Chapter 11

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Guess who is backkkk to write you guys/girls another chapter, so here it is c:

Owl City come out on the stage and EVERYONE started screaming "hey everyone thanks for coming, we have a special guest coming to join us today, Metro station" I smile and I start screaming loudly "we are gonna be playing some songs and they are too after us"

>> time skip to after Owl City have finished there songs >>

Metro station step on the stage and Trace looks at me and winks ;) *blushes* "hey were metro station and before we start I just wanted to say hi to Jordan Sweeto a verry goof friend of mine" "thanks mate" Jordan says "come up on stage Jordan" Jordan gets on the stage "okay lets get one more person on the stage.......who's gonna be the lucky fan?" Trace says, he looks at me and smiles "you" he says pointing to me "okay" I say and Trace holds his hand out to help me on stage, I gladly take it and get up on stage "whats your name?" Trace asks "Y/N" he smiles "what a pretty name Y/N" I blush and look down "t-thanks Trace" "no problem, NOW LETS GET PERFORMING!" He shouts and loads of people start screaming and shouting :D

They start playing Love & War (my fave Metro Station Song) I start singing and dancing along, I look over to see Jordan singing and dancing along too c:

They finish Love & War and i smile "Y/N choose a song we can sing next!" Mason says "shake it" I say smiling, loads of fans start cheering and they smile "okay then"

** Trace's POV **

We was preformimg Shake It, that Y/N chose c: I kept looking at her because she is beautiful <3 I just wanna kiss her, wait! What if I kiss her after the show? I see a fan and she looks like she knows whats going on so I carry on trying not to look at Y/N.

>> After The Show >>

"Thanks everyone, we are Metro Station and we will see you next time" Mason says "Y/N and Jordan here are some backstage passes, come visit us in 10 mins" I say handing them the passes

my plans gonna work

** Y/N POV **

I get off the stage with Jordan and I smile "OMG BEST DAY OF MY WHOLE LIFE!" I start jumping up and down in excitement! "I need to go to the bathroom" I run towards the bathroom but I bump into someone *falls on butt* "sorry" I hear a familiar voice say, i look up to see..........

Trace? "Sorry Y/N" he says helping me up "its okay I wasn't looking were i was goin" I say, he smiles then walks closer to me *blushes* he puts his hand against my cheek and he leans in, I lean in to and I close my eyes, our lips connect and it was AMAZING! OMFGWTFISGOINGONIMKISSINGTRACEFROMMETROSTATON! Our lips was moving in sync and he soon wraps his arms around my waist, I wrap my arms around his kneck "Y/N where are you" I hear Jordan shout "Y/N" I hear Johnnie shout. I pull away from the kiss and i say "I have to go, I will see you backstage and lets pretend nothing happened here ok, its our secret" he nods and i run behind Johnnie and jump on his back "free ride" I say smiling "hii" everyone says, I see Trace come towards us and I get nervous "hi guys" Trace says smiling "Hi" we all say in usion ^-^ "come on i'll walk you backstage" we all walk backstage "passes" the guy says to us "there with me dont worry" Trace says "go through" the guy says letting us through ^-^

We walk into Metro Station's dressing room to find Mason sat on the couch xD "hi guys" Mason says "hi" we all say "come sit" he says, everyone go's and sits down and leaves no room for me :/ "were am I gonna sit?" I ask "come here" Trace says, I walk over to him and he picks me up and sits me on his lap, I blush like mental and I look down to cover it "your as light as a feather" Trace says "thanks" I say smiling "no problem" he says "anyone want a drink" Mason says "shure" everyone says "okay what ya want?"

(Bryan got a beer, Johnnie got water, Kyle got water, Jordan got water, you got coke and Trace got coke)

You sip your coke slowly enjoying the refreshing taste :3 Johnnie whispers something to Kyle and Kyle nods "Y/S/N/W/T" (your ship name with Trace) I blush even more and i see Trace blush too o: "awww they're blushing" Kyle says, I see Jordan a bit mad "Jordan are you okay?" I say "no!" He says walking out of the dressing room "i'll talk to him" I say getting up.

I walk outside to see Jordan crying "Jordan?" I say "what!" He says sobbing "what's wrong" "Kyle saw you kissing Trace, he took a pic and sent it to me" "I'm sorry Jordan" I say "its fine" he says sobbing "are we still dating?" I say "no!" He says grumpy "o-okay" I say I run back inside the dressing room and I fall to my knees, and I start crying. Everyone rushes over to me "what's wrong?" Trace says "J-Jordan broke u-up with m-me" i say crying more "awww its okay" Trace says hugging me, I hug back and sob more "come sit" Trace says, he leads me to the sofa and sits me down then he sits next to me "here have a tissue for your issue" Mason says, I giggle and take the tissue, blowing my nose. I lean my head against Trace's shoulder and I start to feel tierd "sleepy huh?" Trace says "yeah" i say yawning "okay" Trace says "should we take her back to the hotel?" Kyle says "no we need to keep her from Jordan" Johnnie says "right" Bryan says "I need cloths" I say sleeply "yeah you can go get some ig we bump into Jordan we just walk away" Bryan says "okay" I say, I stand up and trip over someone's foot, I wait for the impact of me falling on the floor, I feel two strong arms around my waist stopping me, I look up to see Trace "gotcha don't worry" he says "thanks" I say, Trace helps me to my feet then he picks me up bridal style "what are you doing Trace" i say yawning "carryin you so you don't have to walk" "thanks" i say. I start to feel my eyelids close and soon I fall asleep......

** Jordan's POV **

I was sat outside the dressing room still crying, I stood up and I started to walk back to the hotel room :'(

** Trace's POV **

I was getting into the car with everyone, I put Y/N in the passenger seat carefully without waking her :) I get in the car and I start driving towards the hotel.

I saw Jordan but I egnored him and carried on driving. We got to the hotel and I get out and I pick Y/N up bridal style again.

We get in the elevator and we see Jordan walk in, he see's us and he looks down.

We get to Y/N'a hotel room and Johnnie unlocks the door "thanks" I say "no problem dude" he says, I lay Y/N on the bed and I turn around "shall we wake her, get some clothes and leave, or stay the night?" I say "lets stay the night" Johnnie said "yeah" Bryan said "okay" I say yawning. Johnnie, Bryan and Kyle take up the sofa's so I have to sleep in the bed with Y/N "thanks guys" I say quietly :/ I get into the bed and I lay down, I feel my eyelids close and I fall asleep

** Y/N POV **

>> time skip to morning: 8:35am >>

I wake up to someone's arms wrapped around my waist and our legs tangled together! I turn and see Trace o: I remember everthing from last night "it was real, it wasn't a dream!" I whisper, I start crying and the tears couldn't stop "Y/N?" Trace says groggly "s-sorry" I say "its fine" he says "go back to sleep I'm gonna take a shower" I say grabbing everything I need and I walk in the bathroom.

I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter ^-^

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