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"Pansy, will you stop pestering me about the egg and let us enjoy our butterbeer in peace." said an exasperated Y/N, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her eyes in exhaustion after an hour of her best friend rambling about the Golden Egg.

"I'm just trying to help help my best friend, thank you very much!" huffed Pansy, lifting her butterbeer to her lips and taking a sip.

"She's got two months to figure it out, give her a break." pointed out Blaise from beside her, giving the girl a meaningful look.

"Oh fine." said a defeated Pansy with a roll of her eyes. "Someone's looking for you, Y/N." she said suddenly, spotting a certain person looking around the pub, a smile rosing on their face at the sight of the platinum-haired girl.

"See you guys later." said Y/N, unable to hide the grin from her friends, whom were looking at her with a bemused expression plastered on their faces. "Er— Mione's gonna help me with the Egg." she made up widly, quickly walking away from their table.

"Since when were they back to nickname terms?" queried Blaise with a mild surprised expression, looking at Pansy who was letting out a string of giggles.

"Think they talked a bit after the Yule Ball." snickered Pansy. "Now excuse me, allow me to find her brother, I have a few galleons to take from him."

"Hey." smiled Y/N, walking alongside the bushy haired girl. "How are— Hermione!" she began, but was immediately cut off as the girl grasped her wrist firmly and began to sprint. "Where the hell are we going?!— and why the bloody hell are we running so fast it's not like there's a werewolf behind us!" protested Y/N.

"Oh shut up." said Hermione as they finally slowed down after she led the both of them to a rather quiet and empty area, resting her back against a tree as she tried to regain her breath.

"Care to explain?—"

"I wanted– want to kiss my girlfriend, thank you very much." explained Hermione plainly, cupping the platinum-haired girls face in attempt to kiss her but the girl only shook her head.

"Hermione, we're outside, what if somebody sees us–"

But as the stubborn girl Hermione is, she simply lowered her hand to Y/N's tie, wrapping it around her hand and gripping it tightly. "I don't care, let them see us, I don't give a damn. So just kiss me already, Malfoy." spat Hermione bluntly as she pulled her tie harshly, resulting in Y/N's head lowering down slightly to the shorter girls height, and so with a last final pull, their lips clashed together into a bruising kiss.

"Okay, there. I gave you your kiss–" said Y/N, pulling away, although she was immediately interrupted once more.

"I want more." murmured out Hermione against her lips, a hint of plead in her tone.

"More?" repeated an initially taken aback Y/N.

"More." affirmed Hermione, tugging her tie to pull the girl back once more.

Y/N's arms rested on the either side of the tree, cornering the bushy haired girl, but Hermione didn't seem to mind as she only pulled the taller girls tie to pull her impossibly closer, pulling away just for a milisecond to catch their breath before smacking their lips back messily, and eagerly. This definitely wasn't one of their normal sweet kisses that they kept sharing for several weeks, this one was rather hungry, a hint of lust and eagerness in it.

Deciding on trying something new, Y/N's arm fell and her hand skimmed over Hermione's thigh and she pulled away, lowering her head and latching her lips to Hermione's neck, and oh boy, was she not expecting the reaction she got. A mix of a whimper and a moan escaped from the bushy haired girls lips at the feeling of fingertips brushing against her bare thigh, her jaw falling slack at the feeling of Y/N peppering soft kisses all over her neck.

"Is it okay?.." asked Y/N uncertainly against her skin, making sure the bushy haired girl was completely fine and comfortable.

"Mm– keep going. Please." pleaded Hermione as she felt her knees going weak, close to giving up on her so she put all her weight against the tree and flung her arms around Y/N's neck, pulling her head desperately closer and closer, letting her eyes flutter close at the feeling as several more whimpers and moans left her lips.

"Y-Y/N—" gasped Hermione, Y/N's soft kisses turn into rather harsher ones, feeling the girl sucking her skin before soothing it over with her tongue. The platinum-haired girl pulled away from her skin with a pop. "Oh Godric, how am I supposed to hide this now you idiot." she mumbled playfully, looking down on her collarbone only to see one large and prominent hickey.

"Oh please, don't act like you didn't like it." responded Y/N with a roll of her eyes.

"I never said I didn't." countered Hermione truthfully with a huff, looking up to see her lover taking off her Slytherin scarf, wrapping it around her own neck.

"There, nice and hidden. Although I wouldn't mind people seeing it, especially if they'll know it's from me." snickered Y/N, feeling her heart melt at the sight of Hermione wearing her scarf.

"Oh shove off, Malfoy." said Hermione, burying her face in the scarf only to smell more of the lavender scent that her girlfriend wore.

"Love you too, Granger."


I actually don't know what I'm doing but we all love snogging sessions with ur fav Gryffindor

Damn yall got 2 kisses and 3 chapters today? I'm spoiling yall asf

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