14: Hermione's Death

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Y/N walked down the staircase, the rest of the crowd bowing out of respect, a polite applause being heard. Her grey eyes immediately flickered onto the girl in a red dress, standing out from the crowd with such ease.

"Would you like to dance?" Y/N asked the girl, bowing just the slightest, looking up only to meet such familiar honey-brown eyes.

"I suppose so." replied the girl.

And so they gracefully danced in circles around the ballroom, every pair of attentive eyes focusing on the two girls. But this didn't seem right.

Their piercing gazes met, knowing all too well whom they were dancing with. So why were they both smiling behind those masks? Why was Hermione smiling, despite knowing the outcome of tonight?

Y/N looked up at the staircase and in the corner stood a tall figure, her heart sinking as she realised it was time. She stopped dancing, yet kept her hand interlaced with the bushy haired girl, leading her outside to the balcony, the moonlight hitting their faces.

Y/N let go of the girls hand, taking a few steps away from Hermione. And with a moment of hesitation, she slowly revealed the dagger that she had previously concealed.

The platinum-haired girl waited for Hermione to show her weapon, but no. The girl revealed her empty hands. Why? Why did she come unarmed, despite knowing Y/N's plan to kill her?

"What are you doing?" hissed out Y/N in disbelief. "Hermione, for being called the Brightest Witch of Her Age you're being really stupid right now." she said, her eyes flickering to Lord Voldemorts figure watching from afar.

"I wouldn't wanna bring harm to you." replied Hermione calmly, surprisingly letting out a small giggle as she slowly walked towards the girl. "Well, go on then."

Y/N looked at Hermione, feeling completely and utterly bewildered, her gaze averted down onto the dagger in her trembling hand, her hand falling to her side.

"C'mon, love." urged Hermione softly, gently grabbing Y/N's hand were the dagger was, lifting it up to her chest, the tip of the dagger brushing against the fabric of her red dress.

"What are you doing?- why are you doing this?" said Y/N, letting out a shaky breath.

"You do realise that I've always been impassive when it comes to you. I never think clearly, perhaps I don't think at all." replied Hermione.

"So break my heart." she trailed on. "Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Break it. It was only ever yours to break, my love." she spoke in barely a whisper. "This is what you want, right?"

"I don't want anything but a fucking future with you, Granger." answered Y/N, taking the bushy haired girl aback.

"What's stopping you?" queried Hermione, cocking her head to the side a bit, her heart fluttering.

"Him." confessed Y/N.

They couldn't prevent Hermione's inevitable death, feeling so vulnerable standing near the edge of the balcony, trying to endure the pain they were recieving. Both girls just wanted a future together, but I suppose happy endings are unrealistic, aren't they?

They didn't understand why their love was deemed forbidden, why it was looked as a crime by those with clouded judgment. Perhaps their love story was anything but a fairytale.

"You know we could do better, so take a leap of faith with me." suggested Hermione quietly. "Do you trust me, my love?" she queried, standing barely a feet away from the edge.

"Always." hummed Y/N curiously.

"Push me off." instructed Hermione, Y/N only shaking her head in disbelief. "Just trust me, my love." she murmured.

With a moment of hesitation, Y/N's dagger fell to the floor, bringing her hands up, about to do what the bushy haired girl had asked her to...

"Choose your last words wisely." spoke Y/N loud enough for Lord Voldemort to hear.

"...I love you."

And so with hitched breath, Y/N pushed her lover off the edge.


🤪👍 okay i swear im not that cruel dont attack me imma write the next chap🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

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