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It was now night 2 if training camp and your curious little self had followed Midoriya into the woods as he followed the little Kota. You admired how he had focused his attention on the boy almost like it was his on responsibility to raise him.

You stayed quiet which wasn't much of a bother since you could literally hear plants and if you were about to step on them.

You had reached a cliff where you stayed put in order not to ruin the little heart to heart you were over hearing.

You personally didnt understand Midoriya's obsession with making Kota like heroes to you it almost sounded like he was convincing the boy to get over his parents deaths.

You were sick of Midoriya's holier than thou personality, disliking him for trying to always change people's viewpoint. It wasn't always that easy.

You creeped behind him as he walked away from Kota, calling his attention to you.

"Midoriya why are trying to provoke Kota?" You asked, knowing that if someone kept pestering you about something you don't like you'd ignore them or send birds to shit on their house every morning.

"It's just strange don't you think," he started not hearing the irritation in your voice just believinf you were curious. "He's so young and has all this hatred for heroes, if I can make him see the sacrifice heroes make and how amazing they can be he can learn to admire them ."

"I understand what you mean but." You sighed you emphasised with both sides "Sometimes, things can happen that can change someone's perspective permanently. They can never get back from it again."

Midoriya listened to your words having a large amount of disbelief that you believed that, especially since the number 1 hero the symbol of peace and display of hope was your father.

" Like you, no matter what you will always be a protector isn't that right Midoriya?"

He nodded his head and continued listening walking back to camp.

" Because you know that everyone needs help everyone needs protecting even if they're in denial, cause that's what you believe that's something you've had in your head for years and the event that could've made you have this perception may have happened years ago, you may have forgotten it but it will still be etched in your brain."

"Like you and your hero work." He started.

He had only heard good things from your fans, and your hater where usually nit pickers with nothing better to do. You were a well loved hero you weren't known for being pessimistic just sarcastic.

"You feel the need to find out everything about everyone. All might told me you have a room in your house holding files of ever person you've met or are going to meet including villains you have capture and heroes you have worked with, and despite being let go by your former detective agency."

"I wasn't let go." You grumbled, slightly embarrassed as you remembered Tsukauchi fire you for going off on missions without filling the and getting him in heeps of legal trouble.

" You still persevere aiding detectives behind the scenes adding input and putting your life in danger just to solve crimes. That's what I want to do with Koda. I want him to see why we do what we do to show that we protect everyone and it is a noble thing to do."

His speech had got you, he really did have a way with words, or maybe his notebook was so full with things about you that he just knew how to talk his way into your heart.

"That's very kind Midoriya." You paused before admitting, " It's sad that I don't really like you that much."

"Huh." You felt as he became concerned and confused a hint of sadness in his emotions swirling into the air as he waited for you to explain.

" It's jealousy don't worry. I guess I'm bothered with how much time you spend with my dad. Ever since I was little he was kind, but he trained me like crazy and for what, for him to just turn me away from every opportunity that came with being a hero. So that when I start a job at UA a year later he's also working at UA and it's not because he wants to be close to his daughter. It's for this boy that I haven't seen or met before. And everytime I ask why you guys spend so much time together he runs away. What secret are you too hiding that he can't even tell his own daughter about?!" You complained.

You realised that the situation was stressing you out more than it should, more than the whole Shigaraki/ Shimura situation. The constant fear that your dad dislikes you knawing at your body.

You hadn't noticed but Midoriya had, the way the trees bent away from you, birds swirling around your head and woodland creatures surrounded the two of you as your rant continued.

The animals dispersed as you took a deep breath calming down and listing to trees and wind.

Midoriya reached out his hand in yours pulling you out of your angry trance.

"All might loves you. He won't shut up about you when we're training. He's so happy to have you in his corner and with the fact you still put up with his shitty jokes and old school personality. He's helping me because of how my quirk ruins my body with each use. His quirk is similar to mine so he offered to help. Trust me when I say this he's always got you on his mind. I'm sorry that I took up your dad's time." He apologised bowing at you to display the amount of respect he had for you.

You shrunk into the hood of your costume pulling it further onto your head as you felt your eyes well up hearing the hinges your dad said about you.

"Get up Midoriya, I'm an adult I shouldn't be upset my dad helps out his students, I should be busy helping Koji with his quirk." You convinced yourself walking ahead of him.

It did seem very petty having beef with a child.

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