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The owl flew above their heads silently circling above them as the sharp toothed villain was taken down by Tokoyami's dark shadow.

A group had been formed between the students. Shoji, Midoriya Tokoyami, Todoroki and Bakugou, had now gotten an ego boost once they had defeated the unstable man.

The group had decided to take a shortcut through the woods under the guidance of your owl.

" With this group we could even go against All Might." The optimistic Midoriya declared, your owl hooting in disagreement.

Had it been a different situation the group would've laughed, but this was their second villain encounter, they were only lucky with the first one but many could've died without their teamwork, even with the positive outlook the children were still scared.

" Stop trying to protect me !" Bakugou yelled as the group walked in a line, your owl pecking at his head in annoyance trying to tell him to shut up.

The pack stayed silent allowing Shoji to use his quirk to detect any approaching villains.

That didn't stop your owl from making a lot of noise, it watched as your students were taken by a villain with what seemed like a capture quirk. Him placing a finger over where you would assume his lips were to shush the bird, holding the marballised students in his hand and hiding away.

Hoot Hoot !

" I didn't know owls were this noisy." Midoriya muttered, slowly becoming annoyed of how loud the animal was becoming.

They hadn't had time to continue that conversation as they came across Uraraka and Tsuyu.

The two were injured and slightly startled. Tsuyu being pinned to a tree by her hair and Uraraka had a blonde teen under her, with a lovesick face stabbing a needle into her thigh.

The group was thankful that all it took to get rid of the girl was their presence. They were too tired and beaten to fight anyone else, they were sure they would lose if the chance came.

"You guys are alright, come with us!" Midoriya exclaimed resting his chin on Shoji's shoulder, " We're taking Kaachan back to camp."

The two girls shared a look between themselves. Tsuyu placing a finger to her chin with confusion on her face.

" Bakugou ? Where is he?" She asked, knowing that they either lost him or he wondered off by himself.

The group turned to the back looking at the owl that had been hooting realising their mistakes.

" That whole time it was warning us!" Todoroki exclaimed. Looking around to see if the boy had wandered off.

" The boy your looking for." A man stood tall watching from a tree branch a long yellow trench coat covered up his clothes and he was kept anonymous by the mask covering his face. " I took him with my magic."

The man was elegant with his speech and very flashy, he seemed to not take the hero course seriously, not even bothering to interact with the kids more than needed before being on his way to the meet up spot.

" I've got a plan to get Kaachan back."


"Who is this?" Toga asked staring at your body that had been slumped from Twice's shoulder to the floor. She stared in awe at the gash on the back of your head clumps of dried blood sticking to your hair , the gash now dripping blood instead of it leaving a trail.

" She's All Might's brat." Dabi answered looking at your body and scrunching up his nose in disgust your head looked really gross.

" She's so pretty." Toga exclaimed kneeling down and poking your cheek. "She's cold, I thought you weren't meant to kill her. " She said as she, at that moment, wanted to take your blood but was told specifically not to.

" It was my work of ingenious, it was an accident. " Twice defended.

From the sky came a cluster of beings the villain Compress and 3 UA students, Todoroki, Midoriya and Shoji. All demanding for their friends back.

" Compress get out of the way." Dabi demanded not checking if the guy listened, before throwing flames at the student's direction.

The ones that weren't heat resistant suffered 2nd degree burns on their arms crying out as they fell back.

A fight broke out with the students and villains them being determined to get back their friends. Not noticing the unconscious teacher on the ground as they fought for their lives.

" Compress use your quirk on the brat." Dabi commanded pointing at your figure on the ground. Compress told him to wait checking his pockets to see if he still had the two students with him.

He did well displaying shock when he found the pocket empty. The entertainer in him shone when the teens ran in the opposite direction swerving around a Nomu but getting blocked off by Kurugiri.

" The signal was sent 5 minutes ago." He complained opening warp gates for each person.

The students watched in a state of shock as the villains left the venue. Them taking the fastest way with Twice lifting you onto his shoulder.

" Wait Miss Toshinori!" Midoriya exclaimed seeing the blood dripping from your head as you were carried by an unstable villain into a portal.

It seemed Midoriya's voice made a small train of consciousness reappear in your brain, you opening your mouth to let your father's prodigy know.

" Focus on Bakugou." 

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