A Malfoy? With a muggle-born? Y/N Malfoy had brought nothing but shame to her family name. But after finding out that she's a prophecy, her entire future changes for the worse. Will she turn against the Dark Side, and survive, and have a happy life...
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It was already the day of the third task, and the couple haven't even made up yet. Now, don't get Hermione wrong. She did try to apologise and explain, but every time Y/N saw her, she'd turn the other way, too stubborn to actually talk to her. And today was no different.
"Y/N," said a familiar voice, the figure approaching the platinum-haired girl. "Ced." responded Y/N with a smile. "Need anything?" she asked, wondering why the boy was here.
"Just wanted to catch up with you, that's all." said Cedric with a shrug, the two began to walk alongside eachother. "Seems like you're a bit distant with Granger, you two are usually inseparable. What happened?" he asked curiously. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want." he added reassuringly.
"It's fine." said Y/N, trying to act unbothered. She then began to explain the whole fiasco that happened in the Great Hall. "Defending the carrot top, can you imagine that!" she ranted. "She probably snogs him in their dorm or–"
"She's been awful lately." interrupted Cedric with slightly raised eyebrows. "Bumped into her in the Prefects Bathroom, she was on the floor sobbing." he explained, watching the platinum-haired girls lips curling into a deep frown. "I'm not saying what she did was okay, all I'm trying to say is that maybe you should give her a chance to explain, she really is trying." he said reasonably.
"Look," Cedric trailed on after Y/N only gave a stubborn huff in response. "You really don't need to fuss over such a silly thing, she's completely in love with you, mate." he said. "And no offence to Weasley, but I'm quite sure that nobody in their right mind would choose him over you. Ah, that was a bit unfair and rude, but oh welp." he added, feeling quite guilty now.
"Alright, alright." chuckled Y/N. "I promise to talk to her today." she said with a smile, feeling quite cheerful now. "See you later when the third task starts, yeah?"
"Ready to lose, Malfoy?" asked Cedric cheekily, earning him a playful punch on the shoulder from the girl, the two of them going into a fit of laughter.
"It's on, Diggory."
"Mum, I swear I'll be fine!" insisted Y/N, her mother going on a full rant of spells, curses and hexes she could do to pass the third task. "I've faced a bloody dragon, this should be easy." she huffed. "Shut up, ferret!" she added to her brother, who was snickering at her confidence.
"If you don't shut up, I'll– Merlin, give me strength." said Y/N breathlessly, her eyes landing on the familiar bushy haired girl who was standing behing Draco, shuffling her feet rather nervously.
Hermione was wearing a quidditch jersey, though they were the colour green, representing Slytherin house. But when she turned around for a second, Y/N noticed that at the back it was labeled 'Malfoy'. The jersey was rather large on the bushy haired girl, the sleeves even passed her hands, but nonetheless, she looked effortlessly beautiful as always.
"Draco, dear. How about we go and take a seat." said Narcissa, her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she followed Y/N's eyes. She had always been against muggle-borns, but she never saw her daughter this happy, and she definitely wasn't going to take it away from her.
"Good luck, sis." said Draco, bading his sister goodbye as him and his mother disappeared in the crowd.
"Hey," said Y/N a bit shyly as she approached the bushy haired girl, who looked just as nervous as her.
"Hi," responded Hermione breathlessly with a wide smile, feeling happy that Y/N had finally acknowledged her presence ever since their fight. "Y/N, listen. I-I just wasn't exactly ready to come out to Ron, so that's why I‐"
"It's whatever." interrupted Y/N with a small shake of her head, sending the girl a reassuring smile. "You look gorgeous by the way." she complimented. "And– Hermione!" she gasped as she felt arms flunging around her neck, a body flushing against hers.
"Shut up, I've missed you." said Hermione with a roll of her eyes, her hands moving to cup the girls face, tugging it downwards, but the platinum-haired girl resisted. "Come on." she whined, going on her tip-toes.
"There's like hundreds of people here–"
"Did I ask?" spat Hermione, smashing their lips against eachother harshly. "I want more." she whined with a pout as Y/N pulled away. "It's been weeks, so kiss me as if it's the last kiss we'll ever get to share." she huffed.
"As needy as always." chuckled Y/N, not daring to disobey.
But oh, what if this was truly the last kiss they'll get to share?