.

"Why don't I call you Tenny, Tenk, Ten, no, no no, I know Mura like your last name I like that Mura." You decided. "What about me what are you gonna call me now we're friends."

Tenko didn't even know what to say, he didn't even know who you were and now you were friends just like that, where did you come from? You're just a random person who happened to find him.

"I don't even know who you are, how can we be friends?" He asked, obvious surprise on his face as he scratched his neck.

"Well obviously we're the same age and we met by coincidence, of course, we have to be friends we can get to know each other on the way." You said in a matter a fact way.

"Erm........ n/n"

"I love it." You blew a kiss his way.

"Anyways it's getting late we must get to our homes, see ya tomorrow same place in the morning."

You waved bye to him then made your way back to the top of the bridge, so you could make your way back home. Tenko waved back with a shy smile on his face

"A friend, my friend."

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