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You were laid on your back each arm wrapped around each leg wrists tied to the headboard of the bed to keep your legs in place.

He rolled his hips thrusting his length into your soaking pussy. He was being rough, though you loved it you loved his harsh tone and words as he increased his speed. You were unable to open your mouth or utter a word due to his earlier command as to keep his cum in your mouth.

You knew you wouldn't swallow it, you were unable to, your body forgetting how to swallow, saliva swirling in your mouth with his semon.

A few loose strands of his hair covered his forehead. His gaze held that of authority, he seemed to get stirred on when he noticed your bliss-filled daze.

The aim was to teach you a lesson to show you who you belonged too, a lesson that had to be taught with his cock. Yet he couldn't help but let out a prolonged groan when he felt your gummy walls convulse around his vein ridged dick.

Your eyes were glued shut your mind telling you that if you looked at this man's expression it would cause an erruption of feelings, ones that would stir a very stretched out orgasm.

He refused to slow he wouldn't allow himself too, he needed you too learn your place, he needed you too know he was the one in control in all situations.

"Open your eyes." He stated, you still refused, he may have tied you up, face fucked you and spanked your ass raw but that was where you cut the line.

Upon viewing your dismissal of him, he reached his hand out towards your face, pushing his fingers past your reddened and glossed lips into your soar throat. Your eyes snapping open from shock.

"An attention whore like you shouldn't lack this level of obedience."

He pulled his slender fingers out of your used throat, and placed them on your clit. The saliva cooled the bundle of nerves that was craving touch or some kind of attention.

Your mouth being free from torment you let out your mewls of pleasure, his cock rubbing gracefully inside your pussy. You dug your nails into your palm your hand balling up. "Fuck Shota~"

As if from primal instinct his dick twitched, he was going to come yet again. His free hand flying up to your neck to keep a tight grip on it.

"Shut up."

You grit your teeth tears pricking at your eyes as you felt an orgasm coming for you too. You couldnt wait for the sweet release of your prolonged orgasm.

A delicious sting forming in your neck and hips as the males tempo changed and his grip tightened. Just a little more and you would get to your sweet havenz just a little more till your snap broke.

Yet you were cut short, Shota's own finish taking the show, his cum decorating your cunt in a new sticky substance.

A small frown played on your lips, he disnt even ask if you came, he didnt even check on you.

He himself hadn't finished with you, he reached over to the headboard and untiing the rope from there and your wrists. You held a look of disappointment which was soon lost when he had pushed you face down on his bed pulling your ass up so it was facing him.

Yet again an eager look covered your face, quickly changing to shock when his mouth latched onto your pussy, tongue diving straight into your cunt. You rushed to grab the bedsheets in front of you, pushing some of the cotton in your mouth to silence yourself.

"You taste good y/n." He stopped to announce. He was behaving like he craved your essence your sweet natural nectar, for years. As if he had been straved of this delightful endevour for years.

His mouth sucking on your pussy, tongue dipping ino your cunt while his hands hooked around your legs. He seemed greedy tasting all of you.

You squirmed in his hold, Mewling every second. His tongue danced over your clit, nose pressing into your cunt.

He really knew how to pleasure, a woman.

Your pussy clenched over nothing, you could feel your wetness and his saliva dripped of his tongue. You were close and he could tell from your whines to your twitching.

Finally you released on his tongue sighing with content as you finally got what you wanted.

"You can't be tired, yet remember the time you embrassed me in front of 1A."


You woke up in your own bedroom, wondering how you ended up there a wetness soaking your joggers.


Had what happened yesterday been a dream, did you actually just go to bed after that whole dilemma in the forest. When you think about it that did seem like you, to just sleep without the thought of your students on your mind. You didn't really mind though since hot springs were so much better than sex.

You stretched before heading out for a shower, almost feeling bad remembering how awfull Aizawa was when it came to training the students.

'They're probably already up.' you thought yourself as you got into your hero costume. You couldnt help but feel the need to sleep some more, but what kind of teacher would that make you.

You placed your phone in your pocket and headed outside, it was already afternoon, you were surprised that you didn't wake up with the explosions coming from Bakugou's hands.

"Day 1 of camp." You sighed to yourself

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