A Malfoy? With a muggle-born? Y/N Malfoy had brought nothing but shame to her family name. But after finding out that she's a prophecy, her entire future changes for the worse. Will she turn against the Dark Side, and survive, and have a happy life...
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"I'm not hungry," protested Hermione after Harry brought her a plate of food to eat, the bushy haired girl only pushing the plate away from her, although her stomach continued to grumble.
"Hermione, you barely eat anymore." said a concerned Harry. Y/N was standing a few feet away from them, but fortunately, she just happened to hear what the raven-haired boy said.
"Hey, Har." chimed Y/N, walking towards the two, sitting on top of the desk the bushy haired girl was sitting in. Hermione bit down her bottom lip, hunging her head low, her heart beating rapidly under her shirt at the close interaction. Her eyes widened in shock as she felt a hand on top of hers, a thumb gently stroking her hand in a comforting manner.
"C'mon, Granger. Open up." instructed Y/N softly. Hermione lifted her head only to see the girl holding up a spoon filled with food. Y/N could feel her heart constricting at the girls pale face, looking exhausted and worn out. "You need to eat." she said sternly, resting the spoon against the girls lips.
"Atta girl." hummed Y/N with an encouraging smile as Hermione parted her lips, taking in the food. "You've got to eat at least three meals a day, okay? I'll spend my lunch time with you." she suggested, her eyes meeting the honey-brown pair.
Being with you is a comfort like no other. It feels like something unexplainable; a buzz coursing through my veins. When your skin meets mine, or a hiccup in my heartbeat when you look at me with those loving grey eyes. I'm so fucking in love. Why are you doing this? Why are you making it so hard for me to move on? Why are you so cruel?
Why can't you just have stayed with me? Why can't you just have kept your promise?
"Weasley, I need to have a talk with you." said Y/N suddenly, the red-haired boy raising his eyebrows curiously as the girl jerked her head in the doors direction, indicating for them to leave the room. "Keep eating, yeah?" she added to the suspicious Hermione.
"What is it?" queried Ron as they stepped out of the room, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why're you even doing this to the poor girl? She's devastated, you were supposed to make her happy!‐"
"I'd set the whole fucking world on fire just to see her smile, so don't even think of going there!" scoffed Y/N in a frustrated tone. "Back to the main point. I want you to take care of her. Give her the love she deserves, let her know how loved she is...because I'm not there to do that anymore."
"Madison Black has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!" said Lee with an exasperated groan as the team flew down to the ground, a loud cheer coming from the Slytherin stand.
"Nice catch." said Y/N.
"Thanks, though you mostly did all the work. Twelve goals all by yourself, what a show off." snickered Madison. "Are you okay?" she questioned worriedly, noticing the girl's face scrunched up in slight pain, her arm looking badly bruised.
Jennie immediately noticed from afar, growing concerned and worried for her girlfriend. Hermione's lip was curled into a deep frown, but it wasn't because of Gryffindor's lose. Her gaze was on Jennie, who was sporting her girlfriend's quidditch jersey, quite oversized on her, doing the exact same thing Hermione used to do at Y/N's quidditch games.
"I'm gonna go down." said Hermione to Neville, growing worried as she spotted Y/N's badly bruised arm, but the platinum-haired girl was looking up at the Slytherin stand, shooting her girlfriend a cheeky wink. "Did she really just wink after almost breaking her arm? What an absolute idiot." she sighed with a shake of her head, though wearing a small amused grin.
Time skip
"I swear I'm fine, Hermione!"
"Rubbish!" scoffed Hermione in disbelief, grasping the girls hand tightly with her own, leading her to the hospital wing.
"Sit down." instructed Hermione sternly, although the girl didn't listen. "Oh for goodness sake." she huffed, pushing Y/N down onto the mattress, settling herself on the girls lap with no hesitation.
"Erm-" stammered a flustered Hermione, pulling out her wand, about to heal the bruise. "Is it- is it okay if I touch you?" she queried shyly, the platinum-haired girl looking quite bewildered from such a question, nonetheless, she nodded her head.
My first true love. Thought Y/N. We're supposed to 'forget' eachother, to no longer be present in eachothers lives. But I can't help but feel my bones ache for her, my skin craves her touch. The last time our souls intertwined, it unleashed love we couldn't possibly handle at such a young age. We didn't have a clue on how to react to the sparks that could engulf our little town in beautiful red flames.
But the next time our souls meet, no matter how long it takes, things will be different, my love. Just trust me. But will you wait for me?
Do you still think of me? Thought Hermione. When it rains, does it remind you of how the raindrops roll down my skin, and off my cheeks, you kissed away the wet tears of the sky?
When it storms, does it remind you of how electric we were together? Of how just one touch could send shivers of lightning down your spine? Of how we held hands, a fiery explosion of sparks would transfer from my hand to yours?
When the wind blows, does it remind you of the same breeze once softly blew my hair out of my face, and suddenly every imperfection of my face was on display? Do you remember, my love? Or have you already replaced those memories with another person?
She who is not you. Thought Y/N. Jennie. A new face, even a pretty one, will never replace the face that was so familiar, every one of your freckles etched into my brain. Her touch is gentle, and warms my skin. But yours, the one that I truly crave for, sets my body on fire, sends chills down my spine. I must confess, her love will never beat yours. Not in a million years, my love.
Everything that they ever wanted was sitting on front of them, yet they didn't have the courage to grasp it once more, and so they stayed heartbroken, their hearts synched the same pain.