Chapter 17

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Well YAYYY 1,100 reads not too too bad eh? Haha THANK YOUU!

Now back to the point, I should really shutup since you probably wanna go right on into Harry and Courtney action right??? Aww sorry! We'll go back to Court's point of view in a minute but heres Emily for now.

Oh and so if I wrote another fan fiction would any of you guys read it???

Emily's P.O.V.

They've only been in there for about a minute but I can already feel the panic in Liam's stance as he sits next to me. It's not as obvious as I would have expected but we all know it has to be there.

"My turn!!" Eleanor squeals, pulling me out of the trance and I let out a laugh at her abrupt girliness. Niall grins down at me from where he stands behind me, having gotten up for more food. My heart flutters and I match his expression easily.

"Go already then!" I urge impatiently, shifting my eyes back to the beatiful girl even though I do it against my will.

She glares at me in her casual playful way before continueing normally. "Okay! So loui, you and Niall strip down to hmm-" She's cut off by Niall's hand whacking her shoulder. She pats rubs her arm protectively as Niall groans before getting back to the point. "Your underpants." She says fancily, making sure to give my blonde haired friend a look and Louis a wink. I'm guessing she most definitely knows how much he complains about the cold every half second or two. "And run up and down the street yelling nonsense about bananas." Oooh adding in cardio and some fruit talking, I was pretty proud at her idea.

Zayn smirks, grabbing his coat as we all shift towards the door. Liam follows unwillingly and I glance at the closet one last time before being ushered out of the door and into the cold, dusty snow.

"Remind me to get back at her someday for this, love." The whisper in my ear gives me chills, but not from the cold. I give Niall a wink, loosing myself in his eyes.

"I'll do my best."

Courtney's P.O.V.

"Harry..." I start but my voice trails off immediatly as he sits next to me and we both stare off at the wall. My eyes avoid the drawer to the right. "What to talk about? Where to start?

He shrugs, not wanting to bring up a topic that'd upset me even more probably and I sigh. Harry's too nice to me sometimes, nicer than I am to myself probably.

"I don't like it 'cause it's close." The words are out of my mouth, answering the first question he'd ever really asked forever ago, back at starbucks..I continue before he can interrupt. "It'll be a year tuesday...He'll be gone a year. His name was Jacob."

I begin to rush, whether because I realise my limited time or simply just so the hurt can't fill the space. "He was 12 minutes older than me and we did everything together. I don't know why it happened. I don't know why he was bullied. He was attractive. They wanted him. Jacob was never one for groups or anything. It was just him, Em, and me."

My sentences are choppy but I don't care. I can't breath but I don't want to.

"I remember coming home, to here, that day. He'd normally crash on the sofa. He refused to have his own place. We couldn't find him though. We looked everywhere. We asked everyone. No one cared. All we got was nasty looks and digusted of course nots." My foot is tapping rapidly now, almost as if it was a twitch and I hear the front door opening and closing but I pay no mind. I want this story over.

I laugh though and it catches in my throat to a sob. My voice is bitter as I try to resume. "I-I..We..." My eyes close and I can't do it anymore. I can't say how we found him. I can't find words to describe the state. The smell. The death hanging in the air.

He pulls me into his lap and I hold my breath to stop whatever the hell my lungs were trying to do. "He had killed himself." My voice is the strongest I've ever heard for that sentence alone before it breaks down to a whisper.

"Jacob.." His name sends my body shaking. "He had always been harrased. Teased. Tormented. Bullied. I never thought it was that bad. I never knew. He never told me."

Harry's lips find my temple and he begins whispering soft comforting words to me that my mind can't process. His shirt is soaked from my tears already and I know there's still more to say. I haven't addressed what this kiss meant to either of us and how Liam was such a soft topic for me too. He knows I have more to say but shushs me with the promises he continues to coo.

"We have to get up." I mumble after counting to 30 in my head. His arms are reluctant to release me at first but slowly unfold as I continue. "It's almost five minutes." He nods slightly, pulling himself up after me.

I rest my hand on the door, uncertain I want to go back out. Either way the words of my story still linger in the air, pushing down on me till I'm sure I can't hold myself up any longer. It's like gravity kinda; I'm going against but it's unbeatable, it holds me down to reality.

I turn the nob before I can overthink it all and try to lock myself up in hear. But then I'd have to live the rest of my life with Harry, who now knew my deepest, most vulnerable spot.

They are all still but Liam rushes in upon seeing my tear stained face. He must have been watching for us to imerge.

"What-What did you do to her?!" He rages, turning on Harry. My mind throbs like it's been hit with a baseball bat and trust me I know exactly how that feels from experience.

"Stop. He didn't do anything-I just hit my head against the wall 'cause he was being fustrating." I laugh, flashing Liam a soft smile. His eyes soften on me and my stomach drops as I wonder what it'd feel like for his lips to be on mine. I remember the feel of Harry's then, a little to well.

"Oh.." He mumbles, rubbing the back of his head with a hand and his eyes search the room, embarrassed almost now. I take this as my oppurtunity to shoot Harry a glance that says "zip it Mr. Talks Too Much." I can see it almost makes him laugh but his gorgeous eyes hold a hue of graveness.

I wonder if the grieving and shame in my eyes will ever leave too.

Wellll kinda short but I had to get something out and have had LOADSS of hw lately!! I'll be updating a nice long one for you guys tomorow but I hope you're happy with the details about her brother at least.

Ta Ta for now I still have boat loads to finish!!

Comment, vote, yada yada yada you know the drill!!! Pleaseee and thank youuu!

Xx a super sleep deprived, cake craving, dumb schoolwork doing Oliviaa

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