18: Just Trust Me

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"What did she do to you?" queried Hermione quickly as Y/N stepped out of Umbridge's office.

"Nothing, really." replied Y/N with a small shrug as the bushy haired girl's eyes scanned her face. "Just gave me veritaserum and asked a few questions, that's it." she explained.

"Veritaserum?" repeated Hermione, her lips curling into a sly smirk as the couple began to walk alongside eachother. "Seems like I can finally get my payback, hm?" she teased playfully.

"Granger, c'mon cut me some slack." groaned Y/N, only earning her a giggle from the bushy haired girl. "A, Harold to my rescue!" she said, letting out a sigh of relief. "Why the hell are you running like that, it's not like a there's a hippogriffe chasing you-"

"Nows not the time, Y/N." snapped Harry in a frustrated tone. "We've got to go. Voldemort took Sirius! Y/N, you tell Madison, we'll wait for you outside the castle."


"Harry, there's nothing in here but prophecy records." muttered Y/N, only earning her a scoff of disbelief from the raven-haired boy.

"We'll just keep searching till we're sure." affirmed Hermione, giving Y/N's hand a reassuring, gentle squeeze. "After all, what could possibly go wrong?" she laughed, though her laugh was quite shaky, making her sound anxious.

"Harry, your name's on this prophecy record." chimed Madison from next to one of the shelves filled with dusty orbs, observing one that was labelled; 'Dark Lord and (?) Harry Potter'. Looking bewildered and curious, the raven-haired boy walked up to the shelf and grabbed hold of the dusty orb.

"Keen eye, Black. Now turn around, Potter, and hand over that prophecy." spoke a familiar voice, a voice that made Y/N's heart drop down to her stomach.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the love of your life, Jennie." said another voice that Y/N recognised, her heart sinking even more. The couple reluctantly turned around to face the others, Hermione's grip on her girlfriends hand tightening.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." said Neville through gritted teeth. Y/N's eyes flickered from her father to Jennie, who was standing beside him, her wand raised and aimed at them, yet her fear was evident on her pale face.

"Ah, Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mum and dad?" said Bellatrix, letting out a cackle of laughter before it died away at the sight of the platinum-haired girl. "Y/N, come here this instant." she ordered sternly, her playful tone long gone.

"Y/N," whispered Hermione, her hitched breath fanning against the platinum-haired girls ear. "Stay with me, it'll be okay, just stay. Just trust me." she pleaded softly.

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