A Malfoy? With a muggle-born? Y/N Malfoy had brought nothing but shame to her family name. But after finding out that she's a prophecy, her entire future changes for the worse. Will she turn against the Dark Side, and survive, and have a happy life...
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"Unfortunately, we lost a fellow Slytherin, named Y/N Malfoy. Y/N had all the good qualities of a Slytherin, yet she was kind and caring to those whom she loved." spoke Professor Dumbledore.
His eyes were scanning the quiet Great Hall. His eyes first landed on Hufflepuff's table, seeing Cedric hunging his head low, his house mate patting his back in a comforting manner.
The Slytherin table were the quietest. No one made a single move. Draco was staring at a random spot on the table, his expression blank. Pansy was sitting beside him, her hands on her face, letting out yet another sob as Blaise handed her countless of tissues.
The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor table hung their head low to pay respect. But there was an empty spot in the Gryffindor table, were Hermione was supposed to be.
Hermione stayed shut in her room on her bed, hugging her knees, her entire body going numb from the amount of sobs she let out. She felt like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, although this new journey didn't feel dream-like at all.
It felt like a nightmare, filled with cries of despair and pleads, constantly plummeting down further. She was both physically and mentally drained. "What did I do to not deserve you." murmured out Hermione tearfully, looking down only to see her tear-stained sheet.
Y/N would envy you, reader. When you ever read her tragic story again, make sure to tell her lover that she loved her. Because she wasn't here to tell her that anymore.
Metaphorically speaking, it was upsetting to realise that Y/N would not be there for the rest of Hermione's story, instead being left behind in the previous chapters. Nevertheless, Hermione always kept a bookmark between Y/N's final pages, flicking back to it once in a while, reading the same paragraph, secretly wishing for a different outcome.
Y/N was gone. Physically at least, but that's only what the bushy haired girl thought.
"Harry– I'm not coming to the feast." mumbled Hermione as she heard the door open, too tired to even look. "I already told you that." she said in a slightly annoyed tone.
"I don't recall you saying such a thing, my love." said Y/N's voice. Hermione's head turned so quickly that you would've thought that she broke her neck, tears streaming down her face as she looked at Y/N, looking quite perfectly fine and uninjured.
"I've gone mental." said Hermione breathlessly, looking worried for her own self, pinching her skin in hopes to wake herself up. "I need to go to St. Mungos, I'm mental!–" she shrieked as Y/N let out a chuckle.
"I'm here, love." said Y/N with a reassuring smile. "Definitely not mental." she snickered as the bushy haired girl jumped off her bed, slowly, and cautiously walking up to her. "Oh come on, stop walking as slow as a snail." she said with a roll of her eyes, opening her arms for an embrace.
"Have mercy!" gasped Y/N as Hermione's body collided with hers with so much force that she stumbled outside of the room, the bushy haired girl basically clawing her, grabbing and touching anything she could.
"Are– are you really?– but how!" spluttered Hermione in disbelief.
"Protection ring." responded Y/N simply, lifting her hand up to show a rather broken ring on her finger. "That's why my father gave it to me..had a use after all." she said with a grin as Hermione observed it closely, her breathing slowly going back to normal.
"Did you get any sleep?" frowned Y/N, taking in Hermione's appearance, noticing her puffy red eyes, dark circles around them. Her nose was a shade of red, looking quite exhausted.
"Obviously not." huffed Hermione in a matter-of-fact tone. "You think I'd get any sleep after my bloody girlfriend died? You complete insensitive idiot!" she scolded, slapping the back of Y/N's head.
"Are you trying to kill me again?" whined Y/N. "You–" she protested, but before she could continue her sentence, soft lips had already been planted onto hers.
Both of their eyes fluttered close as they savoured the moment they've missed, their hands dancing with eachother before intertwining. They certainly were enjoying it, that was only until Y/N felt another slap on her head.
"What's with you people trying to kill me?" said an annoyed Y/N, turning her head around only to see Draco and Pansy, both of them looking tearful yet murderous.
"Don't you ever do that again!" scolded Pansy, slapping her head once more, the girl giving a whine of protest. "What an absolute idiot you are." she scoffed. Y/N opened her mouth to argue, but she immediately shut up as arms flunged around her neck, pulling her into a tight embrace.
"I agree with Pansy." sneered Draco with a playful roll of his eyes. "Sorry to bother your snogging session, but we have a home to go to." he said to Hermione. "Think you can last a few months without her?" he teased.
"I'd rather not see her for two months rather than have her dead." responded Hermione with a huff, turning her attention back to Y/N. "You'll write to me, won't you?" she queried.
"Obviously, how could I not write to my own girlfriend." said Y/N. "See you two in a few months, yeah?" she said to Pansy and Hermione.
"See you soon, Malfoy." said the two girls in unison.
"How are you gonna explain how you suddenly came back to life?" said Draco suddenly.
"Uh. Yeah. About that. Uhm– let's worry about that later.
There yall got a happy ending🙄 the next part will take in fifth year and it'll be in this book as well, will be posted either later or tm<3