Chapter 24

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Welll I've been catchin' up on my fanfic readin' and they make me smile when it's sweet and I'm like well crap this is kind of depressing hahaha soo this chapter's kinda saddd but after this IT"S CHRISTMAS!!!! In the book at least.... So HAPPY times I promisee!! :)

Harry's P.O.V.

My green eyes flicker over to the pacing Niall and I sigh softly. "Just spit it out already." He looks at me startled, wondering how I knew something was wrong but I mean, how could I not? He was one of my best lads and here he is tearing up the carpet like a freaked out kitty cat. I laugh lightly before he stops in front of me on the couch, rubbing his neck with one hand.

"She hasn't texted me. I asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday after the movie and she said yes but she looked...I don't know scared?" His eyes loose focus on the wall behind me and I feel bad for the guy. Emily was independent, funny, beautiful and they made quiet the blue eyed duo. Niall shakes his head, trying to regain what little focus he had. "And so I texted her last night and no reply and she might've just been asleep but.." His accent slurs the words slightly and I know this must be really freaking him out.

"Niall." I stand, placing my hands on his shoulders. "Don't overreact because she didn't answer one text. We don't know what's going on over there-she's probably just partying with Court or dropped her phone in the toilet again or god only knows ok? Ok?" I wait for him to meet my gaze before dropping my own.

"Court did leave her movies...I mean we could always run em by and see what's up?" I suggest, my skin tingling at the thought of being with her again. My palms form into fists though as the guilt overwhelms me. I want to take back my offer but Niall beats me to the punch.

"Yeah!!" His eyes are bright. "But would that be like an invasion of privacy or something?" He looks to me for reassurance and I just toss him the CD case in reply, fishing the keys out of the bowl.

His words nag at my conscious but my urge to see Courtney pushes the thought away and I make my way to the front door. I laugh loudly at Louis's mess of sheets and blankets everywhere. I'm pretty sure it probably has something to do with the fact that Eleanor was back for the first time last night but I'm too preoccupied to find him and bug him bout it.

"We're going out!!" I call loudly, quickly closing the door after Niall and I are out in the cold air. I don't want Liam to ask where what we were off to do. I couldn't lie to him, especially with Niall there, and he'd give me one of those Liam looks. The kind where he's hurt but he thinks he has no right to be and then his face goes pink and it's kinda funny if you don't understand the reason but I would. I do.

Courtney's P.O.V.

"Holy Macaroni...." My eyes go wide as I see the familiar car rumble to a halt in front of my house. "Em! Emily!!" I screech, dropping the tub of ice cream I'd been eating out of on the counter and scrambling to where she lay sprawled on my coach.

"What?" She grumbles, looking up from her book for a second as I try to wipe the chocolate off my face. Emily sits up then, realising my panic and suddenly sharing it.

"Their cars out front!" I squeal, looking around my trashed house. It just so happens that we spent the night rotating between sappy Nicholas Sparks movies, baking and just eating anything we found remotely appetizing in the house, and then playing dress up. So basically, it is a giant ugly wreck.

She looks down self conciously at what she's wearing instead of the messy surroundings and a laugh almost escapes my house. "I don't want to see him today..." She says softly, studying her bare flat stomach through the sheer top.

My eyes furrow and I snap. "Emily Margarette Robertson get your ass off my coach and suck it up because you have someone who gives a a million trillion flying fadoodles about you and ya know what??" Her blue eyes are brimming with tears but I know she's not hurt. "Jacob loved you. I love you. You can't control these things and just because you had something with him doesn't mean you ruin everything you have with Niall. Look, I'm giving you permission. I'm stepping in because I know Jacob would've already said this if he was here but he's not and that's just going to have to be okay because we can't change it but he'd want you to be happy!"

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