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It took a few minutes before the blue haired man walked back in the room again, this time with an knife in hand. He had obviously been trying to hide it keeping it behind him by his pocket as he stood by the door waiting.

It was then you heard a sound it was ever so faint, almost unnoticeable. You looked around, where was the sound coming from? You looked at the corner a small patch of moss was growing over some mold.

How lucky especially when he was about to stab you.

You were grateful he hadn't covered your mouth.

" I've been watching you for years." He started, you shifted your eyes from the mold to his face, looking at were you thought his eyes were.

You weren't surprised various animals and even the wind had warned you of a dangerous man lurking behind every shadow watching you. You assumed it was a crazed fan and thought nothing of it, you were sure they would come to their senses and leave you be.

" I've waited for the perfect moment to kill you. Watching you play hero for the cameras and your pathetic detective work. " He stood infront of you, hands by his side, stiff. " I know how your quirk works, I know what the public does not know, I know you have little understanding of your power." You thought to yourself if he knew your power he would've known his decay was nullified on you.

" I know the real you, that abandons those in need," his free hand snakes up to his neck once again scratching endlessly. " The one that is arrogant and lies pathologically."

He lifted his hand above his head, hand in a death grip swinging at your head. "The one that deserves to die by my hands!" It would be amazing having the glory of killing the No1 hero's daughter. The media would be talking about it for weeks and forget all about that hero killer Stain.

If only he had secured your mouth.

" Protect me!" You yelled. The patch of moss grew drastically becoming thicker creating a branch that blocked the knife. It pushed him back causing him to stumble onto his butt.

With his distraction you told the moss to undo the locks, them sliding in and inducing themselves to fit releasing you from the binds.

Your hands once free, instinctively went to the throbbing part of your head where Twice had thrown a rock at you. You felt a bump from stitches wondering who the hell would stitch you up if they intended to kill you.

Your hand felt the area covered in crusted blood and looked at the gap that had been created as Shigaraki used decay on your moss.

You knew you could beat him in a head on fight, his only advantage is his quirk and the little play thing nomu's he had in his captivity, you hoped that they only engineered a few so that you wouldnt encounter one during yours and Bakugou's escape.

He was still on the floor starstruck. You wasted no time in pulling him upwards and striking him across his face, knocking him cold on the floor.

You checked your body for your weapons and wasn't caught surprised when you came up empty.

You sighed preparing yourself for a fight as you left the cupboard, swinging the door open and being greeted by a masked figure.

Compress kept watch of the door with great attention, making sure his eyes didn't leave the door, getting ready to Compress and dump your body in the middle of Shibuya so the world will see.

Imagine his suprise when a corpse peaked around the corner of the cupboard, sticky dried blood in your hair with a slightly infected gash on the back of your head, by your feet lay the leader of the league of villains out cold.

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