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" Hello I need to get checked, I had a run in with...." Your body swayed hitting the floor. News of your arrival at the hospital would've spread faster if it wasn't for the retirement of All Might.

Maybe he wouldn't be busy tweaking after being taken by an ambulance, if he knew you weren't being tortured by villains and he couldn't help out. Maybe he'd be ok and content knowing Izuku Midoriya would carry on his legacy.

Now wasn't the time to think that though, where was his daughter?

"Toshinori?" Gran Torino called out looking at his mentee.

" Yes." The skinnier All Might answered clutching his chest to control his breathing.

" She's fine, she's a lot stronger than you think." Torino confirmed having helped you through school.

That didn't calm your father's nerves, he constantly saw you as that 5 year old girl he adopted all those years ago, and in some way you still were. He just hated not being able to keep you safe.

" You're right." He told the older gentleman trying to get himself to believe it too.

" You know it's true, most of the police's investigation is thanks to her, and you saw her hold her own with all those injuries on her?"

" Yeh I did."

" I'm sure without the fear of Bakugou getting hurt she's already beaten those guys to a pulp and is on her way now to-"  Torino's phone rang, interrupted his long known speech about you.

He cut it off with a grand smile on his face.

" She's at the hospital right now, she walked in apparently and just fainted, she's a tough cookie waiting until she was sure she was safe to relax. Almost like her dad." He joked.

" Too stubborn as well, need to give her a talking to about sneaking out." He groaned, remembering he had to be mad about the information you gained because you weren't even meant to be doing detective work, he got Tsukauchi to fire you so you'd stop doing solo missions, it only seemed to make it worse.

" Or you could allow her to be an adult, you are aware she's an adult."

" Yeh, but she can't understand her quirk yet what if she has another quirk awakening, I still get nightmares from the air talking." He shivered remembering how you'd stand over his bed when he was sleeping muttering to yourself about how the voices told you he wasnt washing his hair whenever he used hair gel.

" I thought it was the animal one that scared you." Gran Torino mentioned remembering how you had squirrels come round for tea followed by foxes and then wolves had sat themselves in the living room baring their teeth at 6 year old you.

" I remember from her file her mother could direct water animals too, she could have a similar quirk and wouldn't know we live nowhere near the ocean."

" I feel like youre worried about the wrong things, you should be scared she won't speak to you at all cause your keeping her into his infantalized prison." Torino sighed.

" I am not, she has that little room with all her filing stuff in it and I've never snooped." He defended, not noticing the fact that he was being moved into the hospital on a moving stroller.

" Right."


" Y/n! " You heard your father shouting as he entered your room. You sat up looking at him with a quirked brow while sipping your juice carton.

" Dad!" You answer in the same tome.

" They told me what happened all the injuries, you broke your leg."

" Yeh I was shocked to, I swear it was fine I literally ran on it." You laughed looking at the cast on your ankle. " It's fine though once I've had some more rest recovery girl will fix me right up."

It wasn't long after your dad came that Tsukauchi followed holding a clipboard.

" Wish I got a few more visitors." You muttered, picking up another juice carttand drinking.

You went to buzz for another juice carton.

" We need to ask questions about what happened when you were in captivity."

" Yeh I can answer those easily." You muttered, as if you weren't discombobulated the majority of the time.

You answered everything with the best of your ability, talking about being taken away and how just as you were about to apprehend a villain another threw something at your head that caused you to pass out.

You mentioned the fact you were kept in a storage closet since the place was so small, how Tomura Shigaraki had tried to murder you with his quirk, a knife and by strangling you.

You stopped when it got to the battle between All for One and All Might. A nurse walking into the room with your juice. You quirked your brow remaining poker faced as you stared at your dad.

Why was he still in his skinny form?

You waited for her to leave before slurping your juice in a second.

" Dad why didn't you change in front of the nurse?" You inquired, remembering how she greeted him as All Might too.

" Well, I've retired." He informed you.

" It was that dirty bastard All for One," you muttered with out right disgust, a hatred for the man growing inside you, " he did this to you didn't he ?" You squinted looking at your dad's body for any sign of injury.

" Y/n it's fine he's in prison now." He held his hands up, noticing the crows that sat outside your window as you grumbled.

Prison, that was good. He couldn't harm anyone again, and you hoped that bad things came his way, you prayed that those he threatened would now be of free will and better themselves, more specifically Tomura Shigaraki.

" So y/n." Tsukauchi called your attention you looked over at him craving another juice box but not wanting to be nuisance so kept it to yourself.

" Yep."

" You went into Kurugiri's portal to the other league hideout, can you tell us where it is?" He held his clipboard up once again.

Something in you wanted to vomit, feeling like outing the villains would cause to much turmoil that your body wouldn't allow you to do it.

" No, I woke up dumped in a bin," you scrunched your brows like you were thinking, " I think I passed out when I went through the portal." You muttered.

Tsukauchi looked at you quizzically, you had described the insatiable itch that Tomura Shigaraki had when he tried to kill you and how sure you were that the league would do anything for their leader.

Why would they just let you go?

You felt it from him, the disbelief clouding you like a dark fog.

" I think they didn't know what to do without All for One's instruction." You mumbled pressing your finger to your chin as if you were trying to figure it out yourself.

He stood up at that bowing at you and your dad and leaving.

" Can we go home now?"

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