4: Awkward

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"Heard about the Triwizard Tournament?" questioned Katherine as they walked into class, sitting down on one of the desks and patting the sit next to it to indicate the platinum-haired girl to sit down.

"My father actually informed my brother and I about it before school even started." replied Y/N, sitting down next to her.

And there Hermione was, sitting in a corner, watching the two. She wanted to be her, Katherine. She wanted to be with her, Y/N. She wanted Y/N so badly that she ignored the way Y/N's attention focused on every girl but her. She wanted her, loved her, even. Yet the more time she watched Y/N, the more her happiness and hope chipped away.

Hope in Hermione's eyes was like a path leading to disappointment, the creation of high expectations, the allowance of vulnerability you show to the world.

The possibility of hope sounds rather depressing, doesn't it? Yet, hope is what forces you to persevere, causes you to become optimistic, shines light on the world in a moment of darkness. Hope may bring baggage and dejection, but that doesn't prevent it from bringing necessary light.

Hermione knew she was breaking her own heart when she kept grasping onto the remains of their relationship. But that didn't stop her from becoming attached, to the possibility of being loved by her.

It was a bit pathetic for her to fall head over heels for Y/N, to become captivated by her every move, smile at every little action she made. It was heartbreaking for her when she'd go to so much effort to grab her attention, when the only person Y/N's eyes wandered to was her friend, Katherine.

"Stand up and clear the desks out of the way, I'll be putting the Imperius curse on you and you'll have to try to fight it." ordered Moody to the students.

Several minutes passed and the Slytherin lot stood at one side of the room, the Gryffindors standing at the opposite side of them as Professor Moody began to call out names.

"Y/N Malfoy." he called out, the platinum-haired girl stepping on front to the middle of the room.

He pointed the tip of his wand at her head and muttered the curse under his breath.

Walk to the wall and jump. Ordered Moody.

Why though? Stupid thing to do. I don't wanna make an idiot of myself on front of everyone. Countered Y/N.

Do it! Now!

Y/N's legs seemed to be moving by their own, though she cursed at herself in attempt to stop, the result was quite painful as she felt herself trip, her body suddenly colliding with someone elses.

She blinked and shook her head, feeling the effect wear off just the slightest as her vision became clear again, and oh good God, did she want to evaporate on the spot.

Hermione was lying down under her, surrounded by Y/N's arms that were placed on the either side of her, her uniform slightly disheveled by the sudden action. The bushy haired girl could practically feel the heat radiating off her face, her breath hitched and her chest heaving up and down at the close contact.

Godric, Hermione's heart was thumping so fast that she found herself telling it to shut up, feeling as though it was about to burst out of excitement.

"Sorry—" said Y/N quickly, standing up in a hurry.

She instinctively extended her hand for the bushy haired girl to grab in attempt to help her up, Hermione feeling rather hesitant and bewildered, considering she thought Y/N would just leave her be.

But nonetheless, she took it and stood up, their eyes locked, their hands didn't even leave eachother, you could say that it sounds like one of those unrealistic scenes in a romantic movie.

"Uh— thanks." said Hermione awkwardly, her hand falling to her side as she shook her head as though to snap out of her trance, averting her gaze back down onto the floor, watching her feet shuffle nervously.

"Right— yeah." responded Y/N. God, why the hell are these two such awkward idiots?

"Let's play matchmaker. Bet you fifty galleons they'll get together." snickered Pansy, noticing her best friends nervous and flustered state.

"Pierce has her heart. You're on." whispered back Draco.

But Katherine was watching Y/N and Hermione with an icy looked etched upon her face, she wasn't going to allow herself to be second-best.

Everyone knows how Katherine Pierce would go all out just to get what she wanted. And when I tell you, that's when all hell broke loose.


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