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Not wanting to go back to the baths after, you went back to the staff's rooms. Changing into one of the pyjamas that you had bought to impress Aizawa.

You put your crocs on and walked out of the room wearing your fluffy booty shorts, accompanied by a fluffy sports bra with a small animated Mirko on the front.

You headed towards the room of the wild wild pussycats. You were about to open the door till you heard the conversation happening between Midoriya and one of the cats. It seemed if you intervened you'd be disrespecting their privacy as well as Koda's so decided on pretending not to hear them and backing away.

You thought since you were already in your promiscuous pj's you could seek out Aizawa before he plans the night lessons.

You went to the boy's side of camp getting ready to use your seductive skills on someone who wasn't in their 20s and was a pro hero. You came face to face with his door. Going through a list of things to say once he opened the door.

Knock knock

You waited patiently swaying on your tip toes like a child waiting for their parent to allow them to meet up with a friend. He opened the door slightly probably waiting to see one of his students. He let out a deep sigh when he saw it was you.

"Can I come in?" You asked looking at his face. He was also in pj's meaning that night classes wouldn't start today. His hair was tied back revealing his jawline that you had rarely seen. A blush appeared on your face from how attractive he looked.

You looked around the room he was given, it was smaller than yours though you didn't mind.

He hadn't noticed your clothes until you had entered the room, glancing down at your ass while your back was turned seeing how it fit so well in those shorts.

"What's up l/n?" He asked once he realised you had sat on his bed.

You turned to face him a small smile appearing as you looked at his dark eyes he was so handsome. You patted your hand on the spot next to you on the bed in an attempt to get him closer to you.

"I just wanted to speak to you more you know, we don't talk a lot I don't even know when your birthday is." You did know when it was he had never told you himself though.

"As colleagues, it shouldn't concern you." He declared with his same stern voice as he stared directly at your face trying not to look at your nips poking out of your top.

"But in this environment, we aren't really colleagues, or.... think of it as bonding come on tell me who your favourite student is." You scooted closer to him, resulting in him looking down noticing the space between the two of you minimising as well as how your plush thighs rubbed together the fabric of your shorts riding up further a small blush spreading across his face.

"It should be obvious who my favourite is." He answered, you know could tell he was flustered since the Aizawa you knew would've said he doesn't have favourites.

"Bakugou right?"

He nodded.

"Which teacher do you find the most attractive?" You asked.

He understood what your intentions were now, you were attempting to tease him failing since you had only flustered him rather than the former.

"Answering such a question would be unprofessional." He answered. Creating a small distance between the two of you as your face slowly inches towards his body.

"Come on, it's just a question, ill give my answer, my top three are snipe, you and midnight." You answered honestly. He didn't expect you to be that blunt about it.

"In that case, I'd say I find you quite attractive l/n." He finished not even looking away in embarrassment.

A silence filled the area as you now didn't know what to do. Your body on the other hand decided for you your head tilting to the side as you, kissed your superior's lips. He hadn't even clocked your lips pressing against his waiting for a response back.

Going with the flow he kissed back, holding your cheek with one hand and your waist in the other. You in turn placed your hand on his neck and slipped the other under his shirt feeling the abs under it.

He didn't stop you went you cautiously raised your hand up a little higher to feel his pecs. The smooth and hard muscles made your body heat up, and pulse with excitement.

You felt pride swelling inside you since you had succeeded in getting what you wanted, seducing the closed of teacher that midnight had been struggling to fuck for years.

"What aren't you into?" He asked breaking the kiss to check if you didn't want to go further, there being no evidence of distaste.

"No scat, piss or feet." You answered attaching your mouth back onto his. You had such a powerful craving for him one that couldn't be satisfied by a mere kiss, sexual gratification was the only answer and maybe more.

Placing your hands back underneath his shirt you rubbed your thumbs over his nipple, you found it amusing how sensitive men's nipples were even more so when they squirmed from your touch letting out little groans.

Aizawa wasn't like that though an intimidating yet arousing expression lacing his face as his lips thinned into a straight line. His hands caught hold of yours holding them together and placing them above your head while pushing you onto the mattress.

Your wrists were held firm against the bedding, the man above you inferring that he was going to dominate you especially since you've been a nuisance to him for the past year and a half.

You could read him like an open book the feeling of attraction radiating off him. Yet his expression had that of annoyance like he was thinking of ways to put you in your place. He went back to kissing you placing a hand on your breast over the fabric of your top. You bit his lip in surprise breaking the skin on his lip.

Gosh, how he couldn't wait to break you, to dominate you, to toy with you. He just wanted to let it known he was the boss he was gonna mark you up so you could remember he wanted to mould your pussy for his dick alone so you'd have the constant memory of who was in charge.

Licking the blood from the new injury he reached over you opening the drawer where he kept the support item for his hero costume. The rope was tied around your body firmly, bruising your wrists deliciously.

"Is that all that you've got Shota?" You asked taunting the man. He ignored you chuckling to himself slightly.

"Of course not." He stated

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