16: Scars

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"The task is next week and you haven't figured out the egg yet?!" said Hermione who seemed to be much more anxious than the platinum-haired girl.

"Relax, Mione." said Y/N with an exasperated roll of her eyes, the bushy haired girl opening her mouth to protest but was immediately cut off. "Cedric told me to er- put it in water, I guess? He also recommended me to do it in the Prefects Bathroom." she explained, grabbing hold of Hermione's hand and leading her to their destination.

"It's nearly past curfew, though." said Hermione, looking down at her watch, though she let out a sigh at the look on Y/N's face, the girl trying to persuade her. "Alright, fine." she sighed, quietly laughing at her girlfriends childish demeanor.

"Pine-fresh." said Y/N to the door, it creaked open and the couple stepped in and took a look around. "I'm definitely gonna become a prefect just for this." she said in awe.

"As if a trouble-maker like you is ever going to become a prefect." said an amused Hermione.

Y/N let out a playful huff and left the bushy haired girls hand to walk near the bath, setting the Golden Egg on the floor. She shimmied her shoulders, allowing her robe fall to the floor with ease. Her hand trailed up her white button-up shirt, undoing her tie and setting it aside on the floor as well. She was half-way done unbuttoning her shirt until she realised she was putting on quite a show for the person in the room with her.

"Uh-" said Y/N uncertainly, turning around to see Hermione gaping at her with a rather daze look etched on her freckled face, her eyes scanning the platinum-haired girl from head to toe, though her eyes seemed to be glued on the girls chest, Hermione swiping her tongue over her bottom lip at the sight of Y/N's white laced bra. "Hermione?-"

"Er- sorry!" said Hermione quickly with a shake of her head to get out of her trance, turning around at once to give the girl her privacy. "I was- uhm. I was just- I was only-" she stammered nervously. "I was just trying to- uh- you know what, I'll just shut up."

"You can look, Granger. We're dating after all." snickered Y/N, though when Hermione excitedly turned around, she had already dipped in the bath to the bushy haired girls disappointment. "Alrighty, let's figure this thing out." she said, grabbing the Golden Egg, Hermione coming closer to help the girl out.


"How the bloody hell am I supposed to breathe underwater for an entire hour?" said an exasperated Y/N, stepping in the Prefects Bedroom with her lover. "An entire hour!" she repeated, feeling completely stressed.

"We'll figure it out, my love. Stop fussing over it." reassured Hermione. "What're you doing?" she asked, genuinely bewildered as she watched the platinum-haired girl walking up to a mirror, pulling the collar of her shirt down a bit to expose the front of her chest, her lips curling into a frown at her own appearance.

"I absolutely hate this scar." said Y/N with a huff. That was when she suddenly felt arms slowly circling around her waist, soft lips being pressed onto her neck in a comforting manner.

"How many times do I have to tell you, even with these scars you're still beautiful." said Hermione simply against her skin as she lifted her hand up, letting the pad of her finger trace the scar on Y/N's chest repeatedly. She averted her gaze on their reflection, her lips curling at the rather stressed look on the platinum-haired girls face. "Get on the bed, my love." she said suddenly.

Y/N looked quite bewildered by this order, but nonetheless, she did as she was told. She sat on the bed, watching Hermione slowly walking up to her with a calculating sort of look on her face. "Lay down for me." instructed Hermione. And again, the platinum-haired girl did what she asked, laying her back on the soft mattress, her heart beating rapidly with anticipation.

Y/N felt the bed dip slightly, the bushy haired girl settling herself on top of her. "Do you trust me?" queried Hermione quietly, their eyes locking with eachother. Y/N nodded, Hermione looking for some sort of hesitation in her grey eyes, but there seemed to be none. "Relax, love." murmured Hermione, feeling Y/N tense up slightly at her touch.

In attempt to calm the girl down a bit, Hermione pressed her lips lightly against Y/N's, both of their eyes fluttering close in pleasure as their lips molded, fitting like a perfect puzzle. Y/N's eyes snapped open, her pupils slightly blown as she felt the bushy haired girls hand slipping under her shirt.

"Is- is it okay?.." asked Hermione against her lips, making sure she wasn't doing anything that made her lover uncomfortable. To her bemusement, Y/N had trailed her hand up to her head. "Obviously." said Y/N bluntly, pushing Hermione's head down, their lips clashing harshly.

Smirking into the kiss, Hermione began to trace random shapes on Y/N's stomach, her other hand moving up, burying her fingers in her platinum hair. She disconnected their lips, letting their eyes flutter open, meeting eachothers piercing gaze.

Y/N could immediately feel her lips curling into a toothy grin, flickering her eyes down on Hermione's swollen lips before flickering them back up. "It's rude to stare, you know." joked Hermione with an amused look.

"Oh?" hummed Y/N with a raise of her eyebrows. "Says the one who was gaping at me while I was taking my clothes off." she said with a smirk. "Never knew you were a pervertive one, Mione. Am I really that good looking that you simply can't take your eyes off me- ow! Fucking hell!" she gasped after the bushy haired girl had bitten her bottom lip harshly. Not the enjoyable way either.

"That's what you get for being such an overconfident prat." huffed Hermione.

"You're in love with this overconfident prat."

"I'm in love with an absolute idiot."


Okay...top or bottom Hermione? Or switch? For future reference obv🤌🤌🤌

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