6: You Love Me

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"You are just a ray of sunshine, Miss Granger." spoke (Y/N) when she approached the busy girl who was clearly focusing on her telescope that was pointed up at at the sky. The Gryffindor gave a groan of exasperation as she was joined by (Y/N)'s presence.

"And you are just the bane of my existence every day, you provocative rascal." responded Hermione sarcastically, her eyes rolling in absolute infuriation. "Actually, I think you might've upgraded. From a provocative rascal to a two-timing sleazeball." 

"Ouch, touch down, Granger." replied an amused (Y/N), holding her hands up in defeat. "I have a feeling that someone's just a tad bit jealous." she mused cheekily.

"You're delusional." retorted Hermione, her eyebrows furrowing with concentration. "What on Earth do you think you're doing?" she questioned with a huff as she felt something being traced on her hand.

"Drawing." responded (Y/N) in an obvious tone.

"You know, there's a wonderful invention called paper that would suffice for this." said Hermione. She took her eye off her telescope after not receiving a response. Her honey-brown eyes met a pair of grey ones, the sides wrinkled slightly due to the soft smile the Slytherin girl was wearing. Hermione's eyes widened slightly as she was taken-aback by this soft moment, her tough act faltered for just the tiniest second before she coughed and looked away.

"It's much more fun this way though, don't you think?" 

"Whatever makes you pester me less." replied Hermione nonchalantly, ignoring the change of pace of her heartbeat.

The two stayed in silence for a bit, every now and then Hermione would secretly glance down at the girl and her hand. Once she noticed that (Y/N) seemed to be done, she retracted her right hand and placed down her left, which the girl gladly doodled on as well.

"You ought to study, we have N.E.W.T.s this year." informed Hermione, although she knew it was months away.

"I don't need to study, I'm the most intelligent." boasted a delusional (Y/N) quite proudly.

"Most intelligent? You can't claim that title when you full on know that I've gotten a higher score in every test and essay we took." snapped Hermione, huffing as the Slytherin girl only snickered.

"I've beaten you in DADA-"

"Once in your entire 7 years here-"

"Oh shut up, Granger."

"Seriously though, Astronomy's not your strong suit." said Hermione in a strict tone. 

"Mm, that's why I have you." shrugged (Y/N) simply with a lazy grin, laughing when the Gryffindor girl had lifted her hand to push her head, her expression stern as (Y/N) became increasingly amused.

"You don't have me." affirmed Hermione. "I have a boyfriend."

(Y/N) tilted her head in a 'are you sure' manner. Hermione shot her a satire glare in response before turning her attention back onto her telescope. Yet she didn't miss the Slytherin girl's subtle gaze of adoration, nor did (Y/N) miss the subtle blush rising on her freckled-face.

Hermione let out a heavy sigh of frustration as she turned her eyes back onto the girl. Her freckled-face wore a deep frown as she glared at (Y/N), her brows furrowing as she looked at the girl so intensely, as though trying to solve a complex puzzle.


"I really don't like you." said Hermione firmly.

"Well that's too bad," replied (Y/N), her eyebrows raising in disbelief. "Because I'm falling for you, Granger." she confessed casually, maintaining the intense eye-contact.

Hermione's unusual silence made (Y/N)'s lips curve into a soft grin. 

"And something's telling me you feel the same, but you absolutely despise the thought of it."


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