Chapter 26

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Sooo I'm sick. Yep :( Therefore you all should  make my day and comment or something! I don't know haha all this medicine tastes like crap and all the throat candy help stuff makes me feel betterrr but I think that I'm kinda overdosin' on thoseee...oh well!

Well Me and my complaints won't hold ya back any longer-hope you loveee it. :)

"I'm dreaming of a whiteeeee Christmasss!!" I sing opera style, Lauren joining in as she throws an arm sloppily around my shoulders. I giggle as we stumble into the kitchen. Lauren is....not exactly as how I'd always categorized her. Yes she's everything I've said but so much more too! Like how it's 5 in the morning on Christmas Eve and so far she's already done the Harlem shake on the kitchen table and eaten everything Harry's cooked up without batting an eyelash. And trust me, that boy looks kinda drunk so I'm pretty sure he doesn't know what he's doing. Maybe we should get him away from the stove now before he gets himself killed.

"Looks like you're going to have one, love." Zayn smiles up from the board game he's playing with Niall and Emily. She smirks at him, her tan cheeks holding her pink embarrassment beautifully. I duck out from her arm, grabbing her bottle to refill it with eggnog. It looks like what milk used to come in when there was a such thing as a milk man; my cabinets held many weird things.

"Where did Li, Lou, and El go??" I ask, giving Harry a confused look as I pour the milky liquid. I do have to say though, I'm pretty impressed at my abbreviating right there I mean that would've taken me a whole other second for full names. I laugh internally, shaking my head.

"They discovered you're piano." Emily's smug expression makes my eyes roll. 

"Let's just hope they don't break it.." I grumble, taking a swig from Lauren's glass before setting it down on the table in front of her. She doesn't meet my eyes and I wonder if it has something to do with the slightly odd taste left in my mouth and the unusual burn on my throat.

"Harry." I drag out his name. He chuckles, licking batter off a giant spatula.

"Oh and you also have really expensive wine in there-and you can't blame that on me." I shoot him daggers. My parents left wine here whenever they came, it was if they want me to get drunk. Haha it kind of reminded me of the mom in Mean Girls but my mother was nothing like that. I think she knows I'm not gonna touch it.

My  mouth opens in protest but Niall cuts me off. "We have different drinking ages." He reminds me, and I sigh at them and their fancy accents and young drinking ages.

"This is America." I laugh, grabbing a spatula to join Harry. "Scouch." I give him a hip bump and he moves back to the frosting bowl. My stomach grumbles in complaint; all we've been eating is trash these past days.

I hear the loud bang of keys from the laundry room and I know what Emily said is correct. My clunky, old, not-so-out-of-tune piano has been discovered and is now being tortured by them. I laugh, hearing Louis's beautiful voice start off a song before Eleanor begins to yell. Liam emerges then.

"I don't know how they're both not deft from eachother by now." He chuckles, grinning from ear to ear. His warm brown eyes never leave me as I laugh in return.


My eyes gaze over everybody huddled around the coffe table. "Noo it looks like a cactus!!!" Niall argues, tilting his head to the side to get a better angle at the spill.

"It'ssss-" Harry's eyes light up as some innapropriate and immature thought probably invades his mind.

"It's a spill and someone has to clean it up." I say sternly and they all look at the ground like little puppys. All except for Liam, who sips his unspilled hot chocolate happily. 

"I vote Louis since he's the one who spilled it." Li says, earning a glare from now mad puppy Louis. We all second his motion and watch as the grumpy boy starts wiping down the table, mumbling something how he always has to clean our crap up.

"That would be mee." I cross my arms, cocking an eyebrow at him. He chuckles, regaining his smile quickly as Eleanor uses his bent back as a foot rest.

"They smell." He crinkles his nose at her elegantly painted toes. 

"You smell!" El shouts, sending us all into a fit of laughter. Lou tackles her then and I leave the crowded circle to get up and stretch. The alarm clock by my bed reads 11 o'clock and I smile, realising we have the rest of the day left still. Christmas Eve was already a blast and it was barely lunch time yet.

I hear Niall bring up something about going caroling behind me but his idea is quickly shot down seeing as they're all well, celebrities. They continue to discuss and I'm lost in admiration of my beautifully decorated tree when I feel a hand barely brush mine. I glance up to see Liam smiling a shy grin at me. Smiling back up at him, I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to push away the urge to lace his long fingers with mine.

"Wish I coulda helped decorate-we didn't put anything up at our place." His bright eyes turn back to all the decorations lining the walls and I sigh, remembering all the work it took.

"Yeahh-well you get to help take it down." I laugh, smirking slightly as I grab his arm and drag him towards the kitchen. "Help me with the rest of the hot chocolate and cake."

"FREEZE IN THE NAME OF LOOOOOVE." Louis shouts, hands on his hips at his points at us. Everybody's faces reflect my confusion except for Zayn who just smirks. I narrow my eyes at him, not liking wherever this was going.

"You're under the mistletoe, love." Zayn informs me, his smug expression growing. Lauren giggles next to him and the rest join in quickly. Harry laughs good heartedly, and my stomach clenches as his unreadable eyes find mine before dropping to the floor. What the hell???

Niall wiggles his eyebrows at us and I laugh slightly, noticing Liam's completely flushed face.

"Well get on with it." Lou prompts, and I realize the only people who haven't trully reacted are Emily, Eleanor, and Harry. My gut continues to spin faster than the world which is actually really pretty slow but I can't think of a metaphor and it doesn't matter!! All that matters is EVERYBODY is waiting for Liam and I to kiss! 

I give them all one last glance, my eyes landing on Harry a second longer than the rest before spinning on my toes to Liam. My eyes find his deep brown just as they close and his lips are against mine. The thought that everybody's watching disappears instantly but he pulls back after a second or two at most and I feel the disapointment well within me and I'm unsure why. 

My cheeks heat and I try to blame it on the fact that Zayn and Niall are whooping. Louis gives me a suspicious glance and Harry smiles but I can tell from the way his dimples only dimly show, something's wrong.

"Thank you." The crazy brown haired boy says through a grin as he settles back into the couch, Eleanor snuggling into his side. She gives me a worried look, motioning with her eyes towards Haz. I swallow, laughing off their reactions as if it's nothing before continueing into the kitchen on Liam's heel.

Yes yes yes well that was funnn eh? Haha and Christmas eve isn't even halfway over!! Ohh and Christmas day always hold more fun AND PRESENTS! Who got who what? 

Sooo vote, comment, enjoy, think of something to make my throat feel betterrr! Andd well that's about it so be thankful for your health!

Hahaha P.S. Grey's Anatomy, Doctor Who, and the Walking Dead are amazinggg shows! 

Xx Olivia :)

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