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"Someone is here to see you Y/n." You were informed after dinner, hearing a heartfelt laugh through the door, you rushed through. You thought it might be Santa.

Your confusion when you walked through the door, "Santa's a blonde?" Your jaw dropped to the floor, you knew the older girls were lying to you especially when they told you about how the tooth fairy doesn't exist.

He started laughing again, finding you cute, "She seems lively." He laughed.

"That's All Might." The matron whispered to you with a bright smile on your face.

"Oh my days it's all mighty, I thought you were a myth or an actor wow." Your eyes held so much surprise in them a hero was here and he asked to see you.

"Awww." The matron said, as she smushed your cheeks together, "it's gonna hurt me so much to see you go."

"Go where?" You asked but got ignored.

"I've not completely made up my mind but when I do we will be leaving straight away." All Might said to her.

You went and sat on the edge of his chair, to feel his face, you traced the area around his eyes, wondering why it was so dark when you poked your finger at his teeth.

You inspected them well, coming to the conclusion he doesn't brush well as he had a piece of broccoli in his teeth, you decided not to say anything though.

"So your quirk makes you strong like you can wreck stuff real good and beat up guys who are trying to take over the world?" You asked, your eyes wide with curiosity, you were sitting beside the No 1 hero.

He nodded.

"What if the bad guys will be better than the gover- overtent- the people in charge?" You asked, he shook his head explaining how a lot usually aren't.

"Ok you're the boss All Might but I'm a big girl so I know everything." You rolled your eyes placing your hand on your hip in a matter of fact way.

"You're a smart one young y/n." He laughed.

"And you're older than I thought All Might."

His laughter died down a bit, he found you funny, and a little stubborn, you were perfect.

"Don't say something like that." You were scolded, the matron's finger pointed at too.

"What I was stating the obvious like him." You answered back confused with what you did wrong and sticking your tongue out at the woman.

"I think I'll come back tomorrow with my verdict." He chuckled, putting his coat back on, and holding the door open for the matron.

"See you tomorrow y/n."

"See you All-mighty." you waved enthusiastically.


"Do you like All Might." You asked Tenko as you hung upside down from the climbing frame. He shrugged his shoulders you understood he didn't have an opinion on the guy.

"That's cool. I thought he was an actor." You said, climbing higher when you started to feel blood rush to your head.

"Can't we use the swings instead?" Tenko complained, you shook your head reminding him neither of you could get on it and neither of you could swing by yourself.

"Then help me."

"No, I'm lazy." You answered, then jumped off the climbing frame, ignoring the pain from the recoil in your legs and running to the slide.

You climbed to the top, ignoring all the graffiti on it that for some reason scared Shimura and went down it, screaming from glee.

Tenko didn't understand you were screaming from happiness running to the end of the slide to make sure there were no monsters that attacked while you were inside the side.

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