1: New Family

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June 1st, 1995.

Dear Y/N,

Hey, is everything all right there? You haven't been responding to my last letters. Please write back, I'm getting quite worried. I'm sorry if I didn't answer your question; the one were you asked what I was doing and all. I've just been..staying at home! I can't wait till school starts, we might even have a normal year together. We could do so much things like do homework‐ I know the thought doesn't really excites you but it does for me! Maybe we could have a date in Hogsmaede and...I don't know, do couple things? Oh my god, I'm rambling again, I'm sorry. I can't wait to see you! Please write back.

With all the love,

Y/N stared at the piece of parchment with a frown, her finger tracing a spot were Hermione planted a small kiss on it, her lipstick stain barely noticeable. She wanted nothing more than to write back, but after the whole incident last year, she wasn't allowed to anymore.

"Y/N, dear." said Narcissa, knocking on the door before opening it, stepping inside her daughters room, a tall figure standing behind her. "Professor Dumbledore has something to say to you." she said stiffly, stepping aside to allow the man enter.

"Y/N," spoke Professor Dumbledore, bowing just the slightest. "You are wondering, perhaps, why your parents don't allow you to write letters to your friends nowadays?" he queried.

"Yeah." responded Y/N with a small nod, her eyebrows raised in slight frustration. "And I don't particularly like worrying my friends." she said in an annoyed tone.

"The only reason that you're not allowed to write to your friends is because it'll cause majour problems, for you and your family." explained Professor Dumbledore. "He thinks that he had successfully killed you the night he returned, and by writing to your friends, your owl might get intercepted, which would be highly unfortunate."

"Now, Lord Voldemort has decided to make your home his headquarters. I think you see the problem, no?" he trailed on, inclining his head slightly. "So to keep you alive, and out of Lord Voldemorts sight, you must leave this manor this instant."

"Where am I supposed to go, though?" queried Y/N, flickering her eyes onto her mother, seeing her gagging a bit at the question she had just asked.

"You will be moving to a new family." said Professor Dumbledore. "To the house of Blacks. I heard that you're quite fond of your aunt, Andromeda? Her cousin, Sirius Black is almost like her...perhaps a bit more energetic and chaotic, but nonetheless, still likeable." he said with a reassuring smile.

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