Chapter 27

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I hate you computer. You have now not only deleted half of this chapter twice but alsooo screwed up my twitter so yeppp havin' a blast over here.


I woulda put it here but now I'm kinda pissed and just want to write this thing alreadyyy! Again.

Liam's P.O.V.

I watch my bare feet in thought as she fusses over a plate of cookies, murmuring how they were not worthy of Santa but I know her minds elsewhere. Looking up, I sigh softly at her pink cheeks. Tell her. Tell her. Tell her.

My hands reach up to cradle her face and the breath catches in her throat, whether from surprise or what I'm unsure. My lips part but I can't think of any words to say so I give in to what I'm always wanting to do. What I imagine every time she smiles at me, everyone time she frowns.

I crash my lips against hers, feeling bad immediately. I'm gonna have to apologize a million times over for this but her mouth moves with mine and I hope maybe I won't. I chuckle through the kiss, feeling the cookie plate pressing into my stomach since Court'd been holding it.

My heart thuds hard against my chest and my fingers tingle as they brush away loose strands of her soft hair. Be mine. Let me just love you more than as a friend. Let everything be ok.

I pull back slowly, my forehead pressed to hers. Her eyes dance nervously as she swallows. I feel awful immediately; I've caused this uncomfortableness.

'What was that for?" Courtney asks, smirking almost. I exhale through a laugh, hoping she can't read my panic as I move to grab the hot chocolate off the stove. Her bright eyes follow my every move and I try not to get lost in their depths. They're more green today than normal. She always says she hates the overwhelming browness to them but quite frankly I wouldn't love them the same if they were different.

"That wasn't a real kiss." I say with a nod of my head towards the mistle toe, shrugging lightly. Her expression looks extremely confused and slightly amused. 

"I take it someones not a fan of PDA?" And with that she's grabbed the cake, a handful of forks, and is back in the living room. I honestly don't know what I just did but considering she didn't try to skin me alive or scream RAPE RAPE soooo I could take that as a good sign. But I'm Liam remember? Nothing's ever that simple.

Court's P.O.V.

He likes me! He likes me! He likes me! He likes me!!!!

The words continue to echoe through my head as I dig into the giant cake we'd all made together. Liam pours more hot chocolate into the empty glasses and I sneak glances at him occassionally.

No he doesn't.

I sigh, wishing my mind would just shut up. OK OK OK. How about this?? How about for just today and tomorow we don't worry about this eh? Sounds greatt to me! How about we just pretend that it doesn't matter??

Everybody's giving me strange looks now and I know I've probably been making weird faces at my cake. I mumble an apology through some laughter and they all smile back at me.

"Soooo...what did we decide on doing?" Niall asks, his accent sounding even cuter as he tries to talk through the cake. Emily wipes his mouth with a napkin, scowling lightly. 

"Chew first maybe?" She smirks and we laugh as Niall goes pink. He rolls his eyes at her remark, pecking her lightly on her cheek.

"I'll try to remember that next time you're scarfing down chocolate and feel like asking a question, love." His eyebrows wiggle flirtatiously and a flush rises on Em's face as slaps his arm.

"Well that was quite enjoyable," Louis starts, eyeing Niall and Emily with a amused expression. "But I believe it's time for presents." He folds his arms across his chest smugly, as if he were some famous milionare who had just made a grand speech. Oh wait maybe he was...

Eleanor pulls him down onto the couch next to her, moving to sit in his lap. "I'll keep this one under lock and key, but really," I give a light laugh as her accent transforms the word really into something else. She scowls at me to zip it even though no one gets what I'm laughing at. "What are we going to do next?"

I shoot the clock an exasperated look as it informs me it's almost dinner. "Kitchen." I order flatly, crawling on the messy floor there. None of them follow my lead except for Niall.

"What??" He asks as they all give him weird looks. "I thought we were sposed to be following Court...." Em lets a little giggle out and he jumps up, brushing crumbs off his clothes. He sweaps her up into his arms and she kisses his lips lightly. I awww but everybody else makes gagging noises.

Rolling my eyes, they all settle down around the table while I search the fridge. My stomach drops as the ham shelf is empty. 

"Niall." I said through gritted teeth. He looks scared, his lip trembling as he shakes his head no. I turn my ice cold glare to the others.

"Who. Took. The. Christmas. Ham." I have a feeling they all think I'm some bipolar ax murderer but you do not mess with Courtney Metzgar's Boars Head Ham. EVER. It was the biggest no-no on the list. I guess they didn't know that...yet.

Lou stands, sticking to the wall fartherest from me as he moves back into the den. I watch him closely. He comes back with a bundle of blankets my ham is wrapped in. I gasp at the sight. It has pink ears cut out of cardboard attatched to the plastic cover and I can tell it's not cold anymore.

"Sorry." He looks down at what was supposed to be the main dish of our Christmas dinner and my heart plummets. 

"There, there." Em whispers, hugging me from behind. I don't have a doubt in my mind everybody here things I'm a lunatic now but the whole gang comes up and murmurs comforting words to me.

"It's fine Louis." I say, shooting Zayn a glare as he mumbles something about it 'just being a ham'. Lauren gives him a good slap on the arm for me and I laugh. "More cake for dinner I guess..."

"Or we could go to Walmart." Harry offers, a smile forming on his lips. I  make a face of disgust; Wally-World is not for me but what else is open?!?

"That or Kroger." Liam smirks at me and I glare back. Everybody laughs, they all know how much I despise Kroger. It might or might not be because I got puked on there but I guess you'll just never know.

"Walmart it is." I say flatly, disintangling myself from them to grab the keys.

"ROAD TRIP!!!!" They all yell excitedly and I realize just how big of a safety hazard we're all going to be in one cramped, too-small car. 

"I'm gonna need some more eggnog.." I grumble through a grin, laughing lightly as Harry shoots me a wink. I feel Liam's hand light on my back as we all fight our way to the door. Christmas really isn't Christmas without a big fat ham, now is it?

Hahaha well I just had to add something about the ham in there because I freakin' LOVE Christmas ham to death and would not know what to do with out it!

********IMPORTANT BELOW*******************

So I have like 30 somethin people consistently reading each chapter right now and I really want to know who's all routing for Liam and who's all routing for Harry when it comes to Courtney!

Commenting just their name will only take 2 seconds at most so c'mon!

Tell me your thoughts on the chapter to if ya want maybe! :)


Okk and so I dedicate this chapter to DreaaLovee because she's been a really great, cool, amazing fan and has commented a lot and even checked out my other fanfics! :) You're so sweet!

Love the rest of you guys too!!!! <3 Thanks for reading!!

Xx Oliviaa :)

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