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The two of you had met up at the devised time just as the sun came up the two of you met up, you were unable to sleep due to the fact you had made such a weird companion the night before.

Luckily you hadn't gotten caught by the matron only one of the older children, who was already fed up with your behaviour so let you off with just a warning.

You shivered, you were wearing a jacket but you still felt cold, you wondered how bad it was for the boy wearing a shirt and trousers, it was summer but a little chilly.

"Tenko, what's your quirk?" You asked, the both of you had left under the bridge to head on to town.

"I don't know, when I touch things they break apart." He questioned tapping his finger on his chin, everyone ignored the two children walking around without supervision, some even freaked out when seeing Tomura's appearance.

"Oh, that's kinda scary let's get you some gloves." You offered walking around until you found a shop that some of the older kids would take you to sometimes.

Tenko just followed you, he felt like he didn't have a choice when it came to you and either way what would he do for the rest of the day, whenever he asked for help he was ignored.

"What's your quirk?" He asked, following you through the isles hands stiffly by his side as to not cause the building to collapse.

"Oh, I'm not sure yet but I hope it's good maybe it'll be something cool, maybe if it's healing I can make all your scars disappear, or what if it's super strength, or I get flight or start to float, or I can control the wind, I can't wait of my days...."

Tenko ignored you and carried on walking through the isles looking for gloves.

Once he found a pair he liked, you were still talking about quirk possibilities. He was hesitant to pick up the gloves and he only just began to think of how you were gonna pay for them.

You noticed this slipping the gloves onto his fingers for him, you saw the panic on his face but it quickly turned to relief when nothing happened.

You held his hand just to prove the fact that everything was ok. He went to the till, you looked at him confused, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the store.

"Wait, wait we just stole these gloves!" He sputtered, about to turn around and walk back into the store.

"Steal? We can't steal only adults can do that. They have to let us have it we're children, well I'm a big girl but not an adult."

"When do you become an adult?"

"When you're 7 of course." She answered back.

( I keep asking my brother for this stuff bruh, I had to hold in my laugh when he said you become an adult at 7.)

His mouth formed an oh shape did that make his sister an adult as well. He walked with you through crowds of people, scared of losing you despite the tight grip you had on his hand.

You both went to the cinema, people still ignored you even as you walked through and sat in one of the theatres. you sat at the front, there were only 5 groups there all teenagers, sat down to watch some Matrix movie.

5 minutes in you spoke up about the fact you were bored, how could someone want to sit through something so boring it was obviously for old people, these teenagers must have walked in by accident and were scared to leave in case they got into trouble.

"Hey let's leave this is boring." You rolled your eyes, elongating the 'ing'. He nodded his head in agreement the two of you sliding off the chairs and running out of the theatre.

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