21: Victory

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"Okay Neville, you're one hundred percent sure that this thing is gonna let me breathe underwater for an entire hour?" asked Y/N for like the umpteenth time, the boy nodding his head anxiously. "And where the bloody hell is my girlf- I mean, Hermione!"

"You're going to be fine, Malfoy." growled Professor Moody from behind her, giving her shoulder a rather harsh squeeze. "Granger is around here, you'll see her soon enough.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then." said Bagmans booming voice.

Y/N stuffed the gillyweed in her mouth, praying to Merlin that it was going to work as she dived into the cold lake, but to her surprise and bewilderment, the water didn't feel cold at all, it felt rather cool and pleasantly light. Well, she definitely didn't have time to admire the water so she sped off and began to swim in the lake.

She swam until she found four people bounded tightly. Pansy was tied between Hermione and Cho Chang. There was also a girl who looked no older than eight. All four of them appeared to be in a very deep sleep. Their heads were lolling onto their shoulders, and fine streams of bubbles kept issuing from their mouths.

"Take one, and one only." said a merman, jerking his head in the hostage's direction.

One? One? How the bloody hell was Y/N supposed to take one when she had to choose between Hermione, her literal girlfriend, and Pansy, who has been her best friend ever since they were literal cubs! She seemed to be arguing in her head until she said: You know what, screw it. Can't pick between them? Take both of them.

Y/N got a knife out of her pocket, cutting Pansy free as the merpeople watched her closely, holding their weapons at the ready. She needed to plan this carefully and make sure she did everything at the right timing. Holding Pansy on one arm, the knife in her other hand ready to cut Hermione free as well, but she needed some type of diversion...

And she got one as Cedric came to get his own hostage, Cho Chang. While he got the merpeople's attention, Y/N had already cut Hermione free and held her tightly in her arm, Pansy on the other as she swam up, seeing the bright light becoming brighter and brighter.

Finally, the cold breeze hit her face. The two girls in her arms seemed to have woken up as she brought them back to the surface, Harry, Ron, and Draco already reaching their hands out to grab them.

"Bloody brilliant!" said Draco proudly as the three girls reached their destination, the platinum-haired girl immediately feeling several heavy towels wrapping around her to surround her from the cold breeze. "Two hostages in less than an hour!-"

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