A Malfoy? With a muggle-born? Y/N Malfoy had brought nothing but shame to her family name. But after finding out that she's a prophecy, her entire future changes for the worse. Will she turn against the Dark Side, and survive, and have a happy life...
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"Harry, you're practically obsessed with that stupid book! Ron even said that you sleep with it." scolded Hermione as the trio made their way to the pub.
"Damn, Har." said a sudden voice from behind them, the bushy haired girls heart leaping as she recognised it. "So desperate to sleep with someone that you just had to sleep with a book instead?" joked Y/N playfully, a scoff leaving Ron's lips.
"Oh shove off." groaned Harry, though wearing an amused grin as they all entered the pub, sitting down together.
"I'd like nothing more than to leave this instant." said Ron, gagging as he jerked his head in a table's direction, were Ginny and Dean were snogging in the corner.
"Oh grow up." sighed Y/N.
"Yeah." hummed Hermione in agreement after she finished ordering butterbeer. "Besides, if Ginny saw you snogging me, do you expect her to just stand up and leave?" she added.
Y/N's head turned to look at her in disbelief, her eyebrows raised. The bushy haired girl let out a shaky laugh and placed her hand on top of Y/N's thigh from under the table, stroking it gently with her thumb.
"Just a little joke, my love." chuckled Hermione reassuringly, sending the girl a bright smile.
"Ah!" said a booming voice from behind them. "Harry, m'boy!" said Professor Slughorn. "I'm having a little dinner party tomorrow night, and you're invited, dear boy. You too, Miss Granger."
"I can't wait, sir." replied the two in unison, Professor Slughorn walking away from them.
"Hm. Don't think he's interested in Death Eaters, aye?" said Ron scathingly, wearing a smug smirk. The raven-haired boy shot him a warning look, though he simply ignored it.
"He doesn't seem interested in talentless, and worthless scumbags either." countered Y/N, wearing a satisfied smirk as Ron's ears turned a dark shade of red, the butterbeer in his hand trembling with fury.
"Don't be rude." scolded Hermione sternly to her girlfriend, the platinum-haired girl looking at her in disbelief as to why she was defending him, especially when he started it.
"I'm not being rude. I'm just describing him in the most accurate way as possible." shrugged Y/N. Hermione let out a sigh and stood up, grasping the girls arm. "Slow down, Granger!" she gasped as the girl basically dragged her out of the pub, feeling the cold breeze hitting her face.
"Y/N-" began Hermione, but was immediately cut off.
"Why the hell are you always defending him?" interrupted Y/N in an annoyed tone. "I get that he's your best mate or something but you know damn well that he started it!" she argued.
"Oh please, you know I love you." sighed Hermione with an amused grin.
She took off the green scarf around her neck, representing Slytherin house even though she was a Gryffindor, but it was only because it once belonged to Y/N. The platinum-haired girl watched her with a confused look as Hermione lifted the scarf up to Y/N's height, both of her hands on each end of it. The bushy haired girl shot the girl a grin as she swung her arm over Y/N's head, surrounding the girls head.
"The hell you doing, Granger?" queried Y/N curiously as she felt the fabric against the skin at the back of her neck.
Hermione only let out a giggle before she tugged the ends of the scarf, pulling Y/N's head downwards to her height, their lips smashing harshly, a feeling of warmth washing over them even though the cold breeze continued to hit them.
This definitely took the platinum-haired girl aback. Kissing wasn't anything out of ordinary between the two girls, but in public? Hell, she knew her girlfriend could be bold but this was a whole another level. She wasn't complaining though.
Oh, how Hermione knew just how to touch so that her lover wouldn't want to argue further. Oh, how she knew the power she had over Y/N, how her slight touches felt like irresistible magic, making the girl forget about all her anger.
"Hermione! Katie Bell just got cursed and- oh." said Harry's voice, the two girls jumping away from eachother. "Uhm, anyways. What was I saying? Oh! Someone sent Katie a cursed necklace and-"
"A cursed necklace?" repeated Y/N. "Oh that fucking dumbass..." she mumbled under her breath.