9: Second Best

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"Why were you and Malfoy squabbling like an old married couple yesterday?" asked Ron for like the umpteenth time as the Golden Trio walked around the snowy Hogsmaede. "You really should stay away from her—"

"You're not my mother, Ronald. So don't act like you know what's best for me." snapped Hermione with an exhausted roll of her eyes.

"And don't act like you forgot the pain that she gave you in the previous year!" protested Ron indignantly, his ears turning a shade of red. "You locked yourself for a whole week, you even skipped classes!—"

But he didn't get to continue his rant due to the dangerous, icy glare the bushy haired girl was giving him, or probably the fact that Harry was stomping on his foot harshly to shut him up.

"Granger." said a voice from behind Hermione, her heart leaping eagerly as she heard the familiar raspy voice, inhaling the familiar lavender scent.

"Hey." responded Hermione shyly as she turned around and looked up at the taller girl, her feet suddenly shuffling rather nervously as she met those pair of grey eyes. "Need anything?" she asked.

"No," said Y/N with a small shake of her head, she suddenly broke eye contact and cleared her throat, her fingers nervously fiddling with themselves behind her back. "I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to walk around with me?"

"Like you know, check out the shops or something." she trailed on, basically rambling at this point as the bushy haired girl only watched her with an amused look etched upon her face. "You don't have to— you know what I'll just go and—"

"I'd love to." interrupted Hermione with a bright smile, ignoring Ron's scoff from behind her. "Let's go then, yeah?"

The two began to walk alongside eachother, neither of them uttering a word. Yet both of them were looking down at the ground with toothy grins plastered on their faces, both of them slowly inching themselves closer with each step they took. They would steal glances from eachother, and their eyes would sometimes meet, which made them flustered and look away at once, their grins only widening. Sickeningly cute, if you ask me.

"I might have to call the Aurors on you, you know." said Hermione suddenly, earning her a bewildered look from the platinum-haired girl.


"Because," said Hermione slowly, her grin practically reaching from ear to ear. "Because of the amount of glances you keep stealing from me." she explained with a playful pout.

"Let's not get cocky now, Granger." said Y/N with a playful roll of her eyes. "Mint chocolate chip." she said to the man as they stopped on front of an ice cream shop, handing him seven sickles.

"You remember my favourite ice cream flavour?" said Hermione in a slightly astonished voice as Y/N gave her the ice cream.

"Of course I do, bit rude of you to think that I don't." joked Y/N with a huff.

"Oh my god, look at this necklace, it's so pretty!" said Hermione, pointing at a necklace displayed through the glass. "Isn't it just gorgeous?" she said in awe.

"Yeah." mumbled Y/N, but she didn't even spare the necklace a glance.

Her eyes were on the bushy haired girl, observing and taking in her appearance, feeling her heart flutter. She admired how she looked with her bushy hair braided, some snow on top of her head, or how the cold breeze made her cheeks a bright shade of red.

However, once Hermione turned around, her grin slowly faded, her expression being replaced with a bemused look, feeling slightly self-conscious and insecure at the daze look Y/N was giving her. Did she say something embarrassing? Or perhaps it was her appearance? Maybe she should've done her hair like Katherine, then maybe, just maybe, Y/N would finally find her decently good looking.

Shit, she's so pretty. Thought Y/N.

"There's something on your nose." said Hermione suddenly.

"What? Where?" asked Y/N, scrunching her nose slightly, making the bushy haired girl giggle at the small action.

Hermione inched herself closer, going on her tiptoes, in fact, she was so close that the platinum-haired girl could practically count each and every one of her freckles.

"Right... there!"

"Granger!" gasped Y/N as the bushy haired girl dabbed a bit of ice cream on her nose. "Oh I'm so getting you!"

Hermione ran as Y/N followed, trying to catch the girl, both girls letting out a string of giggles at their silliness.


"Y/N!" giggled Hermione.

Y/N had tackled the bushy haired girl, grasping both of her wrists as Hermione tripped on a rock, causing her to fall as she pulled the platinum-haired girl with her, her back hitting the soft snow, Y/N's body flushing against hers.

Both girls were going into a fit of giggles before it died away, their eyes locked as though in a trance. Godric, they didn't even made a move to get out of the position they were in! In fact, their heads were only inching closer, and closer, till their foreheads rested against eachother, their breaths fanning eachothers lips as they gazed into eachothers eyes.

And Hermione swore to Merlin that she saw Y/N's eyes flicker down onto her lips just for the slightest second, her breath hitching in anticipation. She could feel her head lifting up slightly, as though to inch herself closer...

"Y/N!" called out Katherine, making both of the girls shriek and jump away from eachother.

Katherine extended her arm to help the platinum-haired girl up. Y/N took her hand and stood up as Katherine spared Hermione a glance, her lips curling into a sly smirk as an idea formed in her head.

And to Hermione's horror, she watched Katherine cup Y/N's face, pulling her into a fiery kiss, her hand travelling behind the platinum-haired girls head to push her face impossibly closer to hers, smirking into the kiss at the bushy haired girls reaction, who looked like in a verge of tears.

Perhaps Hermione was only second best.


Y'all really thought I was gonna give u guys a kissy kiss🙄🙄

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