Chapter 16

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Yupp well I'm pretty sure I've lost readers or something or whatever but it doesn't matter because I have this AMAZING fan on here who comments on everything and ahh I dedicate this chapter to you buddy-thanks for all great comments I really enjoy reading and responding!! 

You make my day! :) Plusss I know you're curious what's up Harry and are diggin on the Nially action (Yeah I know not a good name for it but whateva) so here you are!!

My mind still hasn't gotten used to the fact that Christmas is less than a month away even though my house is now adorned with enough festive gear and lights to put one of those knocked up houses on TLC to shame. Yes TLC. Those whacko decour gave Em and Niall inspiration last night apparently.

They hit it off better than ever which was just stellar considering they had known eachother for all of a day. Or two. Three? Had they talked before? Ehh I know Emily will give me the scoop next time we're alone.

The warm cup of hot cocoa burns my fingertips as my mind looses focus on the warm and welcoming tree planted dead center of the den-bedroom room. It didn't look as bad as I'd expected though.

I hear a loud car grumble as it drives by my window and know it's Emily's old peice of trash dragging her off to school. I sling my messanger bag over my shoulder before grabbing my keys and heading out the door without another thought'; my toasty drink warming my lips and the familar comfort of friendship making my eyes light up.


"Why's he ignoring me?!?!" I grumble to Zayn, my fustration showing in my upset expression. There he was, purposefully avoiding me, sending me those unreadable glances across the cafeteria just to bug me even more. I give a angry grunt as I push I rise and slam my chair before leaving, my untouched lunch forgotten and left behind.

No one follows me out but I can feel all their eyes on me as I leave.

Harry's. The beautiful orbs that continue to haunt me even after he looks away from our glance.

Liam's. The warm brown making me feel enclosed and I want to turn back, to erase the hurt I know he is feeling at my sudden departure.

Emily's. Her bright blue giving nothing away even though I knew myself she could read the situation perfectly. The situation I had done nothing wrong to get into.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket and I'm tempted to throw it behind me as I storm down the halls and into the library. Silence envelopes me as soon as I enter the book filled room and I can breathe easier.

The llibrarian gives me a look that makes me want to pee my pants with laughter. She was such a strange lady. She wasn't one of those creepy cat ones-she was more of a 99 cents lipstick, hairspray overdose, khaki and penny loafers kind of gal if I do say so myself. I've gotta give her some credit though-she never failed to impress me on how not to judge on looks.

Other than her crazy get-up, Ms. Jackson was pretty cool.

I give a nice nod before settling into my normal routine organizing books. It's not long before my bell rings and I'm done for the day. I head home, feeling more relaxed than I'd hoped to be.

Pulling out my phone, I start typing a text to Loui, knowing he'd be the only one to get the whole gang to come.

5 o'clock my place-yummy dinner and bring Eleanor if she can come!! Tell Niall Em's gonna be there ;) and don't let Harry skip...He's been weird lately.

I hit the lock on the top after I send it and start the drive home, hungry and anxious to see if the Louis the Tommo Tomlinson can pull it off and bring a happy One Direction.

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