7: New Girl

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( Contains Slight Hornymione )

( Contains Slight Hornymione )

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"Black, Madison." called out Professor Mcgonagall, the dark haired girl walked to the stool and sat on it, wearing a confident smirk. She placed the Sorting Hat on top of the girls head.

"SLYTHERIN!" said the Sorting Hat at once with no hesitation. The Slytherin table gave a loud applause, Y/N was with them as well as Madison made her way to her house table.

"Hey, fix that grumpy face of yours, your house just got one hell of a student." said Madison playfully as she sat beside Pansy and Y/N.

The platinum-haired girl merely huffed in response, her gaze averting to the Gryffindor table. Hermione didn't utter a single word to Y/N, nor did she look in her way. In fact, she seemed to be conversing with Ron with stupid smiles on their faces.

"Leblanc, Jules." continued Professor Mcgonagall, snapping the platinum-haired girl out of her gaze. She turned her attention back to the Sorting, watching curiously now.

"RAVENCLAW!" shouted the Sorting Hat. Y/N gave a polite applause, but what she didn't know was that her girlfriend was watching her, and oh boy, was she not happy at all.

Hermione watched as the new girl walked over to the Ravenclaw table, but she was looking at her girlfriend. She didn't know who she was, but all she knew is that she deeply disliked the girl already. She watched as Jules shot Y/N a sweet, intoxicating smile, capturing the platinum-haired girls attention. Y/N soon smiled as well, the bushy haired girl feeling her heart sink, weighed down by jealousy.

Hermione stared at Jules, and hell, it wasn't a friendly one. It was filled with jealousy, rage, and hate. But to Hermione, she wouldn't call herself jealous, more like territorial. After all, jealous is when you want something that's not yours, and in her eyes, she thought that she rightfully owned her girlfriend.

"Hermione, quit shooting daggers at the new girl with your eyes." said Ginny from beside the bushy haired girl, practically feeling the girls fury. "Did you even listen to what Professor Umbridge just said?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Erm.." replied Hermione uncertainly, shaking her head to get out of her daze. "Uh- who?-" she queried, genuinely bewildered as the red-haired girl went into a fit of giggles. "I have better things to do than listen to a toad-looking like woman." she huffed.

"Wow, did Hermione Jean Granger just insult a teacher?" snickered Ginny with a playful roll of her eyes. "Better things to do? You mean like getting shagged by Y/N or-"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence, Weasley."


"Now, let's talk about the Goblin Rebellions once more," said Professor Binns in his usual monotone voice. "Who knows how the historical rebellions were described?...Miss Granger."

"Bloody and vicious." answered Hermione quickly, looking down on her desk to avoid the familiar grey eyes that were boring onto her.

"Very good." nodded Professor Binns. "And the first rebellion took place in?... Miss Malfoy." he said, turning to the platinum-haired girl.

"1612." mumbled Y/N, her eyes meeting the honey-brown pair before they averted downwards to look at the floor, a clear blush appearing on the bushy haired girls freckled face.

"And the second one?.." questioned Professor Binns. But neither of the two girls answered, both of them too caught up in their problems to answer any more questions.

Pansy nudged Y/N on the shoulder, the girl looking up only to see Pansy jerking her head in the bushy haired girls direction, and at that same moment, Harry did the same thing to Hermione. And so they turned their heads in unison, their eyes meeting again, but this time, they held their gaze.

And at that blissful moment, no more needed to be said, for invisible fireworks had exploded, their lips curling into a shy grin, and it remained plastered on their faces. The little fight they were having felt long gone. They didn't utter a word, but the way they looked at eachother, unwillingly gave everything away and solved their problems.

"Hey," said Jules, settling herself next to Y/N, catching the girls attention. "We've got lunch right now, would you like to join me?" she asked, clutching a book to her chest.

"Oh, yeah sure I-" began Y/N, but her words were immediately drowned by a familiar one. "She's got plans with her girlfriend. Also known as me." interrupted Hermione loudly, walking over to the platinum-haired girl, grasping her arm in a rather possesive manner.

"Oh." said Jules, her head tilting to the side a bit in slight shock, but she immediately fixed her bewildered expression with a smile, not wanting to look rude or disrespectful. "That's cool. Nice to meet you. I'm Jules by the way-"

"Okay, yes I know that already." replied Hermione rudely, tugging Y/N's arm. "Let's go, love." she said to the taller girl, her tone much sweeter than normal, the platinum-haired girl letting out a sigh of exasperation, although admittedly wearing a small smirk.

"The hell- slow down, goddamn, Granger!" huffed Y/N as the bushy haired girl began to sprint, dragging her. "Why the hell-" she began as Hermione led her to a broom closet, but before she could even finish her sentence, the girl had pushed her in and kicked the door closed.

"I think you ought to have a reminder." began Hermione, both of her hands grasping Y/N's wrists, pushing her against the wall. "Perhaps you forgot who you belong to, who owns you."

"Own me?" repeated Y/N with raised eyebrows, looking down at the shorter girl who hummed in response.

"That's right." hummed Hermione in a satisfied tone, latching her lips to the platinum-haired girls collarbone, Y/N gasping at the contact.

"Angel, let me touch you." requested Y/N in a slightly irritated tone, her wrists struggling with the bushy haired girls grasp on them. "Oh fucking hell-" she gasped as the girl sucked her skin harder, making a prominent hickey. "Granger- seriously, just let me touch you-"

"No, I don't think so." giggled Hermione playfully. "You deserve a punishment, my love, for forgetting your place." she hummed, looking up at the girl with a mocking pout.

"Granger, please, cmon." protested Y/N with a huff, getting exceedingly frustrated. That was only until Hermione gave a hum of approvement, her hands falling to her sides as she let out a slight gasp at the feeling of Y/N's arm circling around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer, their chests being pressed against eachother. Her other hand trailed up to the girls bushy hair, burying her fingers in it as her head fell backwards at the feeling of Hermione's harsh kisses, her eyes fluttering close.

"Shit- Hermione-" groaned Y/N as she felt the girls teeth sinking into her skin, the bushy haired girl intentionally creating a large, visible and prominent love bite on her collarbone.

"That's right, that's my girl. Moan the name of the person you belong to." cooed out Hermione, her hand travelling up to the girls collarbone, her fingertip tracing the love bite. "Hm, perhaps this'll give people a hint." she said in a satisfied tone.

"You weren't joking when you said you were gonna pin me against the wall." said Y/N breathlessly. "Jesus fucking christ."


Yh that was hot so thank me rn

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