Chapter 30

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Hi! BIG shout-out to Blackveilbrides4life for voting on like all of my chapters :) and a EV3N bigger shout-out to MaiSixx02 for leaving me a nice message and giving me a idea :)


I wake up in Jordan's arms snuggled up to him with my head on his chest, I smile and look at him as he peacefully sleeps. I play with some of his hair a little, I be super careful that I don't wake him up.

I carefully get out of his grip and get away without waking him up, I find Mason and Spencer awake and sat by the lake "hey guys" I say "hey, how are you?" Spencer asks me "I'm great" I say and he smiles "good, it's 7am ya know" he says "I knew that" I say sarcasticly "sure you did" Mason says and I smile "I did, now I'm gonna get breakfast at the cafe down the road, I'm gonna wake Jordan up. You wake up Trace and Eric and we'll all get breakfast" I say and they nod.

I walk to Jordan and shake him slightly "Jordan, babe wake up" I say. He sturs and I smile "come on were gonna get breakfast" I say and he opens his eyes "morning" he says in a husky voice "morning, now get your lazy butt up" I say and he smiles "okay" he says getting up "let's go" I say and we all meet up and walk to the cafe not to far away from here.

We get there and the cafe looked nice, it had a few people in but mostly old people. We walk in and a waitress comes up to us "hello and welcome to 'Bessys Best Cafe'. Table for 5?" She says and I nod "okay, follow me" she says and we follow her to the corner of the cafe "okay, here is your booth. My names Lizzy and I'll be back in two mins to fetch your orders"

Lizzy walks off and we all pick up our menu "ooh, I'm gonna get pancakes with chocolate syrup and blueberrys on top, with a cup of **TEA OR COFFEE** Yummy" I say putting my menu down "I'm getting the same as Y/N" Jordan says "same but no blueberrys" Spencer says "yeah I think were all getting the same" Trace says putting his menu down "okay then it'll make it 10 x easier" I say and Lizzy turns up "are ya ready to order?" She says and we nod "okay can we have 4 pancakes with chocolate syrup and blueberrys and a cup of T or C" I say "and can we have the same pancakes but with no blueberrys please" I say and she nods "okay, be back as soon as I can" she says grabbing the menus and walking into the kitchen "YAY PANCAKES!" Jordan cheers and I giggle "okay who gave him something to make him hyper" I say "not me" they all say "o-okayy" I say and we all start chatting "Y/N we should make a video, a...... ONE WORD STORY!!" Jordan says getting exited "yep" I say and he hugs me "your the best" he says and I smile.

Lizzy comes back and gives us our food "here ya'll are, I'm gonna quickly get your drinks. Enjoy" she says and she go's back into the kitchen again "oooooohhhhhh" I say starting at the delicous pankcakes infront of me, I start eating and Lizzy comes back giving us all our drinks "thanks" we all say and she smiles and walks off to a different table. We all was eating and chatting having a good time and Lizzy came back up to us with a 'double choco milkshake extreem' in her hands, we look at her as in to say 'none of us order that' look. She puts it infront of me and I smile "uhhh none of us ordered that" I say "well lucky you it's from that man over there" she says pointed to a guy with a hoodie. We all nod "okay, tell him thanks. And it's for me?" I say and she smiles "I'll tell him and yes it's for you" she says walking off, I take a sip and smile "it's delicous" I say. I finish it and smile "that was the best milkshake I've EVER had" I say and they all smile "hey you should go thank him" Eric says "Lizzy has already done it, it's fine" I say and they nod "okay" Eric says and we ask for our bill "i'll pay" I say and they all look at me "no way, ladies are not paying when I'm here. I'm paying" Jordann says grabbing the bill before I can "no Jordan! Really I insist, my treat" I say and Jordan shakes his head "I'm paying, now deal with it" I sigh "fine" I say giving up.

He pays and we all head back to our tent, I stay in my pjama's and watch some Netflix on my phone. The other boys get dressed and go play football outside, I got bored after 25 mins and got dressed and went and watched them. I was casually sat with my feet in the water relaxing and I diddn't relise somone has snook behind me, they picked me up and I screamed as they threw me in the lake. I resurface and look to seee Jordan neer the edge and the other boys behind him laughing their buts off. I smile and swim to the edge "need a hand getting out?" Jordan asks me and I nod and he puts his hand out, I grab it and pull him and he falls into the water "hahahaha I got ya back!" I say laughing my butt off "far out!" He says and I giggle "awww sowy" I say and he pouts. I go closer to him and wrap my hands around his neck and he smiles "would a kiss make you happy?" I ask and he nods "okaii" I say and I kiss his lips softly, he smiles and pulls me closer so our bodys are touching and kisses me. He bites my lip gently and I blush really red.


Hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I did some at school and some at home, gonna watch anime now x3 :) :D I'm going to be posting a author's note in about 10 mins :D ITS IMPORTANT PLEASE READ IT WHEN I UPDATE IT

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