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Your students were having fun with night activities, the ones that had failed exams were protesting as Shoto Aizawa dragged them to their redimeal classes. You had decided to stay with the pussycats mumbling to yourselves that you'd play the same game when the students go to bed.

You laughed amongst yourselves as you heard scream after scream.

However your laughter was cut short as you felt a chill go down your spine, like the forest was calling out in pain to you.

It was fire or heat you could tell that much, hoping Todoroki and Bakugou had accidentally used their quirks even though they knew about your's and Ibara's distaste for harming nature.

"Those stupid kids, they've burnt some of the trees." You sighed. Folding your arms as you looked into the distance.

You whistled calling to an owl, it landing on your shoulder as you told it to locate the fire. You watched as it flew away at great speeds into the distance. However it seemed that you didn't need the owl, your head burning as the flames increased becoming noticeable by the other heroes and heroes in training as black smoke rose above the tree-line.

Imagine your shock when Pixie Bob floated in the air, her body being carried off into the forest by some mysterious force. You had realised it was villains, no other person had a quirk that could levitate and with the distance of the flames, you were sure that Todoroki didn't have the power within him to create flames that big or that blue.

Your first thought went to your students, the children scattered around the forest like bait, you knew they could handle themselves but to what extent. You reached into the belt of your costume pulling the whistle from your it and blew hard.

The sound was deafening, blaring loud and rattling the trees alerting the wildlife of the forest of your need for help. The headache from the fire growing as the pain spread to your body. Not only did your students need help but the forest as well. It was calling to you, calling for your help, this is what your quirk was for, to help and to save all creatures fully sentient or not.

As the villains appeared in the bushes so did flocks of owls and foxes and wolves. Adrenaline fueling your body as you watched Pixie bob's head collide with a thick metal bar.

You pointed at the two villains presenting themselves, one with a mutation quirk that made him appear similar to a lizard, the other seemed normal enough except for the thick support item being carried on their shoulder dripping the blood of one of your fellow proheroes.

You pointed a finger at the two watching as the wolves went straight to attacking the villains, while they were busy fighting them off you turned to your students.

" Go back inside and wait with Vlad and Aizawa, do not fight back and make sure you stay safe." You turned back to the flock of owls around, waving your hand in an indoctrinating fashion, as if orchestrating the birds to do your bidding. " I will go get your other classmates. Mandalay please let the kids know I've sent birds to guide them back to camp."

You ran into the forest the owls spreading out, going to find the misplaced children scattered around and lead them back to safety.

Your main task at hand was to find the cause of the spreading fire.

The only child of All Might, and easily bored, with an obsession with the unknown. Taking after your dad, you had his determination to help those in need, you had his analysis skills and bodily control needed to take down top villains. However you didn't develop his want to jump into battle whenever, you liked to stay on the sidelines and observe before attacking, your quirk good for spying, your combat at an exceptional level, if only you were rational when it came to villains.

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