Chapter 21

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I'm sorry I haven't updated this book! Been busy with On Tour With Metro Station!


I was going to the studeo today to record a song for the boys song, I get dressed into *outfit tagged above* I do my hair and makeup.

I smile as we get into Trace's car and drive to the studeo, when we get there we head into the room and I go straight to the recording booth. Mason walks in and I wave "hey" I say "hey" he says "here are the lyrics, sing along when its your turn k?" Trace says handing me a sheet with the lyrics on it "okay" I say.

The music starts playing and Mason starts sining, soon its my turn and I sing along to the lyrics. After a few times of me sining it I take my earphones off and look to the boys "how did I do?" I say nervously "you did great" Mason says and I smile "thanks" I say "we only need to do a couple of things then the song will be complete" Trace says and I nod "okay" I say.

After 2 and a halph hours in the studeo we finally get home :D I take my shoes off and run upstairs "where you off?" Trace says "to go relax" I say "okay" he says and him and Mason go into the lounge "my voice hurts" I say lying down on the bed "awwww" somone says and I jolt up to see Jordan "go away Jordan" I say "sorry, I only came to say hi" he says "well...hi, now goodbye" I say "rude much" Jordan says and I sigh "why are you really here?" I say and he smirks "for you" he says coming closer to me "well sorry you can't have me" I say "I guess I'll just have to make you come with me" he says grabbing my wrists "NO!" I shout "no need to shout, if you come with me I won't hurt you" he says "and if I don't come" I say "then I'll be back for you" he says "well I'm not coming so get out and don't come back" I say "fine I'll get out, but I'll be back" he says jumping out the window. I quickly close and lock the window, Trace and Mason come up worried "what happened?" Mason says "n-nothing" I say "Y/N happened?" Trace says "J-Jordan was here and he tried to take me with him, he said if I don't come with him he will come back for me. I told him to go and never come back, he left but he is coming back" I say "well we won't let him take you and I'll make shure" Trace says hugging me "t-thanks" I say.

"Y/N I've booked us reservations tonight for a dinner out, there is a hotel neer it we can stay there for a couple of days" Trace says and I nod "o-okay" I say "lets pack" he says interlocking our fingers together "okay" I say.

I grab my suitcase and start packing some of my clothes and other stuff I need, when I finished packing I close my suitcase and zip it up. I grab my phone and earphones and see Trace zipping his suitcase up "lets go" I say "yeah, lets go" he says. We put our suitcases in the trunk of his car and he drives us to the hotel, when we get inside we walk up to the front desk and the women smiles "hi how may I help you" "can we have a room for 2, for 5 days" Trace says and she smiles "names" the women says "Trace Cyrus and Y/N S/N" Trace says, the women types some stuff on her computer then she smiles "that will be $126 dollars please" she says and I hand her my card "I was gonna pay" Trace says and I smile "well too late I'm paying" I say "please type your pin in" the women says and I type my pin in the machine thingy "thanks here's your keys" she says handing us 2 card keys "here ya go room 65 on floor 32" she says"thanks" we say. I click the button for the elevator and when one comes we both get inside, I click the floor 32 button. The elevator doors close and the elevator starts to rise, when we get there the elevator dooes open and we step out of it. We walk down the corridor looking for our room "found it!" I say "great" Trace says, he puts his key card in the thing and the light go's red to green. He opens the door and there was a massive double bed, a balcony, a huge bathroom and a big closet "best hotel room I've ever been in" I say "same" Trace says. I close the door and put my suitcase to the side, Trace dose the same thing and I jump onto the bed. "It's sooo soft" I say, Trace smiles and sits down at the end of the bed "your right it is" he says lying down next to me "its that soft that I wanna fall asleep right now" I say *bleep* *bleep* my phone bleeps and I look to see a message

We're are you?? - Jordan

None of your business where I am Jordan!! - Y/N

Tell me now Y/N!! - Jordan

No!! - Y/N

Your staying at a hotel? - Jordan

How did you know - Y/N

Find your phone, type in your number and it tells you where your phone is - Jordan

Damit! Why don't you just leave me alone and fuck off back to Australia! -


No! Watch your back, I'm coming for you! - Jordan

I drop my phone and start crying "Y-Y/N what's wrong??" Trace says hugging me "r-read the m-messages" I say "shit! Jordan found out" he says putting the phone down "I will cancel the reservations and we will just stay in okay?" Trace says and I nod "o-okay" I say wiping my eyes.

》》2 hours later 》》

There was a knock at the door and I look at Trace "be quiet" he mouths at me "house keeping" a women says "house keeping?" She says again, Trace grabs my arm and pushes me in the closet "hide in here it's not house keeping" he whispers and I nod, I close the door but I leave it open so I can see Trace still "hello?" Trace says opening the door. Jordan was stood there "where is Jess?" He says "she went out" Trace says "I know she is in here" Jordan says "she isn't here!" Trace says and Jordan just egnores him and starts searching the hotel room "Y/N L/N WHEREVER YOU ARE YOU BETTER COME OUT!" Jordan shouts and i feel a tear fall down my face. I wipe the tear away and Jordan comes close neer me "Jordan you've searched everywhere, she isn't here now get out!" Trace says trying to pull him towards the door "No she is in here!" Jordan says and he peeps through the gap, i move quietly so he could'nt see me.

The closet doors suddenly open and i scream "LEAVE ME ALONE JORDAN!" I shout "NO!" he says grabbing me by my hair "OWW!" I hiss in pain, i try to make Jordan let go off my hair whilst he pulls me out of the closet. He pushes me forward and I land on the floor "get up!" he says kicking me "Jordan! Why are you acting like this? where is the old Jordan that use to be kind and funny, not mean and a asshole" I say standing up "what did you just call me" Jordan says walking towards me "I called you a asshole becauase you are one, your a fucking wanker and a dickhead" I say *Slap* Jordan slaps me straight accros my right cheek. I feel a tear fal down my cheeck and i feel anger rise inside me.



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