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Your head throbbed terribly. Your body aching like crazy. You wondered if yesterday's training session was bad enough for you to be sore, but had no recollection of even training in the first place. In fact you had no recollection of yesterday's events at all.

Your thoughts became a bit more streamlined as you tried to sit up from your bed only to find yourself immobilised in what felt like chains.

Is this another lucid sex dream?

It couldn't be though because the pain coming from your head was strong almost blinding as all you could see was black, maybe it was the fact your eyes were closed.

Slowly you peaked your eyes open, the surrounding wasn't familiar at all. The room was slim almost like a toilet cubicle with a singular warm light inside adding to the homey feel that the mahogany walls added to the place.

Not the usual place for this type of thing

You looked down the best you could your hands being trapped in a square box, the type that you would use to capture a villain when making those arrests that got you into trouble at Tsukauchi's agency.

But not only your hands, your feet were cuffed with iron casted to the floor. Your back was pressed flush against the wall, with thick iron bars were strapped to your front from your lower body to your upper, your captor obviously didn't want you to be able to move anything but your head.

From across the room, you heard a noise come through the door. It was irritable it didn't sound like Aizawa at all, this voice was scratchy, nazely much unlike his gruff deep voice.

Then your thoughts were answered, a man about the same age as you if you looked hard enough, entered the room.

He was dressed simply in a black shirt and joggers eyes refusing to meet yours , hiding behind his overgrown pale blue fringe.

It's when he did look at you that everything clicked. You remembered the attack, the injury that you succumbed to in your students time of need. The multiple villains that came for you and Bakugou and the fact that the man infront of you wanted to kill you.

"W-" you paused your throat being dryer than you had originally thought. "Bakugou?" You questioned, hoping he could hear you whisper.

" Unconscious." He answered, staring at you as you shivered.

He hated you, he hated everything about you. He hated the way you would flaunt your villain fights and quirk in the streets. He hated the fact you shared that stupid smile with All Might. He hated how even now you were stuck in custody in the storage closet of all places you were asking about your student.

You should be shouting at him, begging him to release you, begging for your life bargaining anything just for a chance to see the outside world, yet here you are with your stupid hero principles.

You listened, using your quirk to listen for any nearby animals or plants that could help you save Bakugou from the situation, but nothing.

It made you smile slightly, rembering the fact that in your notes you had wrote that the league hideout would be in a city centre hiding in plain site, however that smile was short lived as you realised you would have to talk yourself out of the situation.

He hated how aloof your face was right now, why hadn't you began crying, why weren't you faking cockiness, why had his presence not changed anything?

"Why are you the first person in my memories?" He yelled feeling that burning itch as he remembered how the memories of you have tormented him for years.

You panicked, where was your empath quirk? In hostage situations in the past you were able to go free by talking your capture into peace, realising their triggers by how their emotions changed when you'd say something. If you couldn't tell what this guy is feeling then you could say the wrong thing and he could kill you.

Silence seemed like the best option.

" Don't tell me you've forgotten!" He raised his voice once again, pulling you from your thoughts.

How would you want someone to react if you had been left to die as a toddler and the girl that left you is now the daughter of the number 1 prohero.

You stare at them like you don't understand what they're saying.

You tilted your head slightly feeling a slight sting as your skin pulled at the wound.

" I don't understand." You answered.

You watched his fist clench at his sides his hand going under his chin to scratch new scars there. It was irritable in looks, in noise, the bleeding, the clawing. If this wasn't a hostage situation you would've told him to do that self harm stuff in private but you were a hero known for kindness it wouldn't be bad to help a villain out.

" Hey," you paused thinking through all the kind words in your dictionary and finding non. " Don't hurt yourself over me I'm not that important."

You stopped again, realising your words did hold meaning to him as he slowed down.

" I'm sure what I did to you was hurtful, enough for you to want to kill me, but harming me won't make what happened change, it'll only provide temporary satisfaction." You didn't force a smile, you never smiled if you didn't feel like it.

He stood watching as your eyes held a sympathetic look.

How disgusting

" You're right." He affirmed standing tall as his hands dropped to his sides. " It will provide satisfaction."

His hand reached forward, towards your free face. You held your breath instantly being unable to close your eyes as it drew nearer. Time slowed as his middle, then index , ring, pinky then thumb landed on your face.

You felt it you crumbling away, whimpering slightly as you died.

Wait you were still here.

"What the fuck?" You both gasped in unison.

Shigaraki suspected he didn't put his hand down properly doing it once again then twice then thrice.

Your mouth hung open catching flies, were you immune to his decay the way he was immune to your empath.

" Wait do it on my arm." You suggested very intrigued by this discovery.

He looked at your face realising you were serious. Scrunched up his brows and walked out of the room, no words said.

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