Chapter 23

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Hey soo..... here is a chapter for you unicorns

I pull into a massive house?? i get out and grab the sticky note they left me, with the adress. it was defiantly the correct address (≧∇≦)

I walk up to the front door and knock on it, i hear someone's foot steps. The door opens and revals... Spencer? "Who's house is this?" I ask "mine" he says and I nod "wow it's huge and amazing" I say and he smiles "thanks" he says "no problem" I say "come in" he says stepping aside and opening the door wider. I step inside and take my coat off, Spencer closes the door and takes my coat "I'll put that away" he says "thanks" I say, he puts it on the coat hanger. He smiles and says "everyone is in the kitchen, go in and I'll be in a min" I nod and walk down the corridor to the kitchen, I find the boys talking. They didn't know I was there but they was talking about me! I hide so they don't see me and I listen I to their convocation.
Mason: I know she is dude!
Eric: yeah I mean she is pretty hot
Mitchel: I mean who wouldn't wanna date Y/N
Mason: yeah but what about Trace, he wants to get back together with her
Eric: oh yeah
Mitchel: so what do we do?
Mason: hmmm... Don't know!
Eric: me neither Mitchel have you got a idea?
Mitchel: someone could lol take her on a date and try make her like them!
Mason: it could work
Eric: yeah
Mitchel: okay then that's what we do!
I smile and walk in the kitchen "hey!" I say smiling "hey" they all say at the same time "how are you all?" I say "great" Mason says "good" Eric says "fantastic" Mitchel says "ummm where is Spencer?" Mason says "oh he said he will join us in a min" I say "okay" Mitchel says. Right on cue Spencer walks through the kitchen door "hey" we all say "hey, can I talk to the boys in private please Y/N" he says and I nod and walk out the kitchen, I decided not to listen to their convocation and have a look around the house. I walk into the lounge and smile, it was HUGE there was a flat TV on the wall with 2 big couches facing it, there was a arm chair in one of the corners of the room. The walls was white and the couches was black, the curtains was black as well but he has a cream coloured carpet. I walk into the dining room and see a nice glass table with black chairs 😄

I walk upstairs and there was 6 bedrooms and another room, I have a look at the first room and it had light blue walls. It had a desk and a double bed, the desk was a darker blue and the bedsheets was the same colour as the desk. There was a door that probably lead to a on-sweet bathroom (wish I had a on-sweet 😞) I decide to go to the next bedroom and it was the same and the last one but the walls was red and the desk was a darker red. The next was the same again but with white walls and a cream coloured desk. The next was had black walls and a grey desk, the next had cyan coloured walls and a cyan desk, this room had band posters and a drum set so I am guessing it's Spencer's, I noticed his room was the only one that messy. There was clothes everywhere and music sheets on the floor 😂😯 I pick up all the clothes and put them in the laundry basket and I grab all the music sheets and put them all in piles that I think would make a great song! I went into his bathroom to see towels and bottles everywhere 😪 I pick up all the bottles and put the empty bottles in the trash. I put all the towels on the floor in the laundry basket, his room was clean now 😏😊😆😄 I moved to the final room that had Y/F/C (your fave colour) walls and Y/S/FC (your second fave colour) desk! It has 3 Metro station posters on the wall (1 of all of them, another of just Mason and Trace and one with all of them with me) I smile and see it has

• 1 Band You Like poster
• another band you like poster
• and 2 0f another band you like poster

I smile and sit down on the bed "Y/N?" I heard Spencer and Mason call me, I had the idea to scare them so I ran to the closet after closing the bedroom door and I left it open a little so I could see if they came in. "Everyone split up and find her" Spencer says 'there is 5 of them and 7 rooms so they will find me soon' I think in my head. The door opens and all of the boys came in 'perfect' I think "where is she?" Mitchel asks "I don't know" Mason says '3' I think '2' '1' "BOOO!!" I scream jumping out of the closet "ahhhhh!" They all scream like girls 😂😏😱😼😄 I bust out laughing and i start rolling on the floor from laughing, i get pains in my stomach and tears rolling down my cheek from laughing too much. I finally stop laughing and I wipe the tears awsay "oh my god that was hillarious, i wish i got that on record" I say smiling "well you got us" Masson says "yep" I say "oh we need to talk to you" Mitchel says "okay" I say. I sit down on the bed and Mason sits next to me, Spencer grabs the chair from the desk and Mitchel and Eric sit down on the floor "your gonna go on a date tommorow with one of us, but your gonna go on a couple of dates with us and also Trace" Mason says and I look down at my hands"d-dont worry though" Spencer says and I look up and nod "okay when is my first date and who is it with?" I ask "oh tonight at 8 and you have to wait to find out who it is" Eric says "okay, I need  to go home and get ready" I say "wait also where all gonna be staying here" Spencer says "okay" I say then I relise about Trace "is Trace staying here?" I ask, they all look at each other "so is her or not?" I ask again "he is" Spencer says "okay" I say "your okay with it?" Mason says "yeah" I say "anyways shoo I need to get ready my date is in 2 and a halph hours" I say and they all get up and leave "bye" I say closing the door.

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