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After calming down yesterday, you went to your room the red string covering one section of your room was then shifted by you. Now that Shigaraki had been spotted at the mall you could use that to your advantage. Finding a location where he could be staying. You felt yourself getting closer by the day.

Throughout the 2 weeks before summer camp you locked yourself in your room gaining minimal sleep obsessing over the fact you wanted to get a pin in his location.

You had under-analysed, over-analysed and read over multiple articles. With the help of a few friends from your detective internship, you were able to get their files on the villain.

In your mind, if you could arrest Shigaraki and get him the help he needed you wouldn't feel guilty for leaving him alone in the city.

Though you realised you didn't know much, after the first week you laughed at yourself as you remembered how naive you were and how you didn't even know the dangers of the outdoors.

You just hoped that if he saw you he would just switch sides. Maybe him seeing you would affect him as much as you seeing him did.

During your research, a certain villain came up out of the blue. All for one.

Your dad had fought him but had never had the time to tell you the story of their great battle. He hadn't even noticed you cooped in your room prob thought you were patrolling a ton.

Something had slipped out of your mouth those two weeks ago but you could hardly remember what you said. The word seemed so familiar yet you could find no memory of it.


"Master was a great help finding the location." The leader of the League announced.

He and Kurigiri sat at the bar front conversing about the plan for the later days. There informant Giran had entered the room to speak business speaking of smugglers and how everything for their plan had been set.

He seemed to be more focused on getting money than how he gets the money.

Shigaraki smirked to himself a pride swelling inside of him, almost like he had found a new toy to mess around with that non if the other kids could afford. His plan was set in motion.

"Let the games begin."


You were running on energy drinks the lack of sleep leaking into your brain. You were moving like Aizawa the huge want to just curl up and sleep got to you.

You had your stuff ready and packed you even had a pillow in hand so you could catch some sleep on the bus with your pupils so you'd have something interesting to talk about.

If you were honest the stuff that the older adults spoke about either bored you or you didn't understand it.

You carried your pillow and sleeping mask onto the bus opting to sit next to Todoroki since he seemed like the type not to bother you the whole trip.

Once sat beside him on the window seat you rested your pillow on the window your head following after your sleeping mask and you fell asleep right away.

When you had awoken the bus was completely empty, not even the driver was on the bus. It seemed that everyone had left the bus without you. Leaving in the middle of nowhere.

Although from what you had seen Aizawa was standing outside with the wild pussycats. Maybe you lot had already got there.

"Aizawa you didn't wake me up!" You smiled waving him over as you got off the bus. "Wait a sec." You said looking around and realising you weren't even at camp yet.

" Aizawa how can you be so cruel to them they're little kids, I bet you wouldn't like it if it happened to you. Isn't it a 2nd-year exercise anyway give them a break." You complained on the behalf of the students.

"This is why they like me better than you." You teased, smiling to yourself. Having caught up on your sleep you felt rejuvenated.

Aizawa annoyed by your antics gave a nod to one of the cats that you didn't know the name of. You hadn't noticed until the floor beneath you had risen and moved you off the cliff that the students had been sent off.

You thought instead of using your quirk to help yourself back you'd help the students so went the opposite direction of what Aizawa thought you would take.

Using your quirk you used branches to smash into one of the rock monsters.

" We're saved!" Kaminari and Mina said in unison as the two of them saw you using your quirk to increase the pace at which the trees grew then using their branches to attack the large monsters.

You could've gotten through it quickly but loved your student too much to just give them up like that. Although it seemed they didn't need much help, that's probably why Aizawa said you baby them too much.


They had finally finished it had taken them way too long not to mention they looked exhausted as if they fought multiple it was only a few.

"What you did was real cruel Shota." You complained approaching him and poking his chest, using it as an excuse to feel how hard his chest is.

He looked at your tired face and rolled his eyes though didn't find it within him to actually scold you for calling him by his first name.

Instead, he ignored you and went to teach his class.

You glanced down and noticed a small child. He looked adorable, but then he punched Midoriya in the balls you realised he was a challenge and you loved a challenge. He was like Aizawa and you always got your way, if you could make this small kid admire you then you could make Aizawa fall for you too.


You joined the girls of UA in the hot springs, even with the age gap, you were immature and kind of a loner since you don't have friends your own age.

You had a small bird accompany Koda and make sure that Mineta wouldn't take a peak.

You had thought of ways to seduce Aizawa into fucking you. But nothing had come to mind, it couldn't be inappropriate if you asked the girls, they are literally in the same place as you were naked.

"Hey girls!" You called over. The six of them looking your way waiting for what you had to say.

"Let's say that I want to get with someone sexually but we have no past being together how would I initiate it." You announce not a shed of embarrassment in your voice.

"Is this about Mr Aizawa?" Mina asked.

"Pfft no."

Uraraka rolled her eyes knowing it was a lie. " it totally is, you make it so obvious."

" I do." You asked unsure that was true since you didn't flirt with him or make sexual jokes towards him so how could it be obvious?

They all nodded their heads.

" although miss to answer your question we don't know since we aren't adults."

You should have known, but you still saw no shame in asking. You leaned against a rock sighing to yourself as you closed your eyes. Blocking out Mineta's mumbling as he attempted to take a peek at you girls bathing.

It was in moments like that shame was needed. He needed to calm himself down.

Unfortunately, the small boy had slipped and fallen from the great height of the dividing wall, being caught by Izuku Midoriya, your bird companion letting you know.

"I'll have to excuse myself girls." You said standing up and leaving the bath. You knew where Midoriya would take him—wrapping a towel around yourself and going on a journey to find the rude boy.

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