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You held onto your crutch tightly, trudging into your home with your father at your hip. You smiled when you walked into Gran Torino with a cake. Along with Kamio Woods, Mt Lady and other heroes involved in your rescue.

You knew they were here for your dad, but you had to believe some were also here for you.

He smiled happily and thanked everyone who came. You stood by his side as he gave them his speech about his years as a hero and how he's grown and prayed that everyone in this room, and the future, would carry on his legacy as a pro.

The masses cheered raising their plastic cups filled with champagne, in tribute to your father.

He went to mingle with the other heroes.

" Hey, Y/n." Kamui greeted you, you took a deep breath wanting to go to your bedroom and add more information to your file about the league, especially when Tsukauchi told you that Tomura was taken in by All for One when young, it excited you immensely.

" Hey, Shinji. " You greeted Mt Lady in tow, " Hi Yu." You smiled at your long-term friend.

She recognised the look on your face, you had information you wanted to write before it left your brain. However, she'd say the flowers that wilted when Kamui said hello to you was information enough.

" You go rest, I heard that Shigaraki did a number on you." She commanded sending a warm smile your way.

You excused yourself, going to the table to cut yourself some cake and went to your room to relax and indulge in your snack.

You reached the handle happy that your privacy was respected and none of the heroes in your home had entered.

However, when you entered you found someone much worse in the centre of your room. The red-eyed freak that seemed to stalk you everywhere had made it more apparent that he followed you.

He shared your gaze, your brows furrowed.

" You took your time." He sneered touching your large board surrounded by information around the league causing it to disintegrate. You would've been distraught if you hadn't memorised it.

What really caught you off guard was how he got into your house and how easy it would've been to kill All Might if he had this information at his disposal.

" What aren't you going to greet your guest?!"

You wished you could tell how he was feeling so you didn't have to do this silly dance of ' you triggered me'.

" How did you get in?" Your eyes quickly glance at your plant pots, planning to immobilise him the way Kamui Woods did 4 days prior.

" Window. You know you should be really careful as the daughter of All Might, what if a psycho came in." He chuckled, it made you feel uneasy, made you feel the way you did when he tried to kill you last week. " One who's master was locked up by your dad!"

He leapt at you, his hands going straight for your neck to strangle you, you stretched your hand towards your plants, then growing thick and strong before shooting at the man holding him still so he couldn't move.

" I'm sorry about your dad." You started taking a page out of Midoriya's book. " I'm sorry you lost your family and home, I empathise with you but I can't dismiss the harm your master did to my father."

You watched his vermilion eyes curse you.

" Why are you acting holier than thou?" He muttered. " Why not give our location to the police?"

You stood for a second, thinking. Did you know the reason yourself, or was it you stupidly going with a gut feeling that probably had to do with pity.

" I thought you deserved a chance."

Anger left his eyes, you trusted your instinct dropping the binds from his body. He slouched, he had heard from Dabi and had watched you let criminals go because they were petty, but he had directly hurt you. Maybe it was your weird hero mentality. With that he left with a lot to think about.

You wondered why you yourself had left them on their own.

It had to be the place they were left in, not fit for humans beings all leaky pipes and pneumonia waiting to happen. You wondered how they would eat, how they would survive.

You wondered if they would change without the influence of All for One. If they would go back to day to day jobs finding themselves free from his hard labour. Your thoughts went to Tomura Shigaraki how he seemed to calm down once you told him you believed he could be more than a villain, you knew all a villain needed was a little tenderness.

You left your room, looking at the untouched cake on the counter. You went to one of the cabinets ignoring heroes as they came to speak to you and got a large plastic container.

" Hey I haven't had some." A whine came from a hero.

" There are people who haven't even had bread to eat today and you're complaining about cake." You muttered walking past them back into your room.

You had belief in the guy, he didn't even try and kill off your animals to get to you.

You went into your ensuite looking at which animal was going to be your little delivery driver. You decided on your pigeon, finding it funny to use a carrier pigeon.

You gave it directions on where to go, hooking the cake onto its leg with a bag and sending it on its way. You believed if they had something to eat they would live another day to do some good.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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