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"Welcome to the UA sports festival wear the third years of UA will battle it out to see the best quirk user!" The announcer which was a pro hero you had never heard of called.

You had wanted to watch your first years compete, especially see how far Izuku Midoriya would get as you wanted to know why your father had gotten so interested in him, yet you got stuck being the chief umpire for the third years.

Wearing your hero costume, you lowered yourself into the stadium, birds holding into your cloak to get you to the ground, a broad smile on your face as people cheered you on, you were a very much loved hero getting lots of letters of appreciation from fans and even had some students confess to you which you obviously rejected, even if you only graduated two years ago.

The announcer spoke up again, once the crowd died down, calling out all the students from each class, some students decided not to participate, probably tired of being thrown around like a ragdoll, or of seeing Mirio's shlong.

You then realised the announcer was principal Nezu and waved in his direction even if you couldn't see him.

"Representing the third years is Mirio Togata from Class B." You called out. The man walked up the stairs to get onto the platform you were standing on, you moved out of the way letting him, speak into the microphone.

"I hope everyone does their best even though I know I'm gonna win again." He chuckled, you leaned into his ear.

"Let's hope you can go the whole festival with your trousers on." You whispered, he nodded and walked off the stage, swinging his arms with his walk.


The festival ended with Mirio getting first place, and TV had to censor his privates every time he appeared on the screen.

Once it was announced you quickly went to the first year stadium.

"What place did Midoriya get?" You asked the atmosphere. It gave you no reply as it would choose whether or not to listen.

Your quirk allows you to communicate with nature, things like woodland creatures and plants were easy to talk to complying with simple hand gestures, things like air and water were harder they were stubborn, they had so much freedom that they wouldn't give it up to help those in need ever. With this quirk, you were also able to tell people's emotions as an empath.

When you finally reached the stadium the students were leaving in their little groups you kept your eyes peeled for green hair, he came out muttering about his classmate Iida.

You waved him over greeting other students while doing so, he stopped in his tracks parting ways with his friends and coming to you, you saw he had injuries and frowned, the fact he was injured made you upset, calling over a robin.

"Can you get me a cupcake from the staff room," You asked, it flew away to get what you had requested.

"Hey, l/n- sensei, what's up?" Midoriya asked, both of his arms in slings. You felt bad for him, waiting for the small bird to return with the treat that you just figured out Midoriya wouldn't be able to eat.

"Midoriya let's walk back to school together." You chirped.

He nodded his head, you began to walk he walked alongside you. At first, it was silent until the robin came with a wrapped up cupcake.

"Thank you." Your angelic voice rang through the silence, the bird placing the treat in your hand while you handed it some berries.

You handed said cupcake to Midoriya who somehow managed to eat it, mumbling a thank you.

"Sorry to pry Midoriya but, why are you around my dad all the time?" You asked, you hated the fact he kept secrets from you, even as his daughter grew up his hero work was his priority and when he wasn't doing that he was training you for a war that would never come.

Midoriya was shocked this secret was so important that All Might hadn't told his own daughter about it, yet he still went to tell Bakugou before.

"I just need extra training so he offers me help," he said, you could tell he was lying, you could've pried more but decided against it. You knew if you really wanted to know you would have sent an animal to find out for you.

"What did you place in the festival?" You asked, smiling at people on the way.

"Hey, can I get your autograph?!" 

You crouched down to the girl's level, she had a notebook with her which you signed happily.

"Can I get a picture with you?" You asked, holding out your phone and taking a quick glance at her father who gave a small nod, the girl also nodded.

You opened the camera, doing a goofy pose with the young girl, taking a few shots. You stretched out your hand towards a flower bed, the flowers blooming in contrast to their former droopy state, you picked them placing one in the girl's hair and placing a bunch in the girl's hand.

Midoriya watched, what else could he do, shout out the place he got and interrupt the moment this girl was having with one of her favourite heroes.

"You want to be a hero?" You asked, patting the girl's head. 

"Yep, one like you, so everyone will love me and give me great gifts and I can be really pretty too!" she exclaimed. you nodded loving her enthusiasm.

"I bet everyone already loves you a ton, and you're already really beautiful." You answered carrying on your journey with Midoriya.

"I got top 8," He said, fiddling with his fingers.

"You did great, honestly, in my first year I got top 10, I didn't want to break up the arena using my plants, and Mount Lady almost squashed me." You chuckled.

The both of you carried on walking, you contemplating what secret your father was hiding from you.

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