Chapter 1

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okay guys so im gonna give u guys some key words incase you dont know what the things mean k?

(A/N) Authors Note

(Y/N) Your Name

(L/N) Last Name

(F/C) Fave Colour

(H/C) hair Colour

(H/L) Hair Lenth

(E/C) Eye Colour

(S/F/C) Second Fave Colour

(M/N) Moms Name

(F/N) Farthers Name

(F/N) Fave Animal

(S/F/B) Second Fave Band

(F/Y) Fave YouTuber

(S/F/Y) Second Fave YouTuber

Hope These Come In Hand For Those That Diddent Know What They Ment


Monday 23rd March 2015 5:00 am

(: You Live In Sydney, Australia btw if u didn't know :)

I woke up at 4:30am ready to set off to the airport :) I'm going to see one of my fave bands EVER! Owl City (if u don't like Owl City then pretend) I got a shower and breakfast then I got into my car, at 8 and my car that had my luggage already loaded into it. I start my car and I drive in the direction of the airport "yay 2 hours to go till I'm at the airport in Canberra

*Jordan's POV* (bet u didn't expect that >:)

I got up at 6am because my flight is at 7:30 and it takes 1 hour to get to the airport :P I get in my car and yay I'm glad I loaded my car yesterday :) now I'm off to the airport XD I FREAKING OFF TO SEE OWL FRAEKING CITY! I'm exited :)


>> Skip To When You Get To The Airport >>

I finally arrive at the airport :D I grab my luggage and I hear my gate are boarding, I run to my gate and hand my ticket and luggage in, but keep my backpack with me (it has Apple laptop, IPhone, earphones, IPod & TFIOS Book in the backpack) I sit in my seat and nobody is next to me yet, I kind of hope nobody sits next to me :P (if your smart than u know what's coming)

*Jordan's POV*

I sit in my seat which is next to a girl she is gorgeous in my eyes ;) She has (H/C) that's (H/L), she has (E/C) that stand out beautifully :) She is Wearing Black Skinny Jeans and a black T-Shirt that says Owl City on it and some black converse o: I love Owl City *I wonder if she's off to their concert too* I smile and put in my earphones and I get editing on a video I was going to post, need to keep my sweeto's happy :D They should love this video :3

*(Y/N) POV*

OMG IM FANGIRLING ON THE INSIDE RIGHT NOW :D JORDAN SWEETO IS SAT NEXT TO ME ON THE PLANE *TWEETS THAT* OMG! I see Jordan look on Twitter and I see he Faves & RT's my tweet, I smile and he looks at me "guess your a fan right?" he asks and I blush a little "yeah I love your video's and music, your amazing" he smiles *heart melts* "thanks" I smile "no problem" I say and I look on his computer to see him editing a video *yay* New video going up then :D

>> skip time 1 hour >>

I get bored and I am stuck on this plane for another 15 hours, 54 minutes :( I will get to California around 11pm idk I'm rubbish at math X3 *phone bleeps* I look at my phone to see it says DanSweeto has uploaded a video :D YESH! I click on it and plug my earphones in, and I start to watch the video :)

Once the video is over is like, fave and add to my watch later list :) is go to my music and is put some Jordan Sweeto on :) soon is feel tired so is close my eyes and try to get some rest :P

*Jordan's POV*

The girl next to me has fallen asleep so I close my laptop and I try to get some sleep too.

I woke up and saw that I have been asleep for 2 hours, I look to my right to see the girls head on my shoulder, I smile and she opens her eyes and I say "morning sleeping beauty" she blushes then smiles "morning" she sits up and yawns :3 "how long was we asleep?" She asks "2 hours" I says and she smiles. A lady with a tray with food comes up to us "aww what a cute couple, what can is get you?" We both blush "w-we aren't a couple" she says and I look down "oh well you'd make a cute one" she says winking "can I have a cup of tea please" the girl whose name I don't know yet, said "u-mm a coffee please" "sugars?" The lady asks "2" we both say in sink making both of us blush, the lady walks off and I turn to the girl "hey, I never got your name?" I say "oh yeah ummm Jordan, my names (Y/N) I smile "pretty name (Y/N)" she blushes dark red "t-thanks, your fans are right Sweeto is perfect for you because your sweet" I blush too "thanks" a man comes up to us and says "excuse me, but we need you to please go to 1st class we have a private bit over there for you, this lady needs this seat. I look at (Y/N) and she nods, we both get our stuff and we move to 1st class.

1st class is amazing we get champagne and our foods free o: Awesome.

*(Y/N) POV*

I smile as 1st class is the best X3 me and Jordan can get champagne, lol I will only have 1 glass X3

Me and Jordan have been talking for ages, we have ALOT in common :)

>> Time Skippy >>

"Please sit in your seats and fasten your seatbelts were going to land in 5 mins" me and Jordan was already sat down, so we put our seatbelts on.

Plane Lands :D

The plane lands and we both get off "well ummm I guess this is goodbye I hope we meet on the plane back home" he smiles "here" he hands me a piece of paper that says:

Call Me xox ***********

I smile and put the piece of paper in my pocket, I hug Jordan and say "see you later" he smiles and says "bye" we walk different directions and I frown :( "I wish we could meet again really soon" I grab my luggage and I get a cab to my hotel.


I have edited it for u guys :) xxx it took a while lol XD (: 1 hour to edit :)

Hope u enjoyed chapter 1 ♡

ąɯąყ ɯıŧɧ mɛ | Jordan Sweeto ♡Where stories live. Discover now