Chapter 19

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Here is another chapter for you unicorns! Enjoy xx :) - Jess

P.s listen to this song amazing!

Will tag the video above too xxxx

Masey was still here and me Masey and Tracey (that rhymed again x) was still watching horror movies, I wasn't as scared by this one.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Somone knocks on the door "I'll get it" I say getting up. I walk over to the door and open it too see..........


I go to close the door but he puts his foot neer the door so I can't close it "piss off Jordan" I say "no!" He says sternly "go away! I dont wanna see you ever again!" I shout pushing him. He tumbles backwards but he doesn't fall on his butt. "Bye" I say and slam the door, I lock it and I sit bakc down with the boys.

I hear a bang upstairs and I forgot it was windy outside and I left the bedroom window open "I'm gonna close the window upstairs, I left it open and its windy" I say and Tracey and Masey nod, they're heads glued to the Tv xD

I walk upstairs and open the door. I see the winow wide open and the curtains flowing. I close the window and I suddenly shiver it's cold in here now, because I left the window open" I mumble *atchoo* I hear somone sneeze "bless you" I shout, but they dont reply a thank you *atchoo* I hear them sneeze again. I relise it's coming from the bedroom bathroom "Masey, Tracey is that you?" I ask walking inside. Nobody replied and it was empty??

I needed the toilet so I was about to pull my pants down but the sneeze came from the coubourd?? I walk over to it slowly to and I open it to see "AHHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, DID YOU GET IN BY THE WINDOW?" I shout loudly to Jordan "yes" he says standing up and I step backwards "is everything okay up there?" I hear Trace shout from the bottom of the stairs "yeah, I'll be down in a minute" I shout back "okay" I hear him shout.
I close the bedroom door quickly and Jordan smiles "Y/N please come back to me! I miss you, without you I'm sad and lonely. And there is a hole in my heart, and if you come back to me that hole will be filled! It will be filled with happiness and love!" He says "go get somone else to fill that hole in your heart because I'm happy with Trace" I say "please" he begs but I shake my head "no!" I say. He grabs me by my waist but I try to get out of his grip but he is too strong "let go of me" I say "no!" He says, he leans in and kissed my roughly. I bite his lip hardly so he will let go  "don't do that" he says pissed off "no!" I say, he just kissed me again. I feel his hands reach down to my butt and he squeezes it making me yelp a bit "don't do that" I say sternly "nope I'll do whatever I want" he says smirking "no you wont" I say "yes I will" he says more angrier. I could tell he was getting pissed off more.

He pushes me on the bed but I get up off the bed "get back on the bed" he says "no!" I say grossing my arms across my chest "do it now!" He shouts, I slightly wimper because he shouts but I'm still not going to do it "No!" I say "ugh! Fine then I will make you do it" he says grabbing my wrist and pushing me on the bed, before I could get up he pins me down. He ties my arms to the bed so I can't escape.

He go's to kiss me but I spit in his face, he slaps me hard across the face and I screem "TRACE! MASON PLEASE HELP!" I shout as loud as I can. Jordan takes my top off and starts to kiss my stomach, I start kicking my feet and wriggling about but he slaps me again "MASON! TRACE! PLEASE!" I shout again.

He takes my shorts off and I scream again. The door suddenly busts open and Mason And Trace are stood there shocked "HELP" I say "GET THE FUCK OFF HER" Trace shouts pulling Jordan off me, he punches him in the eye and stomach. Mason unties my arms and I thank him as he hands me my clothes. I quickly put them on them Jordan is laid on the ground. I walk over to him and punch him in the balls "fuck!" He shouts "THAT'S WHAT YOU FUCKING GET YOU CUNT!" I shout "bitch" he mutters jumping up, he grabs me and wraps his arm around my neck. I feel myself not been able to breath, he pushes my against the wall and I couldn't breath anymore. I start to feel my eyes close. But before they do Trace pulls him off me and I feel Mason catch me.

After Mason cathes me everything go's black!

**Trace's POV**

I push Jordan out of the house and I say "don't come back or else" I slam the door and lock it. I run upstairs to see Mason holding Y/N unconscious in his arms "Y/N NO PLEASE WAKE UP!" I say "ring a ambulance" I say to Mason and he nods giving me Y/N and he quickly rings a ambulance. I hug her body and I start sobbing "baby please wake up, I love you" I say, I put my ear to her chest to hear her heart beating but slowly "the ambulance will be here in a min, lets go downstairs" Mason says "okay" I sob picking Y/N up carefully and bridal style.

The Ambulance comes and they let me and Mason get in with her. I explain everything to them on the way to to hospital.

When we get there they take her to a room and the doctor examines her and stuff and we had to wait ourside. Me and Mason was patiently waiting.
We both prayed that she would be okay.

>> 1 hour later >>

The doctor came out and we both stood up "she is in a coma, and she won't wake up for a while. She might also wake up with amnesia" the doctor says "thank you, can we see her?" I ask "yes" he says. We walk into the room to see her hooked up to some machines her body was pale which made me wanna kill Jordan.

I sit nex to her and grab her hand "baby if you can here me it's Trace, or Tracey. Masey is here too, please wake up. We love you sooo much, please wake up!" I beg

>>  6 Week Later >>

It's been 6 week and she still hasn't woke up. I talk to her everyday. Mason talks to her aswell, we both pray for her everyday :( I want her to wake up so I can hold her in my arms and protect her forever.

** Y/N POV **

I woke up to somone talking, I look to see two boys sat neer my bed "OH MY GOD SHE IS AWAKE, MASON SHE IS AWAKE" one of them shouts "YES TRACE GET THE DOCTOR" the other one shouts to the man and he runs off "hi! Do you remember me?" The one still here asks I look at him, I try to remember if I know him or not but I don't "n-no" I say "oh" he says.

The other man comes back with the doctor "hello! I'm doctor Iwrin" the doctor says (I borrowed Iwrin from Ashton Iwrin from 5SOS) I nod and he says "do you know who you are?" He asks "no" I say and he nods "do you know who these are?" he asks pointing to the two men "no" I say again "okay, do you know how you got hospitalized?" He asks and I shake my head no "well it seems you have amnesia, your memory's will come back eventually." He says "ok" I say "I will leave you three alone now" he says leaving.

They sit down "hi I'm Trace, you might not belive me but I'm your boyfriend" he says "and I'm Mason, your friend..." he says "I-I don't remember you. Sorry" I say "it's okay we are gonna help you get your memory back" the one with tattoo's 'Trace' says "thank you" I say "hmmm dose Tracey and Masey sound familiar with you?" Mason asks "I have heard it before" I say "good because thats what you use to call me and Trace" Maso says "yeah and do you remember the concert where me and you met, and we kissed" Trace says and I kinda remember me kissing him a little "I remember a little bit" I say "Yes! That's great!" Trace says happy "do you remember Jordan Sweeto, known as DanSweeto" Mason asks and suddenly I remember everything, meeting Jordan, the concert, kissing Trace, Masey and Tracey, Jordan and I braking up, Jordan trying to rape me!

It all come back to me. I started crying and I hugged Trace and Mason "I remember everything" I say and they smile. We do a group hug and I am happy that they got my memory back so quick, I thought it would of took weeks.

I hope you unicorns enjoyed this chapter!

Sorry it's late! Been I'll busy af :/

Comment ideas and I will give shoutouts in the next chapter to whoever helps me with idea's and whoever comments 'Potato Steve'.

See you unicorns later xxx :) - Jess xxx :D

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