Chapter 19

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I hate school I officially hate it. GAHHH well this sucks but ya'll don't really care so moving on!!!

Hahaha I said ya'll which actually I kinda do often because I live in the South but I can usually keep it out of my story so you guys don't think I'm some hill billy. Which I'm  not... I feel like I just told you my life story here for some reason which is kinda really hilarious..

Noww allow me to pour my heart, mind, and soul into the chapter since I'm such a wreck right noww!

Whisk the eggs. Salt the sausage. Roll the crioussants. Flip the bacon. 

My mind gives me robotic commands and I follow them through with ease, my thoughts constrained to cooking and cooking alone.

The color of the sky outside the window tells me it's around the normal time I get up for school. We didn't need to get up this early though, seeing as today was our last day before break so it started later. All of us had already taken fiinals too so basically the day was going to consist of lunch, free period, free period, coloring class for World History, and then another free period.

It was like kiindergarden allll over again. For Em and me at least-the rest of them being all British called it something else I believe.

"You talk in your sleep." I jump and pancake mix goes flying all over the room. I recover quickly though and turn to shoot him daggers.

"Liam James Payne." He smiles as I use his full name like always and I have to restain my cheek muscles from turning upwards too. "Did your mother never teach you not to startle a teenage girl in her kitchen in the morning while she's whisking gooey pancake goo?!?" I put my hands on my hips for emphasis. 

He raises an eyebrow, trying to hold in laughter. "Honestly? No." I chuckle at this, rolling my eyes. They freeze back in the sockets as his warm fingers touch my face. I swallow, looking up at him and cursing my height. Blame it on genes, I thought. 

"You got some..uh mix, yeah. On your face.." He stutters as I realise how close he is to me. He's being brotherly, just like always. I want to scowl at myself for remembering this right now. Right when I could tilt my head back and kiss him. 

But he woudn't kiss me back..

I sigh and he drops his hand but doesn't move back. 

"Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up?" I sing the song to him as a question, unsure whether he knows it or not. He laughs, reaching his arm around me to grab the towels. It reminds me of Harry's arms surrounding me in the dog pile last night and my head begins to throb. 

"You didn't tell me you sing." Liam says, starting to wipe down the room. His shirt ligts slightly as he reaches for the top cabinat and my jaw tenses as I spot his abbs.

Look away, Courtney. Look away.

I laugh at my mind's orders. Hell no. I don't care if he doesn't feel the same, his muscles were still impressive.

He smirks when he catches me gaping and I scowl back at him, sitting myself on the counter by the stove so I could watch the rest of the food. "I don't" I state simply, raising my chin in defiance of his smugness.

He shrugs in reply so I continue. "didn't know you could sing." Liam smiles at this, tossing the dirty paper towels in the trash before moving back to where I sat.

"There's a lot you don't know." He says, setting his arms on either side of my legs that hang down off the counter. My stomach flips at this even though I know he's just playing around or something. Still, I can't help but shake the idea that maybe he's flirting with me. 

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