Chapter 10

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OKkk so sorry for posting later than I said I would but I literally almost died at my swim meet due to asthma and my allergy to chlorine!! Fun right?!?!?! 

Yep totally. So for some reason this put me into a writing mood somehow but we're goin' with it! :)

Posted late AGAIN now but I'm a wreck and therefore I'm gonna try my hardest not to make this book a wreck. Too late maybe. Haha well here it goes!

Chapter 10

I awake before my alarm has the chance to broadcast Liam and Niall's voices. I want to say I'm grateful not to have to hear their fascinating accents but I realise how pathetic I truly have become when I refuse to turn it off as I get up.

7:43. The neon numbers tell me I have gotten up 17 minutes before I had planned to.

17 more minutes until I hear his voice.

Shaking the thought away, I head off to the bathroom first, not hungry from stuffing myself the night before. My shoulders sag, halfway giving in as my body aches to climb back into bed and fall asleep dreaming dreams of sugar plums and fairys.

I give a snort at the thought but know better than to go to sleep again. I don't want to see him much less talk to him but Harry seems like one of those determined guys. The sometimes annoying ones that would walk to my house when I didn't show up, knock repeatedly on my door until I got up to answer, and then gracioulsy invite himself into my home for an extremely lovely breakfast. I think I'll take the easy way out here, which is kind of odd considering I rarely ever do that.

I smile cheesely at myself in the mirror before turning on the shower and stripping clean of clothes. Stepping in the steam envelopes me and I want to sit down and spend the rest of my life here.

In the warmth and soothingness the water provides, away from all of life's twists and turns. 

Knowing that's unrealistic and impossible, I sit down on the tiled bench anyway, just to prove myself wrong. It doesn't make sense why I'm doing this but that's the fun of things sometimes. I know I'm going to have to stop, to get up and move on with my life eventually, but eventually hadn't come yet so I was content to ponder my life from this safe oasis. 

I didn't really think of one thing in particular; my life was too much of a wreck for my mind to be able to sort any thing out one by one. Instead, I let everything pour over me.

I let my head pound, like the water thrashing down on my vunerable and unprotected skin.

I let my heart race, feeling a thousand different emotions at once and still being unable to determine even what a single one of them was.

I replayed last night over and over again. Their smiles. Their laughs. Their friendly banter that I somehow hadn't grown tired of all night and still wish to hear again. Liam's leaving.

I skip past certain parts, the big ones though, and focus on details that aren't important at all. Niall's crooked tooth, Harry's chaotic hair, Louis's deep announcer voice, Zayn's unique eyes. And then Liam. I could focus on the little things about him but sooner than later I was adding them all up, trying to figure out the bigger picture.

Then when the pounding became overwhelming I thought back even farther. I recalled his breath right there, breathing into me as if to fuel the raging desire that would be the death of me.


Wanting something I could never have.

I remembered that snow day with clearity and exactness.

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