Chapter 13

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Another chapter for u guys ^-^

p.s the pic I tagged is Trace incase none of you knew what he looks like! XxxxX

I was sat in mine and Trace's house chilling eating icecream c: we was watching a horror, I hate horrors (if you like them, pretend you don't like them) I was cringing and hiding all the time .-. "Ahhh" I screamed as a creepy guy popped up on the screem x(

The movie finally ended c: "I need to use the toilet" I say getting up, I walk into the bathroom and i close the door behind me, after I've done what I need to do xD (no details) I flush the toilet, Trace walks in and smiles "do you need to" I said not finishing my sentence "no" he says "okay" I say, he leans forward and kisses me, he pins me against the wall and kisses me rougher, a moan from my lips escapes and I blush a little. He slides his tounge across my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly open my mouth and let him explore my mouth. Our tounges was dancing inside my mouth, but we had to pull away for air (I am no good at this xD let me know if i did good x) he smiles and kisses my kneck looking for my sweet spot, I let out a moan again and he finally finds my sweet spot, he starts leaving a love bite on my kneck and I smile ♡3♡ ♥3♥

He kisses me again and our lips start moving in sync ♡

*bang* me and Trace pull away and turn around to see......

Jordan who bust through the door! "What the heck dude" Trace says "Y/N come with me!" He says "No!" I say sternly "please" he says "Nope I'm staying here with Trace" I say folding my arms across my chest, he sighs sadly "get out of our house dude" Trace says "No!" Jordan says "okay....then i'll make you" Trace says picking Jordan up by the collar "Trace don't hurt him" I say "okay" he says smiling at me, he walks out the bathroom still holding Jordan by his collar, Trace is taller than Jordan so Jordan's feet are hanging off the floor xD Trace walks to the door and he pushes Jordan forward and he falls on his butt, I kiss Trace infront of Jordan to piss him off "come on babe" Trace says closing the door, we sit on the sofa and Trace puts on 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' "yay my fave movie!" I say "I know thats why I chose it" he says snuggling up to me c:

>> Time Skip To After The Movie >

It was 5:13pm so I decided to cook something for me and Trace. "I'm gonna cook us something ok" "wait! No I'll cook" Trace said "you shure, I'm a great cook" i say "no! I insist that I cook!" I smile "okay" i sit back down and Trace go's into the kitchen to cook

"babe I have to go to the studio tomorrow" Trace shouts from the kitchen "okay" I say "i'll be gone about 2 - 3 hours so it won't be that long" he shouts "okay I'm gonna meat up with Kyle, Bryan and Johnnie tomorrow" I shout back "okay" he shouts c: I hear him singing and I smile, i recognise he is sining 'Control' by Metro station the band he is in. I start to sing along but i stop when I hear him shout "you have a beautiful voice" "thanks" I shout!

After Trace has finished cooking he shouts me telling me its ready "smells good" I say walking into the kitchen "yeah, home made Shepherds Pie" he says putting some on my plate "yummy" i say, I take a bite and it was......delicious :D "omg this is awsome, best Shepherds Pie I've ever had" I say "thanks" he says smiling "hello?" Someone shouts "hello?" Trace shouts back, Mitchel Musso (Mason's brother) walks into the dining room "hi Trace, who's this?" He says looking at me "oh Mitchel this is Y/N my girlfriend, Y/N this is Mitchel, Mason's brother" Trace says "hi" i say smiling ^-^ "so have you seen Mason" Mitchel asks "no why?" Trace says "UGH!" He says walking out of the dining room and out of the house "ok that was random" I say "yeah"

To: Mason Musso

Your brother Mitchel is looking for you!

From: Mason Musso

Thanks :)

I finished eating and so did Trace so I put the dishes in the dishwasher. I sit down on the sofa and I turn the TV on, the news comes on and I see someone has been in a crash "the man 22 years old, Jordan Sweeto known as a famous YouTuber crashed into another car that has 4 people in it. The four people was under the influence of alcohol at the moment and was joy riding." The women says, I turn the TV to a different channel and see it's the news again! Showing the same thing about Jordan .-. "Jordan luckily wasn't hurt and is totally fine, the 4 peope in the car was injured." he says.

I turn the TV off and I look out the window to see the sun setting ^-^ "wow it's beautiful" I say, the sky was different shades of red, orange and pink o: "it is beautiful, but..........not as beautiful as you" Trace says sitting next to me "thanks" I say pecking him softly on the lips "its early still" Trace says "yeah, I'm not tierd yet" I say "lets go for a walk" Trace says "okay" I say standing up.

We was walking past the park and I smile "wanna go on the swings" Trace says "yeah" I say running towards them ^-^ I sit down and I feel Trace push me "higher" I say giggling, he pushes me higher and i smile "weeeeeeee" I say xD "thats high enough" I say "okay" he says getting onto the other swing :D

I jump off the swing and land on my feet "yes" I say smiling, Trace jumps off and lands on his feet c: "come here" he says sitting back on the swing, I walk towards him and he picks me up and sits me on his lap. He starts to push the swing slowly. I see Jordan walking towards us "Trace Jordan's there" I say "so if he starts then i'll just tell him to piss off" he says "okay" I say. Jordan sits on the swing next to me and Trace o: he pulls me a funny look and it breacks my heart :c i look down and remember the day he broke up with me :(

I get up off Trace's lap and I feel tears come down my face, I run off towards mine and Traces house, but I stop and sit behind a massive tree. I was sobbing abd crying uncontrollably "Y/N are you ok?" Trace says "y-yeah sorry" i say wiping my eyes ;-; "lets go home its late" Trace says "okay" I say standing up.

Me and Trace got home and we both got changed and went to bed c:

HI! So yh I decided to do this chapter before I go to bed xD lol c:

Don't worry you will get Jordan back!

Just be patient c:

Bye - Jess_Hamada xxx

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