A Malfoy? With a muggle-born? Y/N Malfoy had brought nothing but shame to her family name. But after finding out that she's a prophecy, her entire future changes for the worse. Will she turn against the Dark Side, and survive, and have a happy life...
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"Why so happy today?" questioned Madison curiously as the platinum-haired girl sat down next to her Slytherin mates. "You're smiling like a complete idiot‐ joking."
"It's Hermione's birthday." explained Y/N, her usual glare faltering at the thought of her girlfriend. "Hey, Jennie." she said with a smile.
"Oh‐ hey." replied Jennie a bit shyly, looking down at her plate, a bit overcome by happiness for Y/N had finally began to acknowledge her. "You look pretty, by the way." she added. "Not just today- you always do, but– I might as well just shut up." she groaned, exceedingly embarrassed now.
"Probably fixed herself for Granger's birthday, might shag her as a birthday gift– I'm only joking!" said Pansy with a snicker. "Oh, you've got a letter. Why so extra grumpy today, Dray?" she said.
"Y/N, read your letter." mumbled Draco, his sister obeying, growing curious and confused.
Dear Y/N,
Your mother and I have thought about your future, and how grown you already are. Now, your brother Draco had recently told us about your secret little relationship with the girl whom I forbid you to go near, yet you didn't listen. I'm not gonna try kicking some sense into that head of yours. You are to go back to the Manor, were you will choose a different partner, a partner worthy of the Malfoy name, a partner with much greater blood.
Sincerely, Lucius
"You told them?!" scoffed Y/N angrily. "I didn't mean to! I swear there must've been something in my drink, you know I would never!" protested Draco quickly, looking genuinely terrified.
"Y/N, you go find your girl and explain. Madison and I will deal with your brother." chimed Pansy, giving a sympathetic sigh, though her eyes were shooting daggers at the platinum-haired boy.
Jennie had a genuine worried and concerned look on her face as she watched Y/N storming over to the Gryffindor table, grasping the letter tightly in her hands.
"...Hermione," began Y/N slowly, her furious demeanor faltering, instead being replaced with a solemn one as the bushy haired girl turned around, a bright smile on her face at the sight of her girlfriend.
"Hey, love!" said Hermione brightly, patting an empty seat next to her. "Did you eat yet? Come here." she said, holding up a toast to feed the girl, Y/N could only feel her heart constricting, letting out a sigh as she placed the letter in Hermione's hands. "I..." she said as she began to read the letter in her hands, her grip on it tightening with each word she read.
"You're not going to allow it though, won't‐ won't you?" asked Hermione with a pleading tone as she stood up as well, her hand grasping the letter was shaking from how hard she was holding it. "Y-You wouldn't, you won't, right? Please tell me that I'm right." she pleaded, her voice cracking with each sentence she uttered.
"I'm sorry..."
"This isn't fair!" shouted Hermione, her vision becoming blurry as tears trickled down her delicate face. "You promised! You're my safe place, m-my home!‐"
"Perhaps promises are just sweet lies. And If I am your home..." began Y/N as she reluctantly stepped forward, both of her hands cupping the shorter girls face, her own hands trembling from how much it pained her to do this, to see her lover in this state. "Then I'm sorry, Angel, but I guess you'll have to stay homesick." she mumbled, pressing her lips against the girls forehead, lingering on the spot as Hermione's entire body convulsed with each sob she let out.
"N-No, please‐" begged Hermione as Y/N's hands left her face, already leaving her. "You promised a future! You promised! You‐ don't leave me! Don't‐ don't..don't l-leave me..." she pleaded, her voice fading.
Hermione was like the sun, whereas Y/N was like the moon. Neither could exist without eachother yet they were destined to never be close. People would often complain about right person, wrong time. But this wasn't the case, instead it was the right person, wrong world.
The two girls were a match made in heaven, but sadly, they were on Earth.
"Happy birthday to me.." mumbled Hermione.
Time skip
"Ah, Y/N!" said Lucius in an unusual happy tone. "Come here, daughter, and meet your new partner. Absolute elegance and beauty, and such pure of blood." he described.