4: Oblivious

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( Contains Sexual Content )

( Contains Sexual Content )

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Number 12 Grimmauld Place

"Love?" called out Hermione, knocking on the door. "Can I come in?" she questioned outloud.

"Of course." replied Y/N's voice. The bushy haired girl turned the knob and pushed the door open, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her.

Hermione came in the room only to find her girlfriend crouched down on the floor rummaging through her trunk, wearing nothing but a sports bra and sweatpants, her platinum hair tied in a messy ponytail.

"Can't find that one ruddy shirt." tsked Y/N in a low voice. "Have you seen it? The plain grey one?" she asked, but she didn't recieve a response. "Mione?"

"Huh?- oh uhm, no." replied Hermione quickly. She leaned back against the door, her eyes scanning the platinum-haired girl from head to toe, feeling something hot pooling in her stomach as she took in the girls appearance, her tongue swiping over her bottom lip.

"What's on your mind, Granger?" said Y/N with a low chuckle as she stood up, giving the bushy haired girl a bemused look. "You look like you're burning up." she pointed out.

"It's- it's nothing." answered Hermione, lowering her head in attempt to hide her flustered state. "Nothing at all, love." she reassured quickly.

"Oh?" hummed Y/N slowly, the bushy haired girls head shooting up as the girls tone sent shivers down her spine. "You really don't think I'm that oblivious now, do you?" she mused out.

"I don't know what you're talking about." said Hermione, feeling a hot sensation between her thighs as the platinum-haired girl sent her a deviance smirk.

"Don't act coy, Granger. I know that you were checking me out." said Y/N with raised eyebrows, her eyes flickering down to Hermione's thighs, her smirk widening at the sight of them rubbing against eachother. "Tsk. After getting almost killed in the coffee shop, this is what you have in mind?" she cooed out.

"I-I can't help it!" protested Hermione with a sexual frustrated groan, letting out a whine after the platinum-haired girl only gave a chuckle in response.

"Don't worry, pretty girl. I'll give you exactly what you want." affirmed Y/N with a nod. "Walk over to that desk for me and bend over." she instructed.

Not hesitating to obey, Hermione made her way towards the nearby desk, bending over and plopping her arms on top of it to support herself. A mirror was just on front of her, so she eagerly watched the platinum-haired girl walking over to her from behind.

"Does Miss Little Perfect really want to get fucked whilst on a serious mission?" mused Y/N, stopping just a few inches behind the bushy haired girl. "Do you really want me to take away your walking privilege, Angel?"

"I don't give a damn." spat Hermione, her stomach doing turns as she felt the platinum-haired girls hands playing with the waistband of her shorts. "Just- Just do whatever you want."

"What I want? I think it's you who's being needy here." said Y/N, feeling Hermione shiver slightly as she slid off the girls shorts, letting them fall to the floor. "Such a needy little slut now, are we?"

"Y/N, I swear to fucking Godric if you don't- Y/N!" gasped Hermione as she felt a firm slap being placed on her bottom from behind, feeling the spot heating up already.

"Attitude, Granger." said Y/N sternly with raised eyebrows. "When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer and call me Ma'am." she instructed, the bushy haired girl giving a quick nod in response. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am." answered Hermione quickly, the platinum-haired girl giving a satisfied hum of approvement.

"Good girl. That wasn't so hard now, was it? Perhaps my good girl deserves a reward?" hummed Y/N, her hand lowering down to the bushy haired girls soaked center, swiping her finger between her slits. "Be patient." she said sternly as she noticed Hermione trying to push her hips down onto her fingers.

Hermione immediately stopped in her tracks, her hand travelling up to her mouth as she felt the platinum-haired girls fingers sliding in with ease, letting out a muffled moan.

"No, I want to hear you." scoffed Y/N, her pace gradually picking up, though she became dissatisfied by the sounds of the bushy haired girls muffled and quiet moans.

"B-But Harry and Ron-"

"Let them hear you, I don't give a damn." spat Y/N. "Let them see your true side, let them see that their Gryffindor's Good, and innocent girl is nothing but my little needy whore in private. That's what you are right, my love?" she cooed out.

"Yeah I'm y-your- fuck!" whimpered Hermione as she felt felt over half  a dozen slaps being placed on her bottom from behind.

"My– good– desperate– needy– little— whore." spat Y/N, and with every word that she uttered, she placed a firm slap, her handprint completely evident on the bushy haired girls skin now.

Hermione's head hung low as she felt a knot forming in her stomach, but that didn't last long. She suddenly felt a hand grasping her jaw tightly, making her look upwards directly into the mirror.

"Look at your pretty face when you get fucked, pretty girl." instructed Y/N, staring at the bushy haired girls face contorted in pleasure. "My pretty girl."

"Y/N- I'm gonna cum-"

"No. Hold it in." interrupted Y/N sternly, earning her a loud whine of protest from the bushy haired girl. "Hold it in for me, Angel. Don't you want to make me proud? So be a good girl for me and listen." she cooed out.

Y/N's eyes travelled onto the mirror, watching their reflection, watching the bushy haired girls face contorting in slight frustration from holding back, her honey-brown eyes soon becoming glossed over with tears.

"Good girl. You can cum now." hummed Y/N, not even a second passing by until she felt her fingers becoming soaked.

Their eyes met in the reflection, gazing at eachother. One looking back with their jaw slaw, heavy pants leaving their lips, while the other only looked back with a satisfied smirk.


U horny mfs are lucky that i love yall.

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