Chapter 11

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Dedicating this chapter and the next to ombredelemort!!!! She made the AMAZING neww cover!! Thank you :)

I'm rushing down the cold sidewalk before my mind knows any better. My body pushes on, against the cold that attempts to swallow me with the white crystals that cover the town. I try to forget the scene I've left behind me.

My spilled Starbucks and a dazed Harry; I can hear him slushing through the thin snow behind me.

He shouldn't know. I doubt he does know. 

Well duhh that's why he asked Courtney! I remind myself harshly.

A warm hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me back but I don't want to turn around. I can't. I will not let him see me like this, flushed with tearfilled eyes. Harry realises my reluctance and turns me toward him.

I refuse to lift my gaze to him as my cheeks continue to blaze, with anger or embarassment at my own reaction I'm unsure.

Harry's other hand finds my chin and gently tilts it so I have no other choice than to look into his brilliant eyes. I hope mine blaze in defiance instead of giving away how intrigued I am. 

"Courtney," His stern whisper sends chills up my spine. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you like that. I never should've brought it up. I'm just a cheeky mess, you know?" His attempt to lighten the mood falls flat but I can't contain a slight laugh as he attempts to give me a small grin. It's impossible though and soon his dimples are deeper than ever.

I scorn myself internally for forgiving Harry so easily. He's one of the only people though.

Before I can say anything in reply he's released my wrist and moved that hand to my side. I stiffen as he rests his forward on mine. I'm unable to pull my eyes from his but I know he's moving the hand from my chin to my neck.

Tell him.


Tell him.


The words begin pounding to an unknown rhythm and it makes me want to close my eyes. Not in aticcipation of what I think Harry was going to do but to try and drown out everything else that was making my head hurt.

"Harry." I say and I can feel his breath against my lips.



"I've never kissed a boy."

He looks at me confused for a second but then the realization dawns on him. This isn't how I wanted it. My first kiss. Not with someone I was pretty sure I didn't like. Not right after I'd wanted to punch that certain someone's nose in.

Giving me a small grin, his lips find my forward, right where the skin crinkles if I scowl hard enough.

I close my eyes now and let random images pulse against the lids. My mind goes instictively to Liam though and  I push it away. Him away.

This was my moment. Harry almost felt like a brother to me here. I felt safe. Protected almost from a world of people who only wanted to bring me down, tear me apart.

We stay like this for a little longer, his warm lips making my skin tingle, before he lifts them and pulls me tighter, burying his head in my hair.

I loose myself in his arms, and the cold salty drops fall only to be caught immediatly by his soft sweater. 

"I'm sorry." Harry whispers and I know he will always try to make this up to me.


Liam's P.O.V.

My shirt sticks to my back, hot and sticky with sweat. I nod to Niall to get ready to leave before grabbing my phone out of my bag.

3 new messages it reads and I slide to unlock it. They are all from Zayn.

Hey think you might want to check this out.

Louis sent me this.

It's all over the web Li...

Attached was a photo, A photo I never would've expected to see in my entire life.


And Harry.

In an embrace. His lips on her head.


Still Liam's P.O.V.

He walks in earlier than I would have expected, as soon as I get home actually.

"What the hell were you thinking?!? Why did you do that?!?! You know how I feel!!" My words are loud, a shout by the time I'm done and he fllinches away from me at first.

I move towards him, demanding an answer.

"She doesn't know that though." Harry stands his ground now, his eyes serious and protective.

I pound my fist agaisnt the wall. "It's all over the iternet! Did you know that?! Do you even care? The press'll be sure to attack her now!" I can't control my rage and jealousy does good to keep it burning.

"Calm." He says, but knows it will do nothing for me. "I care about her too, but not in the way you think." I see the surrender in his eyes as he sits on a stool nearby.

"Just...Just don't hurt her." I turn away, those my last words for the night but they mean so much more and I know he gets it.

Don't expose her.

Don't use her.

Don't lie to her.

Don't love her like I do.

Those should've been my lips on her head.

The last thought lashes out and I bat it away, remembering what I'd done. It's unfair almost, I think. That in one night I might have ruined everything with Courtney. I didn't think there was any possible way I could ever make it up to her. Maybe the better question is would she even let me?

Harry says she doesn't know how I feel but I sure as hell know how she does. She'd laugh. No Courtney's nicer than that; she'd try to let me down easy, but miserably fail.

I don't sleep at all that night. I keep replaying our day in the snow. She let me hold her then, lover her even, why not now?

I can't help but wonder if she ever thinks about those memories too, if she hopes for me.

I'm drifting off as my alarm rings and I rememeber the one I'd set for her. 

Maybe she's hearing my voice now. Maybe she's wishing it had been me instead of Harry too.

OKKK so kinda really short chapter but I can never tell how long they are on here till I post and then I have to go back and edit so SORRY!

Already started workin' on the next one but here's the catch:

It is PRETTY long considering my other chapters haha-bout 3  1/2 pages-butttttt I'm NOT going to update it till I get 5 votes on this chapter!!! 

Pleaseee it's not that hard-just a little button. Be sure to comment if you want too!!

Thanksss Xx Oliviaa

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